
Strongest Foe Across the Multiverse

Imagine is not OWNED by ME; https://wallpaperaccess.com/dark-wizard

purple_kidneys · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Beginning 1

In an open alley way there were, what seemed to be 3 boys ganging up on 1 other boy, the boy was obviously poor.

"Oi oi! Look at what he's wearing, such a poor ************ !" One of the 3 boys said.

"Heh, I wonder why Daniel sent all 3 of us after this Ace guy, he's such a weak piece of ****!" Another one said.

The 3 boys laughed and continued to mock the poor little boy. The boy had tattered clothes and bruises all around on his body, his sea blue eyes looked so dead inside. His brown messy hair filled with dirt chunks and oil.

You might be wondering, isn't this an open alley way? Isn't anybody going to stop them?


In this world, only the strong survive, the weak are discarded unless you are useful in some other field.

(Science and stuff like that, things in stem field ig lol)

People walked by and even looked inside the alley way, but no one cared, no one cared for this child being mocked and beaten just because he wasn't born strong enough, or rich enough. That's the kind of world this is.

**** *****

The 3 boys eventually left the poor boy alone and went on with their day.

"Heh, I guess that's what I get for messing with 'someone I shouldn't have'." Said the poor boy (Ace) in a mockingly tone.

He honestly couldn't care less, this corrupted world already shaped him, he was used to beatings.

The boy looked outside the alley way wondering what went wrong, ever since magic was discovered the world became so much more corrupt. His great great great grandfather used to tell him stories of his great great great great grandfather before magic was discovered. Things might have not been peaceful, but it sure as hell was way more peaceful that the world now is.

The powerful abuse their power and devour the weak.

"If I ever get the chance to to become stronger and change this world, I'll take it." Ace sighed as he got up and started roaming the streets. Some people looked at him with disgust, some with pity. Just like before, he was used to those stares, It didn't bother him anymore. He had someone waiting for him at home, and that's all who he ever needed in his life.

**** ****

He eventually reached a moderately nice 6 story building.

****Inside the building****

Ace goes up to the 4th floor and opens the door that reads '403'. As soon as he opens the door, a new fresh scent of delicious food enters his nose.

"Welcome back brother!"

(A/N Sorry this chapter is so short, I just feel like this is a good note to end it on, I think you guys know why. Also yes, it is a BROTHER not a sister. Anyways thank you for reading this chapter, I hope this novel will be entertaining to you guys, if you ever want to suggest something feel free, I will try my best to update this novel even though I don't really update my novels (as you can see my other novels only have a few chap before I dropped them) with that said THANK YOU!)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

purple_kidneyscreators' thoughts