
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

19. The Power

I stood on top of the city walls looking down on the corpse of the Star mage and sulking on and on with me not getting the information about being able to fly.

But the more I try to think about it, even master's books had no flying magic, so there was obviously no way of doing such a thing.

This world's magic is simple yet complex. It is only categorized in four main elements as usual. With fire, water, earth, and wind. With other elements from being combined to forming other elements.

Which is why if there is a person who claims they were born talented in magic other than the four, they are either lying, or an idiot.

I went down to the Star Mage's body as shots were being fired at me.


"Just kill the rest, and report my brother's death."

The knights were so focused on me that they didn't notice that the 15th Prince has died. They were all shocked and couldn't even speak. Some then went down to help with the invasion and to calm down the knights of the city panicking.

But that story was for others to handle, right now I was focused on doing something I have never ever done before.

And it was the classic looting the body of the dead.

I looked into the-

Shots were still being fired at me and I find it so fucking annoying.

"Just die you fucking bitches, I killed your strongest right? Why are you all thinking you can still kill me?"

I thought that those type of cliche won't exist in this world, because it is way too stupid. But what ever it is that is driving them to have such stupid thoughts, I don't really care.

I can always just kill them.

"Oh well that was a slight annoyance, anyway what do you have on your body, sir Star Mage."

Even though the name sounds stupid as it should just be Star Sage or Sage, I can't do anything about it.

What I found on the St- just call him Sage damn it. What I found on the Sage's body was absolutely nothing.

He had nothing on him, which if you think about it, if I wasn't hesr, why would he even need anything.

I am a Sage myself, and reading history makes me have the knowledge to know that even Hannan only had master as their only Sage.

The only country in this world that had multiple or even any Sage's was Valhalla.

"Shit that country is way too stack, what the fuck. They have everything."

Rather than rambling on and on about Valhalla's absolutely ridiculous power, I just went on and killed the rest of the people.

If there was an level system in my system, this were a lot of exp.

But of course there was something I did not exoect when I was killing the army like they were ants.

When I got closer to the end of the army, when I killed the knights their souls were being gathered at one point.

"A Sage, and now they even dared to associate themselves with a dark mage? Oh my God,Coran, relax your boots."

I do not know the real ohrase, but that is good enough.

Anyway, it's not like a simple dari mage is a pro-.

As soon as I monolouged rhat, the souls of the still alive knights were gathering at a single point.

I even had to protect myself with magic just to not get my soul sucked. I stood still and watched as it happened and the dark mage, after everything had a gogantic mana pool.

Of course I could have just stopped him like how a normal person would react. But like I said, "Let's see how strong you are... Dark Mage of Coran." I wanted to test my power in this little battle.

"Who the fuck are you!"

Well swear words kind of put off the tone of fights really well. Well done my father.

"A dead man does not need to know."

I started with a light magic beam, the one I used for the Sage.

"I saw what you did, I won't take them head on you bitch."

At least he wasn't as stupidly over confident like the Sage.

The dark mage teleported himself multiple times to then creating clones to act as mirages.

'I'm sorry Dark Mage, but I can clearly see your tricks.'

"Now guess who I am!"

There were hundreds of clones in front of me, but not directly, keep in mind I am quite far from him, it is just with some sound magic that lets me listen to him and makes me speak louder.

Clones are made using earth magic. Well commonly at least. And as much as popular belief or atleast in this world.

Dark Mages are only different in one thing with normal Mages. And that is the source of their mana.


The Dark Mage, with his huge mana pool made countless fire balls making it look like all the clones did it themselves. Though of course the only real reason was to hide himself.

"Dark Mage! Did you know, clones are made of earth. And do you know what lese are made of earth?"

He lunched all the firballs at me and yelled

"The ground."

As the land I was stepping on locked me in possition.

"I was talking about golems."

Well I am sad he got that wrong, but this fight is already at proper length, I can end it now.

I took control of his static clones that doesn't even moved and made them all my golems.

Even if I don't use some oerception magic to know the real one. I can just go to the most inconvenient way and transform all the clones into my golems and attack the single living being in the area.


The Dark Mage clearly had no real combat experience. He was porbobly only trained in seiges. Which is totally useless in real combat.

And as for the fireballs? There were useless, not even a fucking scratch.

As my golems chased the Dark Mage, he could easily kill them all as his mana is still huge. That is what makes Dark Mages formidable, when they take a lot of lives at once, their mana is basically endless, which are perfect for long battles.

I ran towards the Dark Mage as fast as I could.

And as he took care of all the goblins, he hid behind a rock when he saw me coming.

He then tried to look out of the rock to find where I was at.

"Do you really think I can't use teleportation magic?"


He panicked and lucnhed an abysal blackhole at me.

"And also, who said I don't take other's souls too."

A forbidden or atleast important advice even for a Dark Mage. Never absorb a rouge mana that was lunched as a form of attack.

Why? Well as I already said, this world is not any normal fantasy ones. Magic isn't all around the air. And as mana comes directly from the sould.

A rouge mana in the air is poison to mages. Why? Well, cause wouldn't you know, the air is poisonous for the soul.

Cause as stupid as it sounds. They say that is why the sould is inside the body. To avoid air.


He lunched more and more attacks to me. It seems like he didn't know how to use teleportation magic.

As he was stuck behind the rock I slowly walked to him. Cause fine I admit it, it looks cool, and iI am entering that age ok, I din't wanna be one, but I can't help it.

"H-Ho-How are you still alive!"

He kept going and going, and sadly his mana was starting to run out, and mine? Was just getting bigger. Why? Cause of course I was absorving the mana.

"How can you absorb rouge mana! Who are you!"

"A God."

And so I beheaded him beautifuly with a mana blade.

And my answer was valid too, I am God, that is why my sould isn't affected by air, such a stupid weakness. And either way, it's not like this is my real soul, it's only Astral. That father of mine, he is quite clever for thinking of that. Or maybe he stole it?


Days went by and the 36th Prince was already away from the City of Herdel and was already continueing his journey to Valhalla.

At the city of Herdel, with the King as undercover and multiple high ranking mages and kinghts surrounding the city that was abondoned after the attack.

Everyone was looking at the corpse of the Star Mage.

"It really is a Star Mage, your majesty!"

"That kid... now I really want to know who he is."

"Your Majesty, may I ask about something."

"Yes, Helsik."

"I just learned that the Prince is on his way to Valhalla, but didn't you tell me years ago, that Master Fredryr directed him to me?"

"Did you not get the message?"

"What message?"

"Master said nothing of the sorts, he just didd of old age..."

"So your child can even lie, your majesty."

"Regretably, yes, and at such a young age too."

The King turned around and looked at Ageis.

"Are you sure no one has heard of the news that it was the 36th Prince that did all of this."

"I wouldn't lie to you my King, but it is not impossible for their to have been a rat."

The King sighed and just thought that when the problem of protecting the 36th Prince was done, he was gifted by his own son with another problem.

"Prepare for a revolution, increase the monitors on the Prince's and Princesses."

"As you order my King!"