

5 years ago when I'm become 7 years old a meteorites falls on to the earth and many people rebirth into a supernatural beings that fighting against the monsters and beasts from that fallen meteorites.

Me ,myself also rebirthed into a thing that out of this world. And until these days 7 years has passed but my level still one because the enormous experience points that i need.

Phoenix City .

In a apartment 5 stories.

A boy with black hair with decent features.

Around 178 cm. ( looking up the air while lying on his bed in his room with fan to his face. )

Level : 1. Exp needed:

Name : Fale Veraust. 1 Trillion P

Age : 14 years old. Left

Occupation : ???

Strength : ???

Mana :???

Dex :???

Agility :???

Skills : ???



" Hah... why the hell my status is like this...."

" If other people won't be able to level up their entire life, even i have only reduces 4 Trillion points in 7 years..... this is inconceivable. "

" Whatever i should just hunt those gods from otherworlds if needed... "


" Shit it's time for my job, those guys gonna annoy me again."

* Creak *

* tap tap tap *

In A certain moderate restaurant

" Hey newb, how dare you comes this late!"

" ....."

" Are you dumb? Go over there and take over the preps."

" Yes, right away. "(he has a good mood huh...)

" hey Glit , are you being too lenient today? "

" Well, do you know that yesterday i put a big lottery ? "

" yes yes, did you win it? "

" hehe....,*smug* it's a big win!. "

" you should treat me later then."

" don't worry ,i will. But you i won't, so don't look at me like that. "

" It's not about that...." ( i just wanted to ask if that the Xxg gambling corp and did you already claimed it or not? )

" then what?!! , say it!. "

" nothing , sorry i forgot already . "

" *Zhe* Wimp ."

"Haaa-ah" ( need to go to school tomorrow.)

Then after the work I've done everyweek twice , i walked through the same path as i should be but ..... looks like that i should find another way today.

The Crusaders association has blocked the way because a Portal has appeared.

It was one way to reduce casualties .

A group of Lightning Tiger Guild should be the one that entering the Portal. The lead of the group was pretty and famous because it was so few of females Resisters.

" That red haired woman should be Aisle Cralse ."

" Hmm... i don't know if that age can be called a woman. She still not 17 yet. "

" Ah... that's true but young woman should be passable. "

When i turned around and saying something like that , a truck came at me at a fast speed and i can see that it will hit me at this distance.

I caught a glimpse of the driver's face and figure and it gives me a goosebumps.

I was hit and flying straight to my destination.