

The road was very quiet and lonely only the sound of birds was heard. after walking for a mile, the team became exhausted. They sat down to take a rest. Just then an old man in his late 70s was passing by, Henry approach the man for direction.

Henry: good day sir(grinning)

Old man: do I look amusing, what's with the smile?...( he notices Henry's eyebrows furrow) and I do not insist on the frown either.

Henry:( laughs even when he doesn't understand the man) I guessed my crew and I are lost.

Oldman: you are [a cynical smile swept all over his face]

Henry: we are? (Henry asked surprised, trying to conceal the message his gut has been trying to pass)

Oldman: don't you know?

Henry: No.. well you don't mind showing us the way home since we're sort of lost.

Oldman: it's admist you( eyes wander around the people resting a bit far from them)

Henry: sir!( he addresses the old man, not sure of what to call him) um..by chance do you know your way around?

Oldman: know? I live around, I might look old but am still strong as a youth. How did you get here?

Henry: I think I led my team in the wrong direction, it's all due to a situation

Oldman: what situation?

Henry: we're having problems exiting this town and it suddenly becomes uninhabited and we keep going around in circles, so when I saw this road. I decide we took it.

Old man: you won't be able to make it home tonight. ( He said cavernously)

Henry: we can't spend the night here [he blurts out for answers]

Old man: it's getting dark... I can afford to accommodate you all for the night( he sniff)

Henry: sir...

Old man: I can only show you the way home when you spend the night, don't worry am not a bad person. Just some joke ass walking down this road. Ok, let's get this clear am not forcing you to, if you feel like you can find your way home on your own, well good for you. As for me am leaving( turn to leave)

Henry: wait...( the man halts on his track, and he turns back slowly to Henry) give me a minute to brief this over with my team( the man nod signifying ok, Henry head back to his team who was waiting eagerly for him.)

Frank: anything?

Henry: he lives around...(he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat off his wrinkled forehead) he offer to spare us some accommodation simply for the night, and he will show us the way home.

Frank: are you okay with that?

Henry: do I have a choice? It's going to get dark soon... we need a roof over our heads at that time.

Frank nods... there's something wrong he can't seem to put his finger on.

Henry: listen, Everybody ( claps his hands, drawing the concentration of the team member, the whole place went into a blank silence as everyone is eager to hear him out) it will be dusk soon, we can't keep going on.. we're gonna need a roof over our heads when it's fucking dark, am pretty sure you understand what I mean... well I found someone willing to take us in for the night, then by tomorrow before you know it [click his fingers] we're home.

Adam: the stranger over there?(they all turn back to look at the man. Crowd murmur)

Henry: guys, guys, come on. There's a high percent probability that we won't make it home tonight... look around this place look like the outskirts of nowhere.

Jinning: we're talking about a stranger( noises increase)

Smith: I don't think staying out is a good idea, for crying out loud we should listen to him... wild animals, we might get feasted on.

Tessa: staying out? Excuse me, is that even possible, we're in a town-

Smith: mind if I remind you, we're are in the forestial part of the town. Anything is possible-

Jinning: And that's the best you can come up with? ( crowd squabbles)

Henry: Alright that's enough, no one is gonna get feasted on by wild animals or whatever that's out here. Wild animals? ( he reasons the word and then turns to smith) man, how can you come up with such an option

( he shook his head, then turn to the crowd) We're all adults and listen I Am just your manager in your field of work, not a life controller, if you all decide to end it here am with you, whatever conclusion you make is clearly with you and I won't proceed further with my words.

There was an immediate silence that last for a short while.

Crowd: am in, am in, am in...( they say one after the other)

Henry: back at you. team. ( he smiled widely, his heart was filled with joy since he was going to rest, every minute has been hectic for him ever since they started the project but he just hope to meet the end of it, though it's a stranger's house.. he can't hesitate but give in to rest after all the stranger is not that bad looking. He thought.

The old man lead the way passing a curve bushy road, the old man could sense the tension building up in the crowd.

Old man: no need to be afraid, the pathway may be bushy but it's preferable to go this way. Am Felix by the way. ( he introduces himself hoping to relieve a little bit of the tension.)

Frank: may I ask sir? (The old man stop, and he turns to look at the young man who just spoke)

Felix: you're a doctor?

Frank: yes am doctor frank, the crew medical assistant.

Felix: are you feeling insecure frank?

Frank: to be honest this place is creepy and I swear to admit it but. it's freaking me out, silently.

Felix:( laughs softly) it's okay,( turn to Henry) what are you, I mean your field of operation?

Henry: Everyone here except for doctor frank is an archeologist, we came to research a project placed on hold in the 90s. We were called immediately but unfortunately, we can't exit this town.

Felix: that's the sign of a bad omen, what if you're meant not to leave?

Henry:( his expression change) I don't understand, what do you mean by that?

Felix: it's strange to hear you can't exit a town you entered...( he saw the solemn expression on the two men beside him.. he burst into laughter) but bad omen don't just come except someone call for it and when it comes, it answers to All...

( frank on the other hand was trying his best to understand what the man just said but the words seem like a joke, he was starting to think if the man was a normal human or an abnormal one. But no matter how to confused he was, some part of him believe it even when he doesn't understand. Felix burst into laughter) you guys fell for it, anyway don't get me wrong. I told you, am a joke ass right? ( he ask Henry)

Henry: yea...( he was starting to notice something, putting all the events together, he was getting pessimistic)

Felix: I've spent half of my years here and I have seen a lot, of things that are not meant for the naked eye.

Abby maintains an opposite line beside smith, closing the gap between them. Smith stop and push her out of his way. Then continue his work. She ran towards him, giving him a devilish glare.

Smith: what now? ( he ask as he felt her eyes on him)

Abigail: you pushed me... I want you to apologize.

Smith: I would have gotten hurt if I hadn't pulled you Aside

Abigail: push not pull. [she argues]

Smith: (laughs) what're you complaining about exactly? Hey! Was the graffitis you drew out of the wall not enough or do I look mesmerizing as well now and you're having the thought of drawing me out too?[he tease her]

Abigail: [she huff] I know what you're trying to do

Smith: yeah and it's working.[ he whispers leaning over to her side]

Abigail: stop being sarcastic.

Smith: don't speak to me informally.

Abigail: there was a time you hope, to speak to you informally and not as a staff colleague...that was the first time you resume work.

Smith: there was never a day you speak to me formally, even that day I resumed work...you made me carry you home drunk due to some unnecessary work success you had.

Abigail: it was a big progress for me.

Smith: Hmm.[ he rolled his eyes]

They arrive at the old man's House, it was a cabin House not too big On the outside but it sure can accommodate all of them. The house wasn't that furnish With Home belongings but They could manage. Felix shows them to a different rooms. One for the men and the other for the ladies, nine gentlemen, and six ladies.

Felix: my home is not that comfortable Hope you can manage

Henry: thanks we appreciate it. ( a faint smile creeps into Felix's face)

Felix: you all leave by sunrise and it's best to maintain silence. This place is very dangerous and a conundrum than you can ever imagine...

Gabriel: why are you telling us all this now?

Felix: it's the only way I can guarantee your safety( He went out of the room and came back with two mats in his hand. Two beds were lined on either side of the room, Creating a space in the middle. Michael took the mat and spread it on the floor.

Felix: there's a baked bread in the kitchen( he pointed at smith) you!

Smith: me?!

Felix: yes you( he said calmly and walk out)

Henry burst into laughter, they turn to him like someone who has gone crazy for no reason.

Henry: I fear to admit but he's more spooky than the night( he stutters)

Smith walked into the living room, he saw the old man sitting on a rocking chair just staring at the exit door as if expecting someone or something. Smith look around for the kitchen until he saw it.. a room with a written carbon paper on which says "kitchen." The kitchen was neat and less beautiful. He saw the baked bread on a wooden table, he took it and head out.

Smith flinches in shock on seeing the old man in front just as he steps out of the kitchen.

Smith: you frightened me.

Felix: I bake these in the morning, it's still good to consume. you should give the ladies too.

Smith: you bake?

Felix: it's that new?

Smith: no not at all, we're in the 21st century so anything is possible.

Felix: do you have some spare time to talk with me? There's something I want to tell you and at the same time confirm.

Smith: now?

Felix: yes.

(Ladies room)

The only difference between the lady's room and the men's room was the cream walls with few paintings, just like the male room. Two Beds were fix on either sides of the room.

Abby sat on the bed, she open her backpack she took earlier from the bus. She brought out a whole lot of biscuits and juice, which she shared with the other ladies. still, there was more.)

Erica: just how many of these did you bring?

Abigail: a lot, I carry them wherever I go..all day long.

Sandy: keep it down... the old man said not to make noise.

Nora: but not sound.

Emilia: (with a mouthful) I don't know but I keep having this feeling we're not safe here.

Erica: it's okay to feel that way, after all, no one goes to a stranger's home and feels comfortable like it's your home.

Abigail: you're nervous?

Emilia: no am not.

Nora: he's just an old man what's the worst he can do?

Emilia: haven't you heard of the story "old kills"

Abigail: it's more ironic right?

Emilia: no

Abigail: ok I didn't get that one, um... tragic comedy?

Emilia: no it's a tragic story, it's a story full of the devil's work and it's more of lessons than killing..it also teaches about life and its worth.

Abigail: let me guess, there are ghosts in it? ( turn off her flashlight which was a source of light to them. She then turns it on on her face) whoosh! Lightening, Bang! Bang! Bang!( Emilia took the flashlight from her and place it on a wooden drawer) hey am a ghost, that's not fun!

Emilia: no it's not.

Abigail: I would have loved to read the book but hell no, and you know why? The story is more of lessons than killing. Come on, to me the killing is the thrill.

Tessa: Emilia, you can't embellish fiction into reality okay?

Nora:( went close to Emilia and pat her on the head like she was a baby) stop being nervous, we're here.. am here for you. Okay?

Emilia: I wasn't, it was my speculation. ( she laments like a child while resting her head on Nora's shoulder.)

Abigail: feeling, speculated but not nervous... what do you think to build up those? Can someone please explain the meaning of nervousness to Emilia? seems someone skip class for a cafeteria. ( they burst into laughter)

Nora: hey that's my sister!

************men room*****************

Henry move from one spot to another trying to get a signal but all his efforts went he vain, he frustratedly sat on the bench and hit his feet hard on the floor.

Henry: Aaaah This is not funny at all, nothing is going well today... I wonder if the director got my mail already( he stood up again) does anyone have an idea of what's going on?

Men: no, we notice, can't seem to get through and it's dusk already.

Henry:(exhales hard) this place is hideous.

Gabriel: something isn't right, I have felt it the whole time.

Jinning: I'm smelling the rat too( idiom meaning: to suspect something) not on the man but the environment, never knew there was an uninhabited part of this town or did everyone migrate out.

Adam: it's my first time here so let's not judge the environment yet, we don't know a lot about here.

Brody: what if this is a sign

Michael: to do what?

Jinning: run into the dark.

Frank: sometimes it's okay to be scared using speculative observation. It's normal in every human being but we shouldn't let it get to us. Many people experience heart palpitations along with anxiety, and anxiety set off the body's flight response as part of the autonomic nervous system.

Michael: what does that mean?

Frank: when you feel uneasy about a situation your autonomic nervous system kicks in, increasing your heart rate. We just have to ease our minds and adjust to the environment.

( the door suddenly opens revealing Smith who seems absentminded )

Henry: smith! Smith?


Felix: it's up to you to tell them what they're up to or pretend not to know what's gonna happen to you all.....( Felix warned)


Henry: smith! Smith!!( smith regain himself he walk dizzying to the bed and lay on it, he looked terrified and was shivering)

Frank: did something happen,smith?

Smith:( shook his head sideways) No, it will( he stammered)

Brody: do you think he saw something?

Chris: or receive a phone call!

( they turn to a smith who was laying with his eyes shut)

Henry: the network signal is the jam for hours now, so a phone call is not possible.

Frank:(sign heavily, he lay on the mat) excessive thinking creates a feeling of distress and restlessness that may lead to anxiety or depression that can create hallucinations if not taken care of... we should call it a night. ( he rested)

Men: Good night.....