
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

08. The Vague Magic System Again

My life to this point has been un eventful, but it is a life that anyone who wants to retire to a peaceful and cozy life would dream of.

But I guess of your father who is clinically insane puts you in such a world, you're life woulnd't be that simple.

[New Quest Available]

[Quest "Stop Slacking And Work" Quest 5]

[Learn Magic On Your Own And Show It Off To Your Teacher.]

[Reward: 3 Stat Point in the magic stat]

"Oh that is actually a good quest. With actual reasonable rewards."

It is true that I have been really hungry on magic. But using magic has been really hard, I have been unable to use it at all.

But when I try to think of what I learned from Master, it would make sense on why it doesn't work at all.

The magic lf the Gods is simple, it is the magic of any fantasy story.

"Magic exists on the air as a natural element. And a mage or anyone who uses magic harnesses this element and transform them to their liking."

"And the specific element of the fire, earth, water, and wind is all based on the nature of a persons personality."

But in this world, magic isn't an air born element. It is an element that comes from one's own soul.

Which... I think I should have an advantage in. I still believe my sould is still my original, unless my father just placed my consciousness in this body without swapping the soul.

But anyway, as a four year old the classic phrase "A child's soul is purer than an adult" should work on my favor right.

In this world, magic stems from the soul energy that gushes out of your soul. And you use that energy by keeping it in your hollow body and using it.

That is the most basic way of using magic in this world. But it gets interesting, real interesting.

Of course if you harness the fragments of your soul, then you should of course be able to get inside your soul and harness it within.

And that is the next step of the magic system in this world. But then it gets more interesting, after harnessing magic from within your soul, basically giving you infinite mana. Removing the need to replenish mana at all cost. After completing this part, you are then given a star.

"Ok that sounds waaaay to out of nowhere."

But that is just how things are sometimes made, if the creater wanted it to be like that. There really doesn't need to be any more complicated reasons other than the creator wanted it to be like that. But I would say my father is cooking... meth.

After gaining a star that forms in your heart, this star is a sign that you have stepped into an unatural level of existance. And that means you have evolved from being a normal human.

And this stars could be gained multiple ways. The stars you gain from this isn't actually from magic, but from stepping out of the border of mortality.

As they say, a civilization could only advance if they could harness energy in absolutely everything. And so that works for humans too. If you could harness power directly from your soul you had advanced.

So what do you do with this stars? I don't know I haven't reached that far in our lessons.

"Well I'll just continue reading till later then."


Fredryr, an elf who ran away from home, an elf who felt betrayed and escaped. He who now lives in seclusion, hiding from his past to protect his bland future.

It is a dark life, it truly is. What is the point in even living if all you do is live in a forest filled with an abundance of trees and surrounded by gaurds outside of said forest.

You... are living peacefully, but at what cost. It is all just useless when you do nothing but eat and then sleep. You may be safe from the past, but your future is truly bland.

"Master Fredryr, I would like to request something off you."

"Leon, what brings you to my depressing abode."

"Don't be like that Master, I have someone who would surely turn your life around."

"Oh and who is that."

"The 36th Prince, Ryu."

Said proudly by Leon.


But then upon seeing the silence of his Master, he realized his arrogance and forgot that his master was secluded of any outside contact until this day after a very long time.

But it is just Leon who is over reacting on this so called disrespect, in reality, there is really no problem proudly introducing your son.

"Of course you haven't heard of him but I-"

Nervously said by Leon, who lost all his composure after his masters silence.

"No need to panic Leon, I would love to meet this young Prince of yours."

"Thank you master!"

Leon who is a King, kneeled and left the forest afterwards.

He did not show it through his stern face and a quite charming demeanour, but Fredryr was quite happy.

Though he didn't quite like that his previous disciple just met him after a long time to make a request, to a real elf this thing should be a normal gap in time, but for someone who has to count his days every second in his head, time has started to go really slow.

And so as time passed, an unexpected child wandered through his forest. This child was definitely much younger than he had expected. He thought he would have been in his teens, but this young man was just below the age of 5.

But after talking to him for quite some time he realized, this child may look like he was five, but the way he talks and understands are definitely higher than his current age.

And so that day ended with Fredryr quite happy, due to meeting such a smart child, maybe if that child is a prodigy in magic, he could finally have a successor and his entire feeble and dark life could finally end.

At night after the entire day, the King, Leon, came back with 2 other people he has never met and many knights to surround the forest.

It was later introduced that this were Ryu's other teachers. So even though Leon may have forgotten to tell Fredryr about Ryu's profession, he could just asses that he got all of them. Which was a feat even he has only seen twice in his thousands of years.

The two then spoke and praised the young prince in their own ways, with this, Fredryr just got more intrigued and even remarked to the King, that if Ryu was able to even use a tiny bit of magic on the second day without him teaching, just from his own curiosity, Ryu was truly a genius of a lifetime not just in one, not just in two, but three, all of the professions in the world.

And so the night finished and the time for his class with Ryu came again, and what he saw of this child blew his minds out. Just yesterday he said that if the child could use even the slightest bit of magic, he would be called a genius of a lifetime, but then what would you call someone who has been able to form a star at the age of 4, something that takes a serious amount of dedication and time to have? Well he could only dream... but well, it wasn't a dream.


"Master! What comes next after a star."


I might have only met Master once, but he seems to be on edge. That shouldn't be normal right? Right?

"What... is it... master...?"

I looked at him confused, but he clearly was worried or maybe intruiged. I do not know, as those two have very similar facial stracture. One is of a mother, and one is of a father.

[No One Will Ever Get That 10 Layered Joke.]

"Ryu, you, will be my successor. Follow me."

I honestly did not expect the reaction to be that much. I mean I did form a star, whatever it actually does, but be his successor?

Master led me to his cabin, the only stracture in this dense forest. It was small and even looked like a hobbits house. It wasn't symmetrical nor does it even look like a house.

But even then it was his home, a home he has lived for who knows how long.

"Ryu, you will see something no one, no one in your entire family history has ever seen."


"But first, cause I know you can understand, let me tell you, my story..."

And so I walked with my master, and as we slowly approuched the cabin, he started talking. And so his story goes...


"-but to cut it off!"

"What fucking cut! Save me ****!"

Laying on the ground was Core, who was bare naked. And on top of him holding a piece of scissors was his wife, Crista.

"You two were still here?"

"Help me!"

And on a distance of 2 meters was the father, standing there naked with his privates covered with blur and a dashing light.

"Just protect it like mine."

"I need protection from her not from a camera angle!"

Core struggled to hold off Crista, using his feet and hands just to stop her.

"Men, you should wear some clothes properly, having your dick out like that is disgusting."

"Speak for your self!"

Core had clothing, but it was all ripped, and you could try your hardest to guess who did it, but only an idiot will get it wrong.

"Just stay still! It will regrow soon enough!"

"The fuck!"

"What?! Speak for myself?! I have light covering my body you know."

The three simultaneously spoke. But then soon enough, the father just got tired of it and went off. But before that he said something that just didn't help or contribute to Core's predicament at all.

"Oh, by the way, nice trick on sensoring my name there."

He winked at Core and clicked his toung while pointing his fingers at him.

"Come back heeeerrrrreeeeee!!!!!"