
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

12. The Fiance

"Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck! Father! Answer me!"

As I covered myself in sound proof magic I yelled at myself loudly trying to reach out to my father to ask him of this Fiance.

But no matter how hard I yelled or even tried to contact him, I got no responses. I just knew that he definitely left me again and went away to do something stupid again.

And so I was left alone with absolutely no one to ask of this situation. A fiance? Really? Do you realize that I am one thousand and two hundred years old. I am someone who shouldn't be in a romantic relationshio with anyone but a fucking elf. That is the only reasonable one.

Contemplating on what I should do and what crimes I will commit I just laid on my bed defeated.

I didn't even go to my classes nor went out of my room. I just acted so depressed that Claris and Lacy didn't even ask me about it.

"You will meet her in 2 days."

That is what my father said. Meaning after I sleep this night I would meet her tomorrow.

"Oh lord, oh whatever God there exist in thus world, please help me!"

I atleast need the female to be a hundred years old.

[Why Are You Worrying So Much.]

"Wait? Father! Oh my God! Get me out of her!"

[Well I Am A Father For A Lot Of People But I Ain't Your Father.]



"Man, people are going to be way too confused in what world I cane from to have God."

[So What Is Worrying You So Much.]

"That I am betrothed to a child!"

[You Do Know It's Normal For Us To Mary Others With A Huge Age Gap]

"God! At least those are not children at a single digit age!"

[Oh... Now I See The Problem.]

"So? Can you help me?!"

[Nah, I Have No Permision To Interfere In Your World.]

"Then how can you talk with the system."

[Because Your Father Gave It To Me.]



"God this isn't a joke..."

[Just Trust Your Father, There Is No Way He Would Do Something So Criminal.]

"What do you mean trust! That man? Hell no!"

[Your Father Knows How Much A 40 Year Old Being Romantically In Love With A Twelve Year Old, Just How About A One Thousand Two Hundred Year Old Man Would Be Reacted To.]

"I told you! So what am I going to do?!"

[And Even If You Are, By Technical Definition Actually Only 7 Years Old, It's Not A Good Argument.]

"Well I don't care about that! I have morals too! I won't marry a child!"

[But Don't Worry About It! Your Father Definitely Has It Covered. So Bye! My Wife Is Calling Me.]

"Wait! God! Wait!"

And as much as I yelled once again, I got no answers from anyone at all. And do I laid on my bed having absolutely no more hope.

And then the morning came.

"I once again didn't get a wink of sleep."

Just like the first night I found out about the fiance, I wasn't able to sleep at all. And now it has been two days.

I am still well and does not have much mental problems because of my mental training as a child. But I am positive, just as the most normal problem of having an older soul in a untrained body. My body is definitely yelling at me and can't move anymore.

And I could defnitely feel the tireness of it. My mind may mot have a problem but my body definitely has one.

And so Claris went to me and told me that my fiance is already at the guest room with my mother.

'My body is shaking like hell.'

Oh lord! Please have mercy on me!

I walked with Claris towards the gaust room. And when K arrived I was so scared to open the door that I just stood there doing nothing.

"Don't be nervous Prince, I am sure she is a lovely lady."

Oh shut up for once Claris! What do you mean lady! Its a fucking child. And what nervous? I ain't nervous! I am scared of being called on the cops!

And so Claris opened the door and pushed me inside the room.

"Ryu, you're finally here."

My mother stood and I can see my fiance's 'Uwagghhghh I wanted to throw up just from my narration.'. head on the sofa.

"Meet your fiance, Elri."

'Oh my fucking God. Please don't get me cancelled, oh my God!'

And so Elri stood up and when I laid my eyes on her... I was so glad that my body became relaxed and devoid from all the stress and so I just fell and went to sleep. 'I'm glad it was an..."



"Yes an elf."

"But why an Elf your majesty?"

"Ryu is way too intelligent for his age. If we get him someone of his current age, it would be too much for the woman, and the two just won't get along."


"And at the same time, I just think an elf seems right..."

"Is it because of the star formation outside that spells elf?"

"Oh... I did not see that..."

King Leon has decided on an elf as Ryu's fiance. The decision was made 2 months prior the test. But now there was a better question to he asked.

"But your Majesty, where are going to get an elf in Hannan?"

"A slave of course."

"But slaves are not even properly educated."

"That's why I'll have you teach her personally. You can do it right? Ageis?"

"I will present you the best elf you will ever see, your Majesty!"

Kneeling on the ground, he bowed and then stood up.

The King then chuckled and waved his hands to let Ageis out.


At a dark alley way. In a place commonly used for illegal transaction stood a man of such high importance in the kingdom, just seeing him doing something illegal could break the entire country.

But of course it wasn't slavery that was illegal. It was just that the methods of acquiring the slave wasn't legal.


"God Shall Perish."

A door opened on a wall letting Ageis inside. It was an underground auction that sold multiple illegal items. And through an intel said by the king a captured elf mage with a scholar degree was being sold in todays auction.

"Here is your mask. The current auction is happening at room 18. And for the slave auctions it will start in 5 minutes at room 27."

A moon with his entire face covered gave Ageis a mask. Though of course it is common sense that being seen by anyone going inside an illegal establishment is far too dangerous for an influential person.

But this place was of no problem as the underground auction is famed for their abundance of items. Which was of course direcectly connected to the country of Valhalla. The continents biggest empire and the one who controls the world.

"Thank you "

Ageis handed over the entrance fee and wore the mask heading directly to room 27.

And when he arrived and opened the door, there were already a lot of people with lots of lavish clothing, showing that they are rich nobles.

Ageis was troubled as he might need to spend much more than he needs to. But as the King said before he departed.

"Use every money in the Kingdom, I do not care."

Though of course that was just an exaggeration. But a waste of money is something Ageis don't feel comfortable with.

A few minutes passed and the auction finally started.

"Welcome everyone for tonights slave auction. We have a few special slaves in tonights roster, including something all of you would surely fight for."

And fight for they will.

The auction started and a couple humans were sold off with some dark background that deserved a death penalty rather than a slave charge. But despite being a high ranker in the countries political power, over turning this underground business is not something simple, nor even possible.

After a while of human slaves, the autctioneer finally started his special courses.

"And starting todays special slaves, we have a catwoman with a strong physique."


"Next item is a slave that is the opposite if the last one, a dogwoman, with qyite a nice body and great personality."


And so after two other slaves the real thing Ageis was here for finally appeared.

"And lastly, but definitely not the least. The most ideal slave, something everyone surely dreams of."

A small elf was chained and deagged in front like any other. But this one had an addition cuff on her hands that blocks magic.

"A 200 year old young elf mage. But not only is she a mage, she is also a virgin!"

As expected by Ageis, countless bids came that was definitely unexpected.

'I guess I wasn't the only one in dire need of an elf.'

Ageis raised his card and bid-

"400 Thousand Gold Coins!"

Upping the last bid by doubling it. But of course the others didn't back down.




And so as a last stand to show that Ageis has got the elf in the bag.

"1 Platinum!"

A platinum that roughly converts to 1.03 million gold coins. A number that was of course higher than anyone in the room could even have. And after upping the price by more than 400 million gold, the rest stopped and Ageis won.

"Calling Once!"

"Calling Twice!"

"Calling Thrice!"

"Won! By number 66!"

And so Ageis got the slave after some later transaction and left with it.

The moment Ageis met the elf, she was quiet and didn't even talk. She was also scared of what might happen to her.

She might be 200 years old and older than Ageis, her mentallity would definitely be smaller due to elven traditions.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. Cause starting today, you will be trained to be the fiance of a Great Prince."

Though of course, it wasn't like that line would comfort anyone at all.