
Hey , do you hear something?

After covering myself i ran straight towards the place where the vanguard was.

I found them around 150 meters from the main formation , actually now that i think about it they're the main formation core but the secondary was that shouting guy. Anyway i found them fighting against packs of weird lions but that's not something interest me .

250 meters from here in a small hill , i actually come across some beasts that might become my pet. With that in mind I jumped down from the tree because it's reached its end and paralyzed some of weak lions along the way with my Qi Sealing technique then i charged quickly and cast wind magic along with strengthening it with Qi body reinforcement and magic body reinforcement to make it more faster.

The Beasts Roarings and pouncing on me with their claws but this two horned pets too slow. So i just step aside a bit and paralyzed them one by one and put it on my Creation World. For the Three Horned speed was pretty much the same as when I'm not using Qi reinforcement but using the magic's .

Still it doesn't give me any tension but i still captured this one. This pet roaring at the last moment i paralyzed it. It sting my ear and mind to hear this at very close range.

259 meters away.

*Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar **Roar *


" Maybe they're moving ."

" As I said before , What's is that Greg ?"

" How supposed i know? But I know something else . "

" What? do you hear something? "

" Yes , either it was the sound of our doom or salvation. "

" Like hell it's salvation!"

" You see , Some people said that dying is one way of salvation. "

" Stupid, Just focus on tanking Greg. I'm getting a hard time keeping my mana reserve. "


The beasts turned around in hurried oace after hearing that roar but the squad just baffled and stood dazed for several minutes.

until Aisle opened her mouth .

" It's Salvation indeed. "

" Hahahaa.... see it's as i said. " Greg boasting

" Like hell it's as you've said, at best half only."

" Even so Half is great Cain . "


" Hey , do you hear something? "

" Huh? what's is it Muse ? "

" well, as a sensory type here i actually hear some other presence but i ..."

" Then let it be, some people say ignorance is a bliss. let's quickly rest and go home. "

" Stooge , we need to kill the boss first before we can go back . "

" Kristin , we have the return pearl here . "

" But if we do that the portal will become larger and harder. "

" Hah?! and What!? waiting for reinforcement?

i don't believe something like that can save us . Even Vice leader has been injured very severe by that General class Beasts. "

" Hmm... I think it's best that we go back too. "

" Aisle? , it's a surprise that you'd agree. "

" It's nothing much Greg , In this forest we almost died too many times. Some of it is our fault for talking too much but that's the only way our mind can hold on. "

" Yeah , when we got back we should train a bit more. "


" Do you hear that!"Muse

" No ...no.. n..o !!"

" Kristin! Hold your self together. " Cain comforted while shaking in fear .

" Hey , what are you guys panicking for?

" Do you hear something Aisle? "

" yes, the beast roar right? "

" Then do you hear that what kind of beast roaring like this? "

" No, why?. "

* Thump* *Thump** Stomp* * Crash *

" Because that's when we've fough..... no, we only can watch from the sidelines that our leader, two vice leader and other strongest Resisters being whacked like flies. "

" What!!! How can that appeared here?"

" yes , that's what i think to but it doesn't matter we don't have a chance. " Greg said with despair over his face . and when she turned and all her teammates showing the same reactions she couldn't help but said

" No . Don't give up just yet , didn't you guys survived ? "

" Hahahaha... that's also a mysteries. we don't even know how we got our lives intact. "

The rest of the member looked up and saw a sight that made them shudder in fear.

A Giant human shape that tall across 50 meters could be seen its head while holding club that as big his head.

* Sob* sob *

Aisle screamed as she try to pull Kristin.


" Ais, just try moving on your own." Greg said in a down mood.

But Aisle keep wanting them to run.

" No , we should run together. "

" Stupid girl, If we can run we will run already. "

Cain who was irritated respond back strongly but Aisle still being stubborn.

" Eh... Why? You guys shou..."

then Muse end it with a firm argument.

" Cut it out, Just Try to make your own feet move then tell us. "

" Okay ,here... eh... what??! Move Leg . MOVE!"

" See that ? It's not we don't want to move, We CAN'T . "

" Even the Vice leader at that time can only move stiffly after that Roar. "

" What about buff? "

" Mana is useless."

In that time a seed of despair crawl alive inside her heart.