
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

20. The Country Of Valhalla

"Just one more chapter till we reach the acedemy capital of Valhalla."

"What did you say prince?"

"I meant one more month till we reach the Academy Capital of Valhalla."

It has been a month since I left the palace, and I would admit, I miss everyone so much. And as of the moment I was feeling homsick already.

Which makes me appreciates just how amazing my family in this life is, unlike my past or I guess I would be back there after I finish things.

A few weeks ago with the incidents of the city of Herdel, I did get a wuest to kill the Sage, which is why I hurried there immediately.

And the A.I. was actually nice and gave me propwr rewards. Well it was only information but it was a well deserved information.

I learned more about the system and a future function of the system that eill drastically not help me, but ruin me.

"The Reset."

The more powerful I get, my father already prepared for such a thing. After he comes back from his trip, I would be given two choices.

The two choices were either me getting weaker or the world getting stronger.

It was not necessarily a reset but more like a patch.

And after thinking about it for weeks, I know I should just pick the get weak one, but I don't really know how to speed up my process of going to Valhalla.

It's not like teleportation magic was that powerful. Because I couldn't use it at such lengths. Teleportation magic is a stem of wind magic, which uses its elements to teleport me in open spaces... that... I could see.

Which makes teleporting inside places and places I don't see impossible.

But I can just teleport infinitely just by staring straight, but that wouldn't work. And it's simple why, because I have an entire caravan with me.

And as much as I just want to leave them, they are usefull.

Just like how I used the spy my father gave me to alert him of me announcing my unofficial crowning to the 15th Prince.

At every second of my life, I need to re instate my existence in this world.

And of course, I would definitely like kt that after my years at the academy the Kings power gets weakened for me to take.


Which sounds evil, but like I said to the Sage.

"A wife changes a man."

And for our future I'll finish this fucking mission as soon as I possibly could and live a wonderful wife with my wife at home and as free as fucking possible!

"We arrived at the city Prince."

Said by my knights as he opened my carriage.

At last, I arrived at the the first city that I would encounter at Valhalla.

I walked out of the carriage and stepped out of it to see where we were... at...

"What the fucking duck!"

It was like I was looking at modern earth. I mean I only see it on anime, but what in the fuck. It resembles it way too much.

Of course there is no electricity or television but the architecture is just there.

"Are you sruprised Prince?"

"Oh fucking yeah!"

"Valhalla has great infrustracture but they are quite inconvenient as they could be destroyed easily. But don't be surprised yet Prince, there more. I have been to Valhalla quite a few times myself."

He brushed his nose and looked proud as the other knights looked at him at awe.

By the way, if you ask why you never hear the names of the knights? Well it is simple, this isn't a typical story were the same named knight will appear again and again.

The world is vast, and a knight is just a knight, sad, yet its the truth.

I walked inside my inn which looked like a modern house.

With smooth walls and paintings, with a shiny wooden door and metal railings for windows and some even with blinds. And a roof that is actually a roof roof, a triangle roof.

I don't know, I sound stupid but it's different I swear.

Unlike Hannan's houses that looked like the medieval era, this just looked like the suberbs of American Movies.

They even have a parking garage for horses.

What the fuck!"

I entered the house and it was just like my house at my resl home.

I haven't seen such a room for a long time.

I slept at the house for the night and in the morning I hurried and explored the city that was so huge you feel like you aren't even in a fantasy world if you disregard horses an a giant city wall.

But the clothing was definitely still old. That sadly was still the same. But they do have suits, not royal dresses that I have hated for quite some time.


"Yes Prince?".

"You will act as my father, let us go shopping."

I went to a lot of shops. Mainly suit shops. And I bought a lot of suits. Like a lot lot. Like a totally a lot of suits. So much suits. So much suits that I bought size for every single age I will ever live. So much suits I don't know where to put it.

And the befire I knew it, it was already night and tomorrow was already the day to go again to travel.

But it was alright, I spent a lot of time wearing and testing suits. I even wore one to bed.

'You don't know how much I love suits!'

My day went by so fast and then the morning came. The city was remarkably huge, and I was sure I didn't get to see everything it had to offer.

But ss I left the city, I felt like there was something missing. I don't know, just something that makes me feel like a cliche was missing.

Which is a weird feeling for me to even think about but ok. I'll just go on in my life.

I left the city and we took the road once again.

And then the night of that day came. And as what we usually do when there are no cities to rest on, we sleep on the road. And of course I sleep on the comfiest patches of grass I can find.


"Prince! Prince! Wake up!"


"There are a group of bandits at the horizen. And they don't seem to be ordinary bandits. I can feel a mage among them. And also a Gold Tier Swordsman."

"Go deal with them yourselves, get back to me when you finish."

"But prince..."

Ryu went back to his sleep and the knights gave up.

The enemies were bandits, they definitely are bandits. But they are in the country of Valhalla. A superpower of the world.

Bandits ats this country is definitely not normal. And that is not a guess it was a fact.

The knights consisted of many Roysl Knights and even Epxert Mages.

It was not the strongest forces but it is supposidly enough to handle some bandits, but a bandit of Valhalla holds power none of them knew about.

The bandits came running at them.

The knights had no choice but to engage in the fight to protect the Prince. At that moment they resented the Prince for a while, they thought that only if he was awake they wouldn't have such problems.

But then a voice yelled in the air.

"Stop blaming the Prince in your head! You are knights meant to protect the Prince! How dare you think of relying on him! These people are mere bandits! Show them the power of Hannan!"

With such a motivational speech the knights ran to engage in the fight with the bandits.

The knight who yelled will soon play a big part in an upcoming war. And I guess he deserved to be named. And his name was... Valcar...



"What is it again?"

I woke up mad, I keep getting disturbed in my sleep. But this time it wasn't my knights. It was an unidentified child that was dressed like a noble.

"Why is an heir to a dukedom here?"

"How did you know!"

'Cause I am the main protagonist and all my bullshit is not shit, but bull reality.'

I guessed out of my ass and suprisingly I got it right.

"Please don't tell anyone..."


"So can you hide me then?"

"Hide where?"

"From the bandits?"

"Did you get caught?"

"No, I ran."

"From home?"


The kid told his entire story on how he ean away from his home with the goal of joining the Academy Capitsl of Valhalla.

He said that the Capital blocks all types of ranks which allows him to run away from his father.

He was 7 years old and as the summer time was almost ending, he was allowed to admit in the second half of the school year.

"Ok, I can help you. I am going in the same place anyway."

"Thank you!"

The intelligence of the child was nothing special. But his maturity was definitely interesting. It seems like that is how children are raised in this country. Truly interesting.

"Prince who is he..."

A ran down knight with his armor broken to pieces and was bleeding heavily came to me


"Abel. My name is Abel Dimitir."