
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

10. The Main Plot...

[New Quest Available]


[Main Quest "Open Yourself To The World" Main Quest 1]

[Join The Academy And Rule Over As The Principal.]

[Main Quest "Be The Almighty" Main Quest 2]

[Become The King, As You Should]

[Main Quest "The First An The Rest Shall Go" Main Quest 3]

[Take Over Another Kingdom]

[Main Quest "Take Over This Fake Mythology" Main Quest 4]

[Defeat The Country Of Valhalla]

[Main Quest "First One Down, 8 More To Go" Main Quest 5]

[Take The Continent As Your Own]

"Well that's all done."

The father raised his hands up and stretched.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my God! Why are all of you coming home so early."

The father was suprised and almost jumped off his tiny chair.

"Coming home from where?"

"Your job?"

"What Job?"


In a gigantic room with nothing but a small table in the middle with the father sitting on it and writing different quest over the system screen.

And standing in front of him was Micheal, his second brother.

"You do know... None of us have jobs?"

"Then why are you guys always not home?"

"Cause... who would just stay at home every second of thier lives?"

"Ohhhhh... Is Micheal here too?"

"I just realized, we had the same spelling of names huh."

"Oh yeah... well let em guess how thats pronounced. Well bye!"

"Uhhh... ok, i'll be at the living room cleaning."

"Ok, see ya!"

Micheal left the room and once again the father was alone in the middle of the room sitting on a small chair.

He then raised his hands and a small blue colored ball, with a design of a circuit or a classic system wall paper.

[System A.I. activated]

"There we go."

[What Is My Mission, Master.]

A robotic voice came out of the ball.

"Here, just do that."

The father placed his other hand on top of the ball and just removed it after a few seconds.

He then stood up from the table and then left.


[Main Quest "Open Yourself To The World" Main Quest 1]

[Join The Academy And Rule Over As The Principal.]

[Reward: N/A]

"He didn't even try with this one. Where is my reward?"

After laying Fredryr's body down on his bed upstairs, I originally planned on burying him.

But then that plan was scratched as Fredryr's body continued to decompose and wouldn't stop no matter what I tried. It just continued until his body couldn't even be identified nor seen anymore as even his bones just dissappeared.

"I guess he has really been holding his life with magic for far too long."

Fredryr's house or cabin looks original when you come in. It has a small table fit for one person and two chairs beside each other at a 90 degree angle.

With a bed on the side and a drawer with his clothes on.

I looked around for more but that was really all I could find. The rest of his things are hidden on an underground passage that contained his research.

Before going in I uttered.

"I guess a dead man never had mortal needs."

And so I went down to his basement again, I was fascinated on how this place was really made.

It was so obviously created by a madman. From falling vines and a dirt wall. To a giant tube with blood on it. And two doors at each side.

With tables on the walls with papers and metalic artifacts. And also, LOTS of papers.

The library that Fredryr mentioned was on my left. And as I walked to it and typed the password that just appeared as I faced it. I could just not ignore the papers on the floor that really had interesting records on it even if I just glossed over it for a little.

But of course that wssn't the only thing that really wanted to distract me to go into the library which is probably the thing I needed the most. And it was the other door in the basement. Directly in front of the library's door.

Unlike the library which was a normal door but blocked with a passcode barrier, this other door was ragged and locked with metal chains that was heavily imbued with magic.

"I don't know what it is, but that amount of magic is making me feel like how an incel feels when their secual desires act up."

But I shook it off. I couldn't be distracted. This library, just from the fact Fredryr even had one in such a place, definitely held a ton of secrets.

And at the same time I had to hurry. My time is short. After my class session is over, the gaurds come and escort me out. If I was found out with no one but myself I would be asked many questions.

I need to take all the books in this library and make a plan to hide that Fredryr's dead.

"And why hide you ask?"

"Just his mere existence disappearing than dying will make my father less wary of the situation."

If he died and told me something, that would mean I hold power that really needs avsolute protection. At that point I wouldn't even be able to go to school.

And for him disappearing? "Oh the possibilities are endless!"

The barrier for the library finished calibrating and I was finally able to come in. And to my surprise, or I guess it should have been obvious.

"Well, that should have been real... obvious."

There were only two shelves in this "library". The two were filled to the brim with old books that were rotting and may not even be able to be readable anymore.

But anyway I had to just put my hand...

"It works like this right?"


I thought real hard to put the entire shelf in my inventory. I even closed my eyes for the dramatic event. And so...

"Oh my God, I was so scared that wouldn't have worked."

I then did it to the other shelf.

And so after doing that, my curiousity really got the best of me and I coulsn't resist anymord.

"I mean why not? No one would complain!"

I took everything from the basement.

His papers... his tables... his tube of blood. Everything.

I then broke the door but my first kick was of course not enough. With this body any physical attacks would not work.

And so I had to resort to magic. I didn't know how to actually manifest magic at all. But it should have been as normal ss my life as a God.

"My memory may be gone! But my heart remembers God dammit!"

An explosion happened just to what I wanted. But it was in vain as the chains were still in tact.

I wanted to just keep doing the same thing till it worked, but making an explosion underground would make too much noise.

So I had to resort to the only other method.

"I mean I should be able to."

Deciphering the barrier will not be simple.

The magic is entertwined in a complex manner of....


Even for a genius mage, that was actually way too easy...

"Who would have thought that magical barriers stem from Mathematics."

That was a good lesson to learn, and so as the door opened, this room was the actual room thst I eas the most shocked at.

It was an entire hallway of of course still dirt walls and dirts floors and roof. But the entire long hall way was filled with paintings of the kings of Hannan on the walls.

The painting were all covered in dirt, but their faces were just suprising. I would have never thought I would get to see what they would look like. As no one even had the ability to capture images at that time.

But here it was... "The third King, the fourth King, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh."

Every single king had their portrait. Who ever made this... all of this paintings are way to valuable to be left here.

They may just be paintings but hey are still historical treasures. And so in a hurry I took all 64 paintings in the room and left to the top.

While going up I was already thinking of ways to make it look like Fredryr just disappeared.

But as the only magic I could do right now... it was actually just perfect. A huge explosion means absolutely anything. Even the most exagerated of stories like...


"What is that explosion!"

"It came from the "ED - Forest" my King."

The King, Leon, rushed to the forest worried for his son and for his Master. What ever has happened there was definitely casualties.

He knew that with the amount of barriers set around the forest, there wss no way an explosion could be seen or even felt outside the forest.

And when Leon touched the forest's borders he knew that the forest's barriers have disappeared. Something tremendous has happened.

Leon continued insude running as fast as he possible could.


And there his son standing surrounded by the knights to protect him from any danger.

"I told you no one attacked!"

His son seemed to be trying to escape the encirclement of the knights.

"Release Ryu!"

The knights spread from seeing the King.

"Ryu, what happened."

Leon went to Ryu as fast as he could and kneeled in front of him holding both his shoulders with his hands.

"Master left."

"What do you mean left?"

"He said something came up and he just left the forest carrying multiple things with him."

"What multiple things..."

The King was confused. First Fredryr just ran away and with things? But what things could Ryu be talking about. Fredryr hsd nothing on him.

"It was the items from his basement."

That statement wss surely shocking, but it cleared absolutely everything that Leon wss trying to think about.

And now the only question is why. He didn't care nor he just thought he couldn't care about what was in his Master's basement. All he cared about is where he went.

"I have no idea."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Well he just told me to go to the Academy and learned from someone there."

"Helsik... I understand."

Leon stood up with no information about his master. But now with such a rackus happening inside a forest that was strictly forbidden because of the reasons of having a sealed beast as the public new.

The King had other matters he should attand to for the people who saw and heard the explosion.

Though of course the explosion itself is suspicious, but there wss only one magic that could suffice as a teleportation magic with the leadt amount of magic usage. And that magic makes a huge explosion just like that.

Before leaving he tried his best to look for his master's mana traces but all he could find was his own son's mana traces surrounding the entire forest.

And that mafe him realize that his son has completely changed. He formed his own judgement and thoughts. From his son actually achieving an unvelievable task of being able to use magic with no help from anyone.

Which then made Fredryr... well he can't find any other clue from there.

And so Leon left and Ryu followed.

And so everyone that day was shocked of the event that will later be named "Death Of The Monster".