
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · ファンタジー
23 Chs

02. The Quest System

It has been 364 days since I was born in this world. I found out many things about my current position and all of its inconveniences.

From the beginning I was right, I was a prince of a kingdom, but what I didn't get right was being the crown prince. In fact I am the 36th Prince of this kingdom.

Just how much sex does that king do. Does he just fuck every woman every single fucking day. What an absolute horn dog.

But either way, I was not entirely an unknown prince who is just too far from the throne. I have a sister, who, is the 4th Princess of the kingdom.

Known to be a genius swordsman and at the young age of 11 was accepted to be part of the royal knight, skipping all necessary school education. Which in the nicest way possible... has made her quite stupid.

And of course I can't forget my current mother. The 3rd Queen of the kingdom. The way the hierarchy of the palace works, is that a mistress or a concubine will get the title of a Queen which has power to all lower ranked Queens and anyone else other than the king and the Court Nobles.

So, what is the requirement to be named a Queen? Well it was of course to birth a son. But I am the 36th Prince and the only other child other than my 20 year old sister, so go figure out the obvious.

Now back to the actual present. How would I know the exact time I have been in this world? Of course there are many different factors.

Like my birthday that the maids have been eagerly excited for. The maids that I saw the moment I was born were not the maids of my mother but the maids assigned for me. They are quite nice people, and it seems like there was no need to subotage a prince that really is too far from the throne.

But of course it wasn't only the maids that I could know the date from. It was also from my mother and sister that are fighting right in front of me about who will hold me at my birthday. While my maids are of course stressed at the fighting.

After all of those I could have also just counted the days it has turned night, which I really could have as I had absolutely nothing to do this past year. But the real interesting place I learned the exact time from was...

[000:02:43][2 Hours Left Till The Opening Of The Quest Function]

This screen has existed and annoyingly has been on my face since the day I was born. And quite frankly, I can't wait. Boredom has killed me, and with the perception of human time being absolutely slower than a God's, shit this really bored me.

The day on the womb was also the last time I was able to see my father's face. Though that didn't mean I haven't been able to talk to him. He was able to tell me through the screen messeges that he has absolutely deleted the knowledge of using magic and the sword in my brain. Which has left me actually fucking powerless in this God Forsaken World!

[Not Forsaken]

"Mary go to your room now, it is late at night! Go to your sleep!"

"I am not going to sleep until you agree to let me hold Ryu tomorrow!"

"I told you, I will hold Ryu! It's late at night! Maids drag the 4th Princess away from here!"

And so as my mother yelled at the maids. My sister was dragged on the ground to the door. With both the maid and my sister exiting the room.

That entire situation has confirmed that my maids are not normal to be able to just drag a trained swordsman that easily. Or maybe, just like I said, she was just stupid.

"You're not getting away with this!"

The door was then slammed.

"Oh my little Ryu, i'm sorry for the commotion..."


She carried me with her arms and exposed her breast. And yes, you know where this is going.

"You're always so disciplined, now you can go to sleep, it's your big day tomorrow."

My mother smiled and as she placed my head to drink her breast milk. I slowly fell asleep from her humming.


[The Quest System Has Been Activated]

And so, I haven't even had proper sleep yet, but the notification of the system awoke me.

{Wake up you mother fucker}

{Wake up you mother fucker}

{Wake up you mother fucker}

Well I guess it wasn't really a normal notification. Who will not wake up when someone curses at you forcing you to wake up.

[Your Tutorial Quest, Also Known As The-]

Wow even a screen knows how to cut himself off.

["Generic Isekai Skills" Quest 1]

[Gain Your Father's Attention At Your Birthday Event]

[Reward: Appraisal]

Oh... I would have guessed what the title actually meant just from its name. Wait what did I just say?

'My father's attention huh...' I wonder how i'll do such a thing. In this entire year I have actually not even seen my fathers face at all.

And at the same time i'm one year old, how do I impress anyone as a one year old. 'Oh well...' the best I could think of is there having a specific event for a prince that will determine its future like how it was done in multiple prince ceremonies of Asian imperial families.

Right now, all I can do is wonder and be patient, it is not long, till the actual time is here. I mean it is literally the same FUCKING day! So let me get some fucking sleep!


"Are you ready my son..."

She looks at me with a bright smile. As she stood in the middle of the hallway with just a few steps to the central room where my birthday party is celebrated.

"It is finally time... you'll be able to see your father too if your lucky. And... it doesn't matter what you choose... as long as you're healthy I will be happy."

My mother's expression slowly changed to worry and sorrow. It seemed like I was right. Though the process or the exact detail is still unknown to me.

But anyway, it was time for me to find out.

With two maids beside my mother, and me in her arms. She walked straight and soon entered a bright room filled with multiple nobles on the same floor.

The entire room was not that grand or huge. The entire room was just at the right size to called a prince's party.

But the room wasn't just flat. There was a second floor to the end of the room with stairs leading to it at the sides. And at that place were multiple nobles and an empty throne like chair.

'So that's where my father will be.'

But just like any classic king, they really are hard to spot.

"The 36th Prince of the kingdom of Hannan has arrived!"

And so I have... arrived. With a spokesperson with a voice so load he might have had a mic implant. Though of course it should be obvious that is the result of magic. Which at this point of time, I really missed.

At the very middle of the room laid a very suspicious bed. Unlike what I thought it was of course not the same way as I thought it would be. I was a complete idiot and forgot that I was in a fantasy world.

The making the king notice me? There was only one way to achieve that. And that was to pass this test, the test of one's fortune made by none other than this world's God.

Yes, why did I not think about it. The test was obviously the test of you magic and talent. The direction of your life. Which of course a God could tell as he was the one who made you.

So then my mother walked closer to this bed with a huge pillar slowly rising behind it. I looked up once again to look for my father, the king, but he was nowhere to be found.

I mean, I questioned it. Is it a quest that was supposed to be complete today, or is it a quest that will be completed as long as I get noticed by the king.

And so I looked at the quest again.

[Gain Your Father's Attention At Your Birthday]

I'm no genius... but that definitely means today right? And so as I get closer and closer to the bed. With more pillars weirdly rising around the bed. I looked around. There was no mistake about it. The king was in this room disguised.

But it was all inevitable, I could not find him. But I guess it shouldn't really matter. As long as I prove my worth through this test. I would get not just the king's attention, but the entire kingdom.

Now that I am going through this myself. I finally realized some of the logic behind the stories my father forced me to read called "manga's" or "manhwa's". Getting hailed as a genius would definitely kill you when you are a baby with no power.

But I can't afford hiding my power. My goal is not to live peacefully... it was to conquer this world and get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.

And so I was placed on the bed. Multiple, 16 to be exact. 16 priests, I assume, surrounded me and prayed. Slowly a magic circle formed around me. But this magic circle was kind of suspicious as it was different from anything I have seen of it.

But as of the moment I couldn't even react or think about it. Because as soon as everything started a huge light surround my entire body covering the bed and my entire eyesight. And before I knew it I was standing in a white room with my previous body.

This... as soon as I arrived in this white room, I knew it wasn't the ploy of my father, there was no way he would allow me to meet him. This was definitely the act of this worlds God.

A God then slowly appeared. I assumed he was a God as there was no other options. This was a great time to find out if this God's are True Ancient Gods or just Gods that my father created.

"A reincarnator I presume?"

"Yes..." Well that was simple, he definitely was a God my father created.

"You're the sixth that I have seen. But it was the first time one has appeared on the Upper Left continent."

"Upper Left continent?"

"Oh you don't need to know about that as of this moment." He slowly disappeared as he appeared. And now his voice was only being echoed with no real directional source.

"So you won't tell me anything huh."

"Not that I won't, I can't."

"Then why did you bring me in this void?"

"I didn't bring you here." He said with a crack on his voice. "You're the one who just appeared. But don't get mistaken, all six of you did just appear on my home."

"Then what am I going to do here..."

"Just relax I guess... wait till your ceremony is done."

"Wait... you are not the one who governs the ceremony or whatever it's called."

"No..." I was quite surprised. This God was very vague on anything he sais. I don't even know what God he is. But this was certainly unexpected. "The Goddess of Light is the one who governs the ritual."

"Oh then what am I doing here?!"

"Begs me."

What? That is a very irritating answer. "Hasn't there been 5 other people than me? Did you not even try to look into it."

"It's a waste of time... and i'm too lazt to do it. So no."

"..." I just couldn't talk to this God anymore, he was just useless. I sat on the ground and did as he advised, I just waited till the ceremony ended.

But of course being here already, it is quite a waste to not get anything out of it.

"Can I ask a few questions? And maybe even have a request?"

The god hummed and then answered.

"I can answer any question as long as I am restricted to, but a request? What can I even get."

"Nice, and for the request, I can do anything for it, test me."


"Anyway about my question, do you know who created you?"

"Created me? No. Though that is a great curious question. No Gods know who created them. Some even just thinks a greater god made them and the cycle continues."

Interesting, that proves my last guess. This God has absolutely no idea.

"Then, is there anything you can tell me about this world."

"Well... all I can tell you is that it's interesting you were born as a prince, you are quite lucky I tell you. And as for the world... nothing really, i'm not allowed to."

"Who even tells you that you are not allowed to?"

"The Universe of course."

Ok, is this God stupid. Then that means he believes the Universe made him that he has to follow what the Universe tells him. Though of clurse this Universe is probably my father.

"So the Universe created you?"

"No, he's just more powerful than me. As they say, the weak obeys the strong."

So that's how it was. What a chill God. I don't even see him yet I feel like he is just laying sideways either picking his teeth or his nose.

Well I can't really think of things to ask. Or maybe i'm just unmotivated to.

"So for the request?"

"Well, like I said, what can I get in return."

"I'll do anything, you name it."

"You're very bad at arguments you know..."


"If you want to be more reasonable, you should be the one to offer, right?"

The white area fluctuates it's color to multiple different ones in quick succession and then turned back to normal.

What he said is true. I guess I was never really thought this. I feel embarrassed living for 1,200 years and not even upping this God. Then fine, I'll just have to show him.

"I'll kill the God of Reincarnation for you."


"In return give me power."

The entire God of reincarnation thing came out of my ass. But it's not like it was a baseless approach. Reincarnators appearing in front of him. There is no way he didn't ask the God of Reincarnation about it.

There was also no way he was the God of Reincarnation, he was probably a nameless God. Or better yet, he was once the God if Reincarnation.

"It seems like it's time for you to go now."

I felt my body getting erased and returning to the mortal realm. It felt very familiar as to my first experience of it when my father just made me into a fetus.

"And as for what you said... I look forward to the result..."

"Ryu, that's my name."

And so my body disappeared and I was quite satisfied.

["Approval of the Nameless God" Hidden Quest][Completed]

[Reward: Blessing of The Nameless God]

[The Third Part Of The Tutorial Quest Line Has Been Unexpectedly Completed In A Different Direction.]

["Meeting A God" Quest 3]

[Substitute Reward: The Gods Have Been Alerted Of Your Existence]