
Showing Your Love

As Qian Qian went looking for her bags, she came out of the room and stopped and stared. The unassuming room had been transformed into a classroom? A small desk and chair were placed on one side and a huge projector screen on the other side stood near the wall. She looked around the empty room to look for Matt but he was not around. Having no idea of his plan, she almost jumped out of her skin when the projector started and the screen lit up. 

A line of words flashed on the screen making her eyes widen.. What was this? Had she somehow entered a parallel world? Why was she receiving a biology lesson? The first slide changed from, "The Human Heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body." to "the Four Chambers of the Heart comprising of Atria and Ventricles."

In a daze, Qian Qian sat on the chair by the desk and continued with the biology lesson.. "The Left ventricle was the strongest and the biggest chamber in the heart.."