
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

06. The System Finally

[New Quest Is Available.]

A new window from the system has appeared in front of my face. It has been years since I last saw this system. Whatever the reason may be, it definitely was all because my father got busy doing something and forgot about me.

[Quest "I Forgot Lol" Real Quest 1]


[Reward: To Pass This Quest.]

That is very aggressive. It"s the middle of the night, maybe i'll do it tomorrow.

[Quest "I Forgot Lol" Real Quest 1]


[Reward: To Pass This Quest.]

Well this is stupid. I guess I have to be honest, living a mortal's life with a non chaotic family has made me feel very happy. To a point I have actually never done the most common thing in the world of isekai. And that is of course opening the-

"Status Window"

[Ryu Reinhart]

[Race - Human]

[Lifespan - 59]


[Physical Abilities][7]

[Magic Abilities][3]



[Appraisal][Lv. 1]



[Nameless God's Blessing]

Well this is an interesting status screen. I don't even have a leveling system.

[Quest Completed]

That's it? I'm good now right? Well I will go sleep. Night father.


The next morning came and Ryu was once again disturbed by a quest screen as soon as he opened his eyes.

[Quest "The System is Usefull You Know"]

[Use Your Skill]

[Reward: We aint getting anything if the theme isn't even being used.]

'At least give me a good fucking reward dammit!'

Ryu was angered by the quests that was obviously just his father playing around with him through quests. But maybe it is true that he has been playing around.

Ryu remembered the lifespan he saw yesterday night. Maybe he was tired, but he just realized something crucial. He cempmetely forgot why he was in this world at all. It was not a life because he died. This was a world he was meant to conquer, and based on the lifespan that was shown.

Ryu only had 55 years to find a way to extend his own lifespan. It definitely won't or will ever be easy. And him slacking off? Well unlucky...


[Claris Epilis]

[Race - Human]

[Lifespan - 46]


[Physical Abilities][???]

[Magic Abilities][??]






'Well that was a useless appraisal, other than knowing something that was already obvious.'

Claris's status window showed absolutely nothing but her name and age. But there was actually one valuable information Ryu got from this status window.

'So Claris was a part of the Epilis family...'

Epilis, according to history was one of the greatest mage family in the world. But in later times they fell from not being able to produce any more talented mages until their family died.

'I guess I am now interested in Lacy's status.'

"What have you been staring at Prince?"

"Where is Lacy?"

Claris who has been startled the entire time as Ryu was just staring at her and then beside her and was just basically staring at nothing and responding to none of her hand gestures.

Lacy then came in to the room.

"What? Miss me already?"

Said by lacy in an arrognt tone.

"Yep!" Innocently said by Ryu.

"Wa wa what-" That reply surely startled and schocked the Lacy who has never heard Ryu reply like that ever. And Claris was also surprised by this.

Nd so as Ryu was focused looking at Lacy's status window, he didn't even realize he was beinv carried to the doctors room just because he reacted differently towards Lacy.

Was it an exageration or not? Well who knows.

[Lacy Stager]

[Race - Human]

[Lifespan - 71]


[Physical Abilities][???]

[Magic Abilities][????]






There was also of no importance in Lacy's status window. Other than of course her family and that 4 digit stat on magic abilities which just made Ryu more curious on the other peoples statuses. Mainly his teachers.

The Stager family is not a family with kuch history but unlike the Elipsis family, their history is the opposite. The Stager family has been growing steadily in recent times. Which does begs the question in Ryu's mind.

'Why is someone from the Stager family here in the palace as my maid?'

And there was also another important question Ryu wanted to know.

"Uhhh, why am I in the clinic?"

"He's back to normal!"

The two maids rushed over, with even Lacy not acting like her usual self.

"Did you eat anything weird?"

"Here you are being absent minded! How about your classes huh!"

Well Lacy was more of like the same. But her sorrow and worried face definitely sais otherwise.

[A New Quest is Available]

But of course Ryu was once again not even given a proper time for rest at all. And he knew, that this day would not be a normal and relaxing one.

And the thing was, nor was yesterday, which just makes this day a day more annoying than the previous. Which ks something his mind wouldn't even cross.

[Quest "Time To Speed Up Lesson" Quest 3]

[Win Against The Royal Scholar Rakzil]

[Reward: 1 Feeble Stat Point of My Choosing]

'What in the fucking what even is that reward...'

Ryu made a face full of disgust over the quest. And on the other side of the point of view, the two maids thought he was about to poop or extremely hungry.

Whatever it was they once again hurried.


An hour went by and I am late by a couple minutes to my Tutor, and all I could say was...

"Just why..."

"You were making so many weird faces, what do you think we were meant to do?"

"I don't know! N-"


"You didn't let me finish!"

"Stop fighting you two."

We then reached the room as always and I entered while Lacy and Claris waits outside.

"Well, it's the second day and look what we have here."

"I'm sorry, I got in a little bit of a health predicament."

"Of course, of course, sit down."

'How in the hell does a child know the word predicament?'

I sat down on my seat and then we started class.

"I apologize for not being able to actually teach anything yesterday. But today I promise we will."


"And for starters I should say that academic isn't all about history, those are for historians and for scholars, every knowledge is our meal."


"So what do you want to know first..."

It took me quite late to answer that question in the right amount of time.

And the reason for that was simple, it was because I was trying to look at his status window. And an emphasize on that "trying" cause very time I did appraise him all I can see is.

[Level Too Low]

"Umm... I'm now sure, anything I guess."

"Well if it is anything, I guess we should first start on something you have to learn quickly at a young age."


"And that is-" I am sure he will definitely say-"arithmetic" mathematics- oh I guess I was wrong on that one.

"We have four different forms of arithmetic. Which are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and lastly division."

Well this is a good opportunity for my mission.

"Do you have any idea of sny of them?"


"Oh, which one."

"All of them."

"Uhhh, wh- ok... can you demonstrate it...?"

Rakzil came closer to me and fave me a pen and paper to make me show what I know about arithmetic.

And so I then wrote some simple double digit addition, a triple digit subtraction, a double digit multiplication, and a double digit division.

And I wouldn't be surprised if his face right now is of utter shock.

So I then turned around and what I saw was... I would rather be the one in shock if I could over react enough.

He did not have the face of surprise but the face of amazement and expectations.

"As expected of the Prince, well it seems like I don't have to teach much of Arithmetic to the young prince."

Rakzil walked away and back to his wall and desk. But I couldn't let him finish, I still had a mission to complete.



"How about I offer a challenge?"

"A challenge?"

'Yeah I don't believe he is even a child.'

"How about we compete on who could solve an eqaution the fastest."

"Well that is certainly interesting, ok I agree."

Well that was simple.

Oh I wasn't talking about his agreeing. I was talking about winning. As rakzil went to his desk once again to take so.e more paper and one more pen, he then went back and we started.

Without his chair he just sat on the chair to comfortably write.

We then answered some questions we ourselves gave in a switching order.

I then of course won a lot of it, but it wasn't an entirely one sided fight. And the reason for that was not as anyone would normally expect.

'This man is talented.'

While competing against me, Rakzil was actually learning from how I do things and he was just getting better on the spot. For someone in this day and age I don't know if that was impressive or not.

People in fantasy worlds usually don't have a lot of arithmetic developement just because they were sll focused on magic researches rather than logistic research.

"I lost fairly. You truly are amazing Prince."

I completed the mission and was happy about it, but for some reason Rakzil's happy face really just creepes me off or just outs me off. I wanna know just why is he so happy.


"Hello! It is me the father! And today I would tell you a short side story about a man name Rakzil."

But before we start there is one thing you need to know about Rakzil, and that is that he loves intelligent people. He adores anyone born as an absolute genius and so of course the story starts 3 months before the start of Ryu's classes.

At a an office room of one of the Queens. The 2nd Queen to be exact.

"So what did you call me here for Queen Eliz?"

"I would like you to be the royal teacher of the 36th Prince Ryu."

"And for what? I don't do things for free my Queen."

"Well, I have heard many things about you Scholar Rakzil, and I have heard that you sre someone who quite adore smart people."

"So are you saying you would let me teach the young prince Zakiel?"

"Precisely, all you need to do is gather every information you could get on the 36th Prince."

"Your will is my command!"

And so Rakzil became the the royal teacher of Ryu with the slight help of the 2nd Queen and also with the help of just Rakzil's entire fame as a reknowned scholar.


Fast forward to the end of the first class. At night inside an alleyway. At the place the 2nd Queen and Rakzil was arranged to meet.

The 2nd Queen was already there waiting. Then she saw a black figure walking to her direction.

"You're late Rakzil."

But to her surprise when the shadow got closer, the man wasn't rakzil at all. It was just a random man she has never met.

The man was holding a letter and gave it to Eliz, she then grabbed it and the man left.

She opened the letter and read it, after finishing reading the letter she was enraged.



"Dear Queen Eliz, The Second Queen Of Hannan. It is I, Scholar Rakzil, am officially retiring from your requested job. All the payment I have recieved are all inside the envelope. May you find fortuen."