
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

07. The Sword Training

After completing the quest of beating the scholar, I was able to get a random stat point allocated by my own disgusting father.

It was added to my potential stat which is ok I guess, I haven't really understood it yet, so I guess it's ok for now.

And now I am on the way to my Sword Training class, but on the way there of course I was once again disturbed.

But thankfully this time the time froze and my maids wouldn't be able to misunderstand my facial structure as me being sick or anything else exaggerated.

So what was that disturbance? Well it is non other than the most annoying thing in the world, my father of course.

Appeaeing in front of me was my father in holographic form.

"Isn't that just pointless, why not just your real body."

"Cause it's cooler."

"I promise you, it ain't."

My father was standing in front of me naked once again wtih only white blur blocking his privates and of course his nipples for some reason.

"Well I just want to apologize."


"Getting distracted and forgetting about you for 3 years."

"And what was the reason."

"Oh well that was simple! You're uncle came home early and distracted me. Void of my motivation to build my contraption again I watched a movie of course."

"Fuck you. Wait no actually thank you."

I may die if I do not complete my quest or even at least work on it. But that is better than being told what to do. I am slowly accept the fact that I loved in a mortal world and may repet it.

But of course my father wouldn't allow such a thing to even happen.

"Anyway, that is all, bye."

Then an explosion happened on his body and bloodied body part came gushing out even though he had no actual physical body.

"That piece of shit."


Gaia, the woman of anyone's dream. So gorgeous there has actually never been anyone in history to ever match her beauty.

But of course time is the deadliest thing in the world, something no one can fight against. So of course even that famed beauty that would make anyone fall with just a mere glimps of her appearance, came and got bitten by the test of time.

But don't you dare think she now looks ugly, she just looks less beautifuk than her prime, but now even at the age of 53, she still looks like a normal 20 year old. Truly only someone with exagerated story telling would even dare say her beauty has degraded.

"Mom, it's time for Ryu's combat class."

"I'll just watch up here through the window."


"What is it sweatie?"

"Are you sure that no one will come after Ryu."

"I am positive! Just go now and don't worry about it."


The role of a Queen at the Kingdom isn't actually that big. Other than the first or called just the Royal Queen, the other Queens don't actually do much at all.

They mainly just... exist for the purpose of birthing and raising wonderful children. And so, even Gaia is like that.

But of course it may not be a lot, but that doesn't mean it's an easy walk on the park. Gaia, ever since the event that unfolded from the first birthday ceremony of Ryu, has been busy blocking any possible danger coming his way.

Even to the point of making an individual class system just to make him stay inside the palace, even though actual Royals go to the Academy.

Rakzil is a great example of this. Through Gaia's own information committee, she was able to gather the information about Rakzil being a spy of the Second Queen.

But after some digging on what Rakzil's deal was, and how the Second Queen even got him, made Gaia sure that he will betray her as soon as he saw Ryu.

As a mother she of course new everything about his son. Even that he is an absolute genius that any scholar would dream of taking as their student.

And now standing inside her office, looking through the window. She carefully watches his son, far away to keep him safe. Even if she may not see him much closely anymore, his son's safety is more than anything.

For a mother who cares for her child, any hurdle is of no great problem just for their child's own safety and happiness.


"Today I would teach you about a basic sword style used by the royal gaurds."


"This will be your first sword style, this sword style is the practice method of every royal knight."

Gordon demonstrated the sword style of no name, I don't know what it is called, but he is not naming it at all.

"But for a better understanding, for someone that is untrained. I would have your sister demonstrate them for you."

"Watch carefully Ryu."

"Even if she has yet to perfect this sword style her mastery at a young age is already commendable."

Well that was a long sentence. I don't really need a down graded version so I could follow the movement better. Even his own first movement was already shit. I found so many porblems on it, but I guess it is just a started sword style. It make sense for it to have a lot of holes in it.

[New Quest Available]

[Quest "Show That Man How It's Fucking Done!" Quest 4]

[Perfect his feeble sword style and show that man the real perfect version of that weak sword art.]

[Reward: Do you even lift bro(Do you even have a pride man)]

What in the fuck. I am sure that reward was just put because he felt like it. When an I going to get real rewards out of this quests.

But ok, i'll do it. I do want to see his face after I do it. And after already defeating Rakzil, it's time to show this man the face of defeat too.

After Mary finished demonstrating thst nameless sword style, I stepped forward and asked if I could do it too.

"Can I try?"

"Do so, but do you not want me to help you-"

I didn't even let him finish. I did the first part of the sword style, known as the first form.

"I found many flaws and opening in the sword..."

Then the next part also known as the second form.

"But I guess it is a basic sword style."

Then the third and final part of the sword style, known as the final form.


I acted oblivious, I acted in a way like what I just did was something normal. But of course in the other's face it wasn't. I would laugh if I could, but their faces are just golden.

Gordan was shocked and couldn't even react. His pressure was gone and I couldn't even feel his energy anymore.

And of course my sister looked devistated from being beaten by his brother, but of course my sister showed some signs of amusement and delight that his brother is a genius.

I just hope she won't be annoying and just have her character improve through the thought of lacking behind someone she swore to protect.

"That was... excellent. The class today is done... you can go."

'Well that was easy.'. I bowed and went straight to my maids, who were of course also shocked of what I just did. Or more precisely what they just witnessed.

"Prince, you truly are a genius."


And of Lacy was silent and couldn't even speak. So with this amount of free time, I don't even know what to do with it. I guess I can just go through the library again.

I hope in the future the sword styles get harder, I may not remember my old skills, but mortal combat is still something way too easy for someone with God like origin.


Mary, the first daughter of the 4th Queen Gaia... she was hailed as a prodigy in the sword and only her own gender was pulling her down.

But other than that, she was absolutely perfect. Learning everything she is taught by only listening to it once. This skill even made her gather multiple combat arts and use them for her own. Though of course her copying ability is not perfect but she could just understand anything after seeing it once.

"I... lost..."

Mary was sitting on the stairs contemplating on what she just witnessed esrlier this day. It eas when his brother Ryu, demonstrated an even better version of her own and even the Knight Captain Gordon.

It was an unbelievable scene, it was just straight out of fiction.

"Well I didn't really lose... but Ryu truly is a genius huh..."

"So then... what can I do...?"

Mary reminisce a time when she promised to protect her brother at all cost.

It was a time when she over heard her mother talking to herself about the many attacks of other Queens and nobles to take down Ryu.


After over hearining it, she swore in her mind she will protect her little brother with all her life... just like how her older brother did to her. 'I would be the older brother you never got Ryu.'

And so after that day, Mary got more and more distant and harsh on Ryu. It was of no reason of course, but maybe it just stemmed from tireness of working way too hard to the paint she was called the best female swordsman of the young generation.

So now we get back to this point.

"What can I do when he is already better than me."

"How can I protect someone stronger than me."

"If I think about it, someone stronger than me will protect me rather then me protecting them."

"I... what should I do..."

Just from one incident her entire life was turned upside down. Her beliefs and determination was crushed. And her dream and goal was absolutely destroyed.

"Is this how it feels when your efforts become nothing but a burden."

"Maybe I really should have just became a scholar."