

"You're lazing for too long, Idiot!" grunted a woman with glasses, kicking her partner's butt.

"Shut it, Giori!"

The man in flexible leather armor crawled back to his lying position, allowing his body to rest after an exhaustive search and tracking.

If it were something big, like a horse carriage, he would have no problem finding it in time.

However, this little guy he was searching for was just a small teenager, and exactly knew how to take proper cover from the eyes of the eagle in the forest.

The woman's eyes darted back and forth, scanning every inch of the riverbank with a growing sense of unease.

She knew they couldn't afford to go back empty-handed, not with the stakes so high. But the forest had been picked clean, and there was no sign of the boy they had been seeking.

As she stood there, the silence broken only by the gentle rush of the river, a little tinge of fear crept inside her heart.