
Duty XI

Adelle nodded, grateful for his support. "Yeah, it's just ... this giant spider gives me the chills. We've been fighting these smaller ones, but we're still yet to encounter the Demonic Spid—"

Before Adelle could finish her sentence, Ervian suddenly interjected, his voice urgent and filled with concern.

"Everyone, halt!"

Surprised by his sudden interruption, the team turned their attention to Ervian, questioning him about the reason for his abrupt call to stop.

Ervian raised his hand, signaling the team to wait for a moment. He knew that time was of the essence, but he needed to gather as much information as possible before they proceeded.

Focusing his senses, he intensified his Sensus.

Above them, a thick layer of web formed a flooring that seemed impenetrable to their Sensus visions, even with their Vis level of five. But Ervian was determined to overcome this obstacle.