
Streaming Life in the Multiverse

What happens when a teenager dies and gets a streamer system? Will he fight Gods, slay dragons? Maybe later, but he's in Danganronpa right now. Let's see how he handles his new job in a slice of life looking world.

DummyPersonified · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Preparations and Interrupted Gaming.

Makoto stared at me for a moment, then closed his eyes. Before I could ask if he was okay, he opened them and muttered thoughtfully, "Well, I enjoy video games, but I don't play too often. I'm not a hardcore gamer, so I usually stick to whatever's popular at the moment. I really enjoyed most of the Resident Evil games—they have puzzle and resource management elements. Actually, I heard they were made partially because of Kirigiri-san's and the Ultimate Gamer's talent; I wonder if they know or would find the premise interesting".

I'm not sure if he was oblivious or if I was hiding it better than I thought, but I was genuinely shocked Resident Evil existed here. When I arrived here, I quickly learned video games were much less prominent. Until three years ago, most games were designed with former Ultimate talents in mind: Ultimate Boxer, Ultimate Wrestler, Ultimate Gunman, even the Ultimate Blacksmith. A way for the masses to live vicariously through us, I suppose.

I believe the only reason all of this changed was because of Nanami Chiaki, the Ultimate Gamer. If you make a game an Ultimate likes, your game would sell out on day one. And who better to appeal to than a cute gamer girl who is also the Ultimate Gamer? She amassed a fan base when she got the high score on some hack n' slash game a few years ago, so developers started catering to her tastes. Thank God her tastes are diverse.

Ignoring everything else, Makoto mentioned a great game. With an appreciative nod, I quietly hummed before answering. "That sounds interesting, and I'll definitely play it. Thanks, Naegi-kun. Resident Evil, huh? That's a solid choice," I said. "I'll definitely check it out. And yeah, I think Kirigiri-san might appreciate the premise—using her brain to piece together puzzles and everything. But I get the feeling she prefers the real thing over virtual content. The Ultimate Gamer would probably like it, though."

"I guess I can see that. Kirigiri-san seems focused on current situations", Makoto mused with more relaxed shoulders. "I'm not too familiar with niche games, sorry".

Offering a shrug, I sit on my bed. "Eh, only dumbasses think you should or have to enjoy niche games. I wouldn't worry about how popular the games you like are. They're trending for a reason. Say, if I manage to find an interesting multiplayer game, do you want to play sometime?"

I would admit this was more beneficial to the stream than anything, but I genuinely wanted to play as well. Like I said, he gave me good vibes. Also, I wasn't classmates with the Ultimate Gamer and had no way of knowing if she only played with friends or competitively or something. Luckily, Makoto wasn't picky.

With an excited nod, Makoto smiled brightly. "Sure, Sakaki-kun. Next time we're available."

I gave Makoto an amused smile that soon made him self conscious. With a hint of mirth in my voice, I spoke honestly. "Sounds good, Naegi-kun. Now that I think about it, we should see if any of the others are interested sometime. We could always ask people"—with my tone and grin growing mischievous, Makoto grew equally wary—"Perhaps even Maizono-san."

Makoto's cheeks flushed at my offer, and a light bead of sweat formed on his forehead. I never expected to see something so anime-like in real life, so I was more surprised than amused...for two seconds. Noticing this, he spoke slightly louder than normal. "M-maybe, Sakaki-kun. I don't think she would be interested in that kind of thing."

"You're the Lucky Student, aren't you? Create the opportunity for yourself and take the chance. You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take".

My words cut through any of Makoto's retorts. He gave an awkward smile and started shifting a bit before his voice grew a tad softer; it was hardly noticeable. "Maybe when my luck holds out more. I slipped on a leaf that was stuck to the bottom of someone's shoes earlier".

I was obviously flabbergasted, yet I plastered a smile on my face that barely masked my approaching laughter. "I-I see. That makes sense, Naegi-kun. Hey, why don't we pick this up tomorrow? We can discuss the finer details of your crush and figure out anything we want to do then. I've only met six of you as well".

His blush returned in full force and offered me a bow before quickly excusing himself. "S-sure! Good night Sakaki-kun. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow".

Reciprocating his goodbye, I waited for the door to close before laughing. I figured Sayaka was interested in Makoto from the way she kept looking at him while we were talking, so I didn't mind helping him out on that end. Plus, I was sure we started developing a bro friendship or at least getting along well enough. I wouldn't have guessed how much though without the System telling me.

Pulling the cellphone out, the screen automatically turns on and I see a notification. Namely, the results and rewards of meeting Makoto. This was the best reward I ever had, no question.

"Congratulations! You have met Naegi Makoto, the Ultimate Lucky Student. Despite the contrast between his shy personality and your outgoing personality, you two get along well. He already thinks of you as a good friend".

Hidden objective: Changing the fate of another.

Rewards: Moderately increased proficiency in Investigative Journalism, public speaking, acting, improvisation, Philosophy of Logic, and Nonverbal communication. Mildly increased luck, and The Lucky Coin.

Without even realizing it, I fist pumped and yelled out an ecstatic "yes" before feeling the Coin suddenly appear in my left pocket. Clumsily grabbing the coin out of my pocket, I look it over as if it were a gift from God. The coin felt cool and heavy in my hand, its silvery white surface glinting in the light. On one side, a black circle stood out, while the other side was pure black with a red lightning bolt in the center. It wasn't some useless heirloom; it was a game-changer. Not the most pleasing to look at though.

The Lucky Coin: You may flip this coin to influence the outcome of one event or interaction, significantly increasing the chances of a favorable result. However, you may only use this coin once every three days and it cannot be used by anyone other than you. This coin is impossible to lose.

The applications weren't lost on me—from something as simple as a card game or gambling to more delicate situations like negotiation and persuasion, the coin could change everything. Remembering the chat, I excitedly narrated my thoughts with an admittedly childish inflection. "This is freaking amazing. Even if it's a watered down probability manipulation, the possibilities are nearly endless".

Speaking of chat, I noticed they were somewhat active for only three people. Even though all of them knew each other, I was a bit surprised they were this invested overall.

Web_Slinger: Your dorm room is larger than my bedroom. Care to trade for an autograph, dear fan of mine?

Miles_Morales: Woah, that's awesome. Totally gotta decorate it with something.

Reporter_MJ: That boy seems nice. A bit shy too. Reminds me a bit of you when we first met, Peter.

Web_Slinger: You think so? He must have some potential then.

Web_Slinger: Wait, hold on. You can actually influence luck? Dude, that's not fair. Do you know how many times that would have helped me against a tough enemy?

With a smirk, I nodded at Peter's words and my voice was dripping with mirth. "My room is to my tastes, I'm afraid. And your luck is kind of shit, on that we agree"—my expression turned thoughtful as the nature of my rewards occurred to me—"Still, changing someone's fate and the quality of the rewards are concerning. I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but rewards like that are only given if you complete something hard or significant".

Miles_Morales: Or if it's something you need for the future.

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, I realized I hadn't thought of that possibility. Miles was technically right; meeting each of my classmates had given me overlapping rewards with some additions, so it was possible I was being prepared for something. On the other hand, rewards of that kind were given only in chain quests. It was a possibility I didn't enjoy.

"That's a possibility I hadn't considered, but it's also a secondary concern. We can't prove that one way or the other. What we can confirm is we changed someone's fate. Naegi-kun's would be the most obvious; however, it could just as easily be Maizono-san's or even a staff member. There's no way to know if their fate was changed for the better either".

Reporter_MJ: I'm not one to throw theories without any evidence, but if our world is considered fictional to other universes, is it possible the one you arrived in is too?

"I'm assuming it is or was fictional. When I first arrived here, I was told this was the world of 'Danganronpa'. It's not a world I am familiar with, yet it's possible Naegi-kun is someone important. Sadly, I don't think this is a slice of life world anymore. And just when I was thinking it was a dumbass harem world".

Eleven: What is a harem?

Reporter_MJ: What exactly is a "harem world", Hideaki?

Reading Eleven and MJ's messages in rapid succession made me a mess. My face felt warm and my stomach was contracting. Feeling the beginning of a cackle rise from my chest, I quickly bit my tongue in hopes of quelling the urge. That did stop it, but only enough where my shoulders were still shaking and a smile wider than the Grand Canyon made its home on my face.

After a couple deep breaths, I ignore the perfect timing and began in a shaky tone. "I'll tell you when you're older, Eleven. Nice to talk to you again. Are you doing okay? And MJ, don't blame me for the existence of that stuff. I'm completely guilt-free here, surprisingly".

Eleven: I'm okay. Are you okay?

A message of Eleven asking me if I'm okay melted my heart, making me genuinely smile. With a softness that surprised even me, I answered Eleven with complete honesty. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking kiddo". I wasn't sure if I'd ever visit her world, but that would be one I'd be okay with.

Web_Slinger: You might want to start your investigation into Hope's Peak Academy soon. School time is finite and the coin could be an asset to your investigation. But since the cool down is three days, I wouldn't rely on it or use it the second it's available. It could be your "get out of jail free" card in an emergency.

Wordlessly, I acknowledged Peter's words by jumping to my feet and stretching my arms behind my back. Letting out a small grunt, I looked at some boxes near my door before deciding to check out the rest of my room. Except for the size, it wasn't anything special. Between the white walls, a brown sliding closet door and white paper shades over the windows, it was plain. Despite what Miles said earlier, I didn't plan to decorate it. I wouldn't stay here forever or stare at the walls, why waste my time?

After noting my surroundings, I slowly walked around the room and swiftly searched for anything they gave me or placed. Beyond what Yukizome-sensei and the letter said, there were school uniforms in the closet, the books on the shelf from earlier, a few notebooks and pencils in my desk drawer, and the boxes mentioned before.

The boxes were the things I ordered from the school store: a backpack, new laptop, printer and ink, paper, and a cork board. Focused on researching Hope's Peak, I unboxed and placed my computer and printer on my desk.

"Okay, gang. Who is willing to help me, like, solve a mystery? I just need to place my cork board, print off the articles I emailed to myself, and we're good to review the data we already have. From there, I can decide what to do next". Between actually doing something interesting and my love of references, I was excited and sure Peter would get it if Scooby-Doo existed in his world.

Checking the chat while booting up my computer and printer showed my reference wasn't missed; that made me happier than reasonable.

Web_Slinger: As long as there are Spider snacks.

Reporter_MJ: Dorks.

With a twinkle in my eye, I merely shrug and give a lighthearted smirk. "Perhaps. Even so, we have work to do, Watson. Care to join me on this adventure? You too, Eleven, Miles".

Reporter_MJ: All the way. I'm living vicariously through you.

Eleven: Thank you.

Miles_Morales: Of course, man.

"Excellent. In that case, I'll do a quick summary: Hope's Peak has had a string of missing students from the reserve course and there have been rumors of neglect, corruption, unethical experiments, and a wide variety of other rumors—some of which have been stated by a single former staff member. He and the articles were effectively 'gone' within minutes after they were posted. Hold on a sec".

Without waiting for a response from anyone, I quickly moved to my laptop that was now at the home screen. I wasn't going to risk connecting to the WIFI of the same school I was searching for dirt on. Keeping that in mind, I decided to check if my cellphone had hotspot capabilities. It did, unlimited at that.

Glee found in my voice, I was somehow muttering words coherently. "I fucking love this thing. I can connect—uh, sorry for swearing. Anyway, I can connect my PC to the internet through mobile hotspot. And given the source of the cellphone, the chances someone learns what I'm doing will be less likely unless they have the computer itself. Right now, I just need to print off the articles".

Realizing I was getting off track, I paused and took a deep breath before starting a mass download of all PDF attachments from my email. "That will take some time. Where was I? Oh, right. The articles were gone within minutes, most of which were from reputable sources".

"Thankfully, I managed to recover most of them. For whatever reason, they didn't think to check one of the internet archive pages found on the Deep Web. They may have thought users of programs to access these websites were too rare to worry about, not entirely sure. Might have also paid off major and minor news outlets to not post certain articles or at least spin narrative".

While I was waiting for everyone to formulate their own thoughts, I was considering everything I learned so far. I had yet to do background checks on the staff, but I doubted that would get me results that mattered. If it did, I was sure the most I could find was something on their personal lives; unrelated to Hope's Peak itself. I might prove embezzlement, but I wouldn't count on it. Realistically, the true conundrum was what I would do with any information in the first place.

Saving those thoughts for later, I looked at the screen and noticed some of the others had questions. None were from Eleven, but I wasn't surprised. She likely didn't understand.

Miles_Morales: Experiments of what kind?

Web_Slinger: They're experimenting on people?

Reporter_MJ: I wonder what they could be doing.

Despite no change in the way they wrote, I somehow felt the tension rise in chat.

"The nature of these experiments weren't elaborated on, only that it involved some of the reserve course students. Considering the reserve course doesn't serve to fulfill Hope's Peak's public goal, I can believe it. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were trying to do something similar to how you two got your powers via spider bite".

"The school is government sanctioned as well, but the reserve course students pay ludicrous amounts of money to attend. It's basically private funding the government can't see. I wouldn't put it past large places like this to use the money to fund 'side projects'. Now that everyone is up to speed, we can continue this more in depth tomorrow. I'm completely drained and I don't like to stop my work halfway. Moving onto more peaceful moments, Naegi-kun mentioned a game I knew of in my world: Resident Evil. Should we give it a try?"

It as my first time playing Resident Evil 4 and had to admit it was one of the funnest games I ever played. Really, my biggest gripe was my excessive need for the inventory to be perfect. Too bad that was a me problem. Otherwise, it mostly lived up to the hype.

"Fuck is that thing!? I went to grab a shotgun only for the chainsaw dickhead to cuck me out of shotgun shells and a grenade. I'm kind of an item hoarder until new game plus, if there is one".

"Don't you fucking 'oh no' me, Leon! She was killing us both. Survival of the fittest, bro. Get your head back in the game".

Toxic behavior aside, I realized I had been playing for a couple hours when I heard two guys arguing in the hallway. Resigned and annoyed, I sigh and subconsciously mutter two distinct words to myself before standing from my chair quickly. "Oh no".

Walking towards the door, I heard the voices get progressively louder. They were both fairly deep, one with a smooth and stern tone, the other with a gruffer, more rebellious edge. The sounds grew worse once I was at the door, and I heard them arguing loudly over the dumbest shit ever.

"Owada-kun, no running in the hallways and wear the school uniform!"

"Quit your bitching. We're still inside the fuckin' dorms".

If these dip fucks had a system with the same quests I did, they'd have failed mine.

I hope you can enjoy the story. I appreciate all the support or criticism you can offer me.

DummyPersonifiedcreators' thoughts