
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · アクション
150 Chs

4.) You're in!!!

HellBlazer showed off a superior amount of strength and dominated the battle after a bit of testing. He blitzes the likes of Diablos and Angelos without fail. Pushing them to the edge with his superior strength and skill. Upon a helpless situation… they reveal one more trick and fuse to even the playing field. HellBlazer fails to stop them and is blitzed by this new figure known as Di'Angelos!

HellBlazer: "Ngh!!!"

He's forced a few steps back by the surprise attack from Di'Angelos. Peering back up at a figure who was equal to himself in stature. It's just slightly bigger in muscle size. He wore a hooded trench coat with a mask over his face from the nose down. His hair was black with white streaks throughout. It was slick back but was so thick and messy that it couldn't help but slightly stand to a curved point towards the rear of the top. He had on cargo pants with chains attached to the left and right of his belt lining. His shoes were of the steel-toed, combat boot fashion. The entire outfit was gray besides the white dress shirt he wore underneath his jacket and his black combat boots, as well as his padded gloves.

HellBlazer: "That was quite the blow heathen. You seem far quicker than the other 2. (So it's not him, huh? Good.) But don't let that go to your head ye' naive boy. I'll still crush you nonetheless. Come! Have at thee!"

HellBlazer charges in at high speeds, disappearing right before meeting Di'Angelos. Only to be intercepted by a fist just as he flanks his rear.

Di'Angelos: "Do me a favor and don't underestimate me. I'm Death's creation whore!"

HellBlazer: "What did you sa-"


"Gaaaah!!" , goes HellBlazer as he's sent flying from the impact. Di'Angelos shows a high level of skill compared to his two halves.

Di'Angelos: "Doesn't matter. It's just my instinct. I know who made me at the very least. Now fight me like you mean it. I got a surprise for you, Sir Blazer."

HellBlazer: "Tch!.... *sigh* That was quite the blow you gave my stomach… pause. But if you think you're getting anywhere. You're greatly mistaken, dear boy!"

Di'Angelos: "Bruh….. Why does your grammar keep switching? It's bothering the hell outta me. Ima shut you up though."

HellBlazer: "Heh. As if a heathen like you cou-"

*THWACK* Di'Angelos smacks HellBlazer with the back of his right fist. He wrapped Light and Darkness essence around it for extra force.

HellBlazer: "AHHHH!!!"

HellBlazer is sent flying through every planet in System 9. Circling back to Vonra 9 in mere seconds!

Di'Angelos: "Ye' just gotta have a two-peat."

Di'Angelos charges up a mighty kick and sends HellBlazer circling back through the revived planets. Then stretches out his arm with a high level of dark essence around his hand.

Di'Angelos: "BLACK PULL!!!"

HellBlazer is pulled into Vonra 9 at light speed, wrapped in a black mass that's imbued with light particles. He quickly approaches Di'Angelos who had already got his attack set

Di'Angelos: "One more!!"

HellBlazer: "No ye' don't!"

Their fists clash causing a collapse within Vonra 9. The planet implodes in on itself, eventually exploding with HellBlazer and Di'Angelos fighting at the center of the mess. Smiling and cackling about as they beat each other senseless.

HellBlazer: "You're quite the fighter Di'Angelos! I'm getting excited. It's been awhile since someone forced my birthright AND clan trait to activate. My growth has begun!"

Di'Angelo: "So has mine ye' heathen!"

HellBlazer: "Tch!"

Blow for blow the two began to grow exponentially. Surpassing limits over and over again as they reach speeds beyond that of light on their exchanges. Throwing more than 1,000 punches per second. And blowing the planets off their axis with the extensive force of their punches.

Di'Angelos: "Heh!"

HellBlazer: "Huh?"

Di'Angelos: "BURDENING LIGHT!!!"

A blinding light wraps itself around HellBlazer's head. His eyes were blinded and he was forced to close them. He rubs in an attempt to get his vision back in time.

Di'Angelos: "KYAA!!!"

"AAAHH" , a heavy kick meets HellBlazer's chin, sending him slightly upwards. Stunning him and leaving him in a motionless state.

Di'Angelos: "HOOWAAH!!!"

"GAH!!!" a heavy round-house kick smacks the right side of HellBlazer's face. Sending him into a nasty twirl. He could barely comprehend what was happening before him.

Di'Angelos: "HYYYAAA!!!"

"DWAH!!!" A flying dragon kick sends HellBlazer flying to Sedus 9. He smashes into one of its highest mountain peaks. It stuck out into the atmosphere as its peak is crumbling underneath. Still being blind all the while.

HellBlazer: "This… Shit…. Is ANNOYING!!!"

HellBlazer breaks the Burdening Light and blitzes Di'Angelo. Smacking him in his head with a heavy headbutt. Stunning Di'Angelos who was just about to set off a blast.

"Take this technique ye' heathen." HellBlazer says in a cold voice. Stretching out his hand as he yells of a grand technique.


Di'Angelo: "WHA-"

Vonra 9 instantly reforms with Di'Angelos still in its center. He is crushed by its core's polarity and gravitational pull. It squeezes him harshly as he screams in agony.

Di'Angelos: "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"

HellBlazer: "Hehehe. That'll keep you down for quite thee while. Now I'll give ye' a grand explosi-..... What!?"

Vonra begins to crumble and fall apart once more. But this time. It's as if it were cut to pieces. Within the rubble is a scythe wielding Di'Angelos. He smiles at the surprised HellBlazer. His shocked face pleased him.

HellBlazer: (So he even uses a damn scythe? Guess Death really did make this fellow.) "Hmmph! Guess I could bring out my Feind-Razor Blade."

HellBlazer summons a great sword nearly bigger than him. The design is simple in nature but it carries an eerie essence that leaves a foul presence in its quake.

HellBlazer: "It's a simple blade really. But letting it cut you would be of GREAT consequences dear boy"

Di'Angelo: "Blah blah blah. You talk too much Blazer. *FWIP*

Just…. SHUT UP!!!"

HellBlazer: "Tch!?.... Bitch."

*Consecutive Clashes* Both the warriors released an onslaught with their weapons. All with the intent of tearing the other to ribbons. You could see the stray slashes ripping apart the spatial construct of the universe. The planets were being torn asunder as well.

HellBlazer: (He's incredibly savvy with that scythe of his. Doesn't look nor have the impact of a Death Scythe but it's not normal. Can't let it touch me. That's for sure!)

Di'Angelos: (Seems as though I'm gaining an EDGE ever so slightly).

HellBlazer: (I think I found my opening!)

As the two continue their clash. HellBlazer begins to notice the reflection on the blades, which lines their eyes up for split milliseconds. This gave him the opening he needed.

(1...2...3...4...5...6...7…..8…..9.....10!!!) *Contracted Eye!*

Di'Angelos: "Wha-what's ….going…. On!."

HellBlazer: "I used the reflection of your scythe to make direct eye contact with you during our clashing. The contract I invoked leaves you frozen if you exceed the speed of light during the clash. Hehe, aren't I the clever one."

Di'Angelos: "D….dammit!"


A quick burst onslaught throttled Di'Angelos as he remained frozen by HellBlazer's technique.

"Heheheeee! Let's see how long you can endure this!"

HellBlazer begins to throw more ferocious attacks at Di'Angelos. Each blow has enough force to push Sedus 9 further and further away.

Di'Angelos: "Ngh!.... Ngh!.... Tch!!.....Grr-GRRRRRR. Tch! Tch!.... RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!"

"GAH!!!" Yelled HellBlazer as he and his contract are canceled out and pushed back by Di'Angelos' sudden outburst.


A huge dim blast made of darkness and light bursts out, engulfing half of System 9 and HellBlazer along with it. It restricts his movements and holds him in place. Perfect for landing flurries of combos with ease. Such as… *SMASH*

HellBlazer: "GYAAAAAAA!!!" (This damn attack is holding me in place. Every other hit I take is at least twice as strong as the last. And it keeps stacking!)

Di'Angelos: "I'll keep this up till you FALL!!! I've got more than enough essence and energy to keep you here for hours at full burst!"

HellBlazer:( That's what you think! I'm at the damage level needed for my most useful contract!)


The blast being let out by Di'Angelos instantly disappears without a trace. An unfazed HellBlazer remains floating, not even fatigued from the absolute bombardment he took.

Di'Angelos: "H-How!? How are you not fazed at all, you bastard!?"

HellBlazer: "I had a contract set up to activate when I take a certain amount of damage. It allows me to absorb the attack, causing it as well as some of the energy the attacker has. Then, the contract used that to heal me and reinforce me. Becoming part of me!"

Di'Angelos: "Those damn contracts are completely absurd. *huff* *huff* *huff*.... This is crazy!"

HellBlazer: "You're pretty strong ye' heathen. But I'm a walking, talking contingency, dear boy. You can't possibly win. And you've well exceeded what i'd hoped for! You're definitely in!"

Di'Angelos: "Whew!!! Good, good. That's…..*huff* ridiculously good man! Real....gooo-"

Di'Angelos falls out, descending back to Vonra 9 at high speeds. The battle has left him completely drained. He was unable to stop himself and smashed head-first into the floor.

HellBlazer: "Thank prono we're done here. His growth is even higher than mine! Phew! Let's go down then."

Down on Vonra 9, a large crater has been formed. With Diablos and Angelos smack dab in the middle of it. Tired, tuckered out, and drained.

Diablos: "Seems as though…. We're done here, man!"

Angelos: "We made it, bruh! *huff* *huff* What's the word, HellBlazer!?"

HellBlazer: "Well, first. *Damage Erasure*"

All the damage that was done to Diablos and Angelos was healed and wiped away. The two stood up, completely rejuvenated.

Angelos: "That was quite the nifty trick you used. Contracts really are insane. And you don't even suffer drawbacks."

HellBlazer: "All possible through mastery of the study. It's indeed a great addition to my strength. But let me tell you about what comes next."

Both: "RIGHT!"

In the center of Universe B-11 lies the current base for the Assassins' Corps. A constant moving base created by Zigorim Fely, a member of the esteemed Gods of Annihilation group and the best friend to Gaia ll, the current life goddess. There, we find two familiar faces.

Vashjai: "Madame Meenahs! We're back with the reports from that fortress mission!"

Meenahs: "Ohoo!? That was pretty quick, boys. I'm impressed, very impressed.

Meenahs Fely. Daughter of Zigorim and commander of the Serpent faction of the Assassin Corps. She's nearly equal to that of Zigorim and Gaia ll. She's someone that Vashjai looks up to and respects. Nearly an idol for him.

Meenahs: "So Fort AlbaStein, led by Franklin Frost. A member of the Rat nation, a non-mortal. He was dealing in Gov't smashing and selling the remains with packets of reverse essence to bring them back. At first, it could be overlooked, but after taking down enough planets to equal a few universes. We had to put him and that crew of his down. Good job, you two. Dismissed!"

Vashjai: "Indeed Meenahs. Let's go ahead and indulge in some divine herbs, brotha Tristan. I'm trynna be higher than og Death's power scale level.

Meenahs: "Wait, Vashjai. I need you to stay for a bit. We need to talk about your brother."

Vashjai: "You don't mean?"

Meenahs: "Yeah…. THAT, brother."

Tristan: …."woah."

Meenahs: "You stay too, Tristan. The info you hold will be useful as well."

Tristan: …

Vashjai: "Right!"

Back at system 9 in Universe B-9. HellBlazer had briefly explained what exactly Diablos and Angelos were joining. Their motives and goals as well as their plan.

HellBlazer: "We're an operating group of mercenaries in search of a key. This key will allow us to help make balance in the omniverse a permanent and constant thing that upholds itself. With the help of you two, we should be able to attain it with ease. We're called….. Le Destrucìon."

Both: "Wwwwoahhhh!"

Diablos: Now this is exciting, my guy!"

Angelos: "Indeed!"

HellBlazer: "Let's get moving then! To the base we go!!"

Both: "Right!"

Diablos and Angelos finally pass the entrance test held by the mercenary, HellBlazer. With them joining "Le Destrucìon", things are starting to move forward. As the revival of Death draws near!!

???: "It would seem fate has finally set the necessary events into motion. With the revival of Death II drawing near. The countdown to me gaining EVERYTHING has begun…. Heh." *Grin*