
Stranded with an Omnitrix

Stranded in space in a completely different universe, I had to adapt. Luckily, I had a powerful watch to help me with that. Let's see what Ben 10 can do in DC. WIth the most powerful weapon in the universe, Green Lantern eat your heart out, I'll live up to that name.

DanteMustDie · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Author's Note: Changed the basic premise of the story to offer more room to work with. I thought an Omnitrix in DC story would go hand in hand with my Osmosian in Marvel story.

--------------------------------------------------------------"Ugh, what happened?" I said as my eyes opened and I sat up. My back hurt from laying on the hard ground of wherever I was. Looking around, my eyes widened as I took in my surroundings. The area around me was desolate, looking like a desert with broken parts of what looked like space ships littering the area.

'Where the hell am I?' I thought when I took notice of a strange weight on my right wrist. Looking down, I found a watch with a strange design. Its color scheme was green, white, and black, with an hourglass design on the front (Omniverse Omnitrix).

'Is that an Omnitrix? Why do I have a toy on my wrist?' I thought, reaching down to touch it, causing the faceplate to slide down and a holographic interface to appear, with various silhouettes of aliens.

'Maybe not a toy? What's going on here?'

"Neat watch" was heard behind me. Spinning around and backing up a short distance, I found a man standing behind where I had been sitting. He had brown hair and eyes and was wearing the tattered remains of a stained red coat. One side of the coat had his arm in it, but the other was left dangling uselessly as there was no arm to hold it up. He was smiling at me, with his eyes and smile giving me a very disarming feeling.

"Who are you? Are you the one who brought me here?" I asked.

The man laughed at my question. "No, I didn't bring you here. As for who I am, well my name's Phil Adair. Welcome to my prison."

"Prison?" I asked.

"Well I guess it's more accurate to say self-imposed prison. This hunk of rock is where I decided to atone, so I think of it as a prison." Phil explained.

"And where exactly is this 'prison'?" I asked, wanting to go home as soon as possible.

"No clue" Phil said with a smile.

"How can you not know where you are?"

"Well, you don't know where you are now do you." He pointed out.

"I was brought here somehow, you said this was a self-imposed prison." I retorted.

"Yeah, but I didn't find this place I ended up here and decided not to try to leave. I don't have a way off this planet, never really been all that good with tech." Phil said with a shrug.

'Tech!' I realized and looked down at the Omnitrix on my wrist.

'I don't know how I ended up here, or where here is, but this thing looks real enough. Ending up on some other planet is supernatural enough, maybe this watch isn't just for show.' I thought.

Reaching down to the watch, I activated it again and the different silhouettes appeared. Scrolling through them, I found 10 different ones that I was able to identify from my days watching Ben 10.

'Swampfire, Jetray, Diamondhead, XLR8, Big Chill, Grey Matter, Feedback, Echo Echo, Jury Rigg, and Humongosaur. I've got 11 aliens unlocked on this thing, 10 I recognize from the show, and one I have no idea about, but they aren't from any cohesive playlist I remember from the show. I still have the ones I need though, I don't know how far away I am from civilization, so Jetray's out, but with Grey Matter and Jury Rigg I could use the remains of these ships to build a new one.' I thought with excitement.

"So what's the watch kid? The thing was acting up, shot a green light over me when I got near you." Phil said, leaning against a metal piece of debris.

'Phil's the extra alien. What is he then, for the Omnitrix to scan him?'

"Are you an alien?" I asked Phil.

"Me? No, 100% human, just a little special is all." Phil said, and from the ground, dirt formed up to create an arm where his missing one was.

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"I'll tell you when you tell me what the watch did. And your name for that matter. It scanned me, can't blame me for being a little curious." Phil said.

'The Omnitrix could be my only ticket off of this planet, but if he stays nearby he's going to see me use it anyway. Better to just tell him and get some information.'

"It scanned you, the watch lets me transform into other species. As for my name, it's Ben Tenant." I said. My interest in Ben 10 had been amusing to my mom upon the discovery that I had the same first name as the main character. Plus, my last name could be shortened to Ten, so it all kind of fits. My appearance wasn't all that different from Ben's either, the base features being similar. I had brown hair and green eyes as well, just adding to the similarities.

"Oh, so you can turn into me now, huh. Well, let's see it, transform into something." Phil said.

"You said you'd tell me what you did after I told you. What's your power?" I asked.

Phil sighed and said "A lot. Within my sphere of influence, I can control anything down to the molecular level, which lets me do a lot."

'That's insane. Depending on how big his range is, he's almost unbeatable.'

"Cool. How about you help me get us off this planet." I said, moving the dial on the Omnitrix and selected Grey Matter, pressing down. In a flash, I was much shorter than I was before, having changed into the form of a Galvan.

Phil bent down and looked at me. "What's this little guy do?"

"The Galvan species is hyper-intelligent. I should be able to make use of the debris around here to build us a ship capable of getting us off-planet. Are you capable of transmutation of materials with your ability?" I asked.

Phil rubbed his chin as he said "Well it was always more of my little brother's thing, but yeah I can do it."

"I'll create the plans for the ship, I'll tell you what I need. But first..." I said and reached behind me, altering the Omnitrix using the intelligence gained from my new form to remove the limiter, something that would hold me back a lot if left alone.

'It's not quite the master control, but it's close enough.'

Phil leaned back as I got to work, figuring out the plans for the ship I was creating to get us off-world. Eventually, I finished and held up the finished design.

"Looking around, I've got most of what I need from the stuff around us. There are just a few things I need you to create." I said and showed him the molecular formula of the materials I would need. Phil nodded and in front of me appeared an abundance of the stuff I needed.

'That power is amazing, and now I have it too.'

In a flash, I had turned into Jury Rigg. "Fix fix fix," I said as I got to work, using the blueprints to make a more lasting ship instead of letting Jury Rigg's instincts take over to make an effective, yet volatile one. Phil watched, amused, as I busied myself building the components of the ship. I worked for hours, getting a good amount of work done as the ship was coming together before I decided to call it a day and turned back into my human form.

"Is there anything to eat on this planet? I'm starving," I asked Phil.

"There aren't any natural sources of food, but I get by with my power," Phil said, and in front of us appeared some bread. Nodding my head, I sat down and ate bread as it kept appearing until I was finally full.

"Hey Phil, since I got your form in my watch, how about you teach me how to use it?" I asked.

Phil shook his head though. "Sorry kid, I think it's better for my power to die off with me. Nobody needs this much power, it hurts those around you."

Looking at Phil, I could see that he looked more ragged, bogged down by memories.

'I guess I'll have to figure it out myself.'

"How about you help me with my other forms then? You should theoretically be able to duplicate a lot of their powers."

Phil thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "I can do that."

From then on I would train with Phil, his field giving him the power to duplicate the abilities of a good amount of my aliens. I wanted to at least get a cursory understanding of how to use their abilities, beyond the instincts ingrained into me by the Omnitrix. I learned fast and was able to pick up the abilities of the aliens and get used to them quickly over the next few days as I devoted some time to finish the ship as well.

At night, Phil would tell me stories of his life. From what he described about his life, I figured out he belonged to an alternate timeline or dimension from my own because everything he described was completely different from anything I knew.

Apparently, the world he lived in had a portion of the populace with powers called Supers, while another portion of the populace had powers but couldn't control them called Powered. Heroes were sanctioned there and there were programs for college students to enroll in to try to become heroes.

"So you were a hero then?" I asked Phil.

"I was for a time. I attended the Lander Campus for my training. Those were some fun times." Phil said with nostalgia, but I could tell he was steering away from his time as a hero for some reason.

Days turned into weeks as I continued to build the ship, getting a little carried away in how advanced I was making it. I had no idea how far away from Earth or even the next planet I was, so I wanted to make sure it was the best ship I could possibly make. I had found guidance systems from the destroyed ships, but they wouldn't be active until I had completely integrated them into the ship.

Phil continued to tell me stories about his time at Lander, training to be a hero. After hearing about the kind of training they went through, I realized Phil was basically putting me through the same thing with my aliens.

I was beginning to notice something as time went on. Phil was getting more haggard, growing worse for wear as time went on. I didn't comment on it, but I knew Phil was aware I noticed.

The ship was eventually finished, but I still had to complete the guidance system and make sure everything was operational when I was surprised when Phil asked me something.

"You still want to learn how to use my form?" He asked me when I told him I was almost done.

I nodded in excitement but was confused as to why he would do it now. "Yeah, but why change your mind now?"

"Don't know, thought it'd be fun to give it a go now that we've worked with your other aliens."

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I nodded and in a flash, I had turned into my Phil form. I changed to look like a younger version of Phil, with a more built frame, my eyes changing from green to brown as a green coat was formed behind me as well, mirroring Phil's.

Phil walked around me, looking me over. "Huh, not bad I guess. You look like you could be my son."

"Well come on then 'dad' show me how to use this guy," I said.

"Alright, slow your roll. Concentrate for a minute, can you feel a sort of field all around you?" Phil asked.

Taking a moment to concentrate, I became aware of the field he was talking about. It extended 15 meters away from me and gave me a feeling of power. It felt like I could do anything in this field, as long as I put my mind to it.

"I can feel it," I said.

"Good, how far does it extend?" Phil asked.

"About 15 meters," I said.

Phil rubbed his chin, an action I had noticed he took whenever he was thinking. "That's about where I was at 20. You're 18 right?"

When I nodded he continued. "Then your form is better than mine was at the same age."

'The Omnitrix is supposed to give me the prime version of the forms I take, so it makes sense that I would be better off than he was.'

Phil went on to teach me how to use his form. I learned how he was able to do what he did, and how many different uses his power had. From generating, manipulating, and negating any kind of energy to manipulating gravity. I could even control another person and create illusions with this power. The sheer versatility was insane, and mentally I put it into the category of my most powerful transformation.

Meanwhile, I had finished the guidance system and found a star map from the records of the ships. Looking at the map, I took note of the various names of planets listed in the star map. They stuck out to me, as the names shown were those such as Mogo, Thanagar, Tamaran.

'Wait, aren't those the names of planets in the DC Universe. I'm not even in my own universe!' The realization causing me to fall to the ground. The knowledge that I wouldn't be able to use the ship to fly hitting me as I wrapped my arms around my knees and put my face down. I don't know how long I sat there, wallowing in my own misery until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong kid?" Phil asked me.

"Turns out I'm not even in the right universe. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, frustration bleeding into my tone.

Phil sighed as he said "I worried that's what happened. You didn't recognize anything I talked about Earth being like, so I just hoped I had been sent to your universe instead of both of us being sent to a different one."

"I'm going to be honest with you, it's a long shot you ever get home. If the multiverse theory is true, you would have to search a lifetime just to find your way back even if you could figure out a way to travel dimensions in the first place." Phil said.

"Oh yeah, that's very inspiring," I said sarcastically.

"I'm just being honest with you. Think about it this way though, you've now got a whole new universe to explore and a cool watch to do it with." Phil said, motioning towards the Omnitrix.

I sighed and said, "So what, I should just forget about my home?"

"No, don't forget, but move on. Holding onto the past like that isn't healthy, I know from experience." Phil said, a haunted look coming into his eyes.

Deciding to push on since he brought it up, and hopefully giving myself a distraction, I said "Phil, what happened to you? You talk about your time at Lander but never talk about your time as a hero and you never told me how you ended up here or why you think this place should be your prison."

"Maybe it is time I talk about it, at least to give you some perspective," Phil said. From there, he told the story of his last days as a hero, and how he ended up in this universe. He was on a hero team with some of his friends from College, including his brother, Charles. Charles' wife was a Powered and would see visions of the future with her daughter dying because of her. Charles wanted to find a way to cure her, and the only way he could do that was to study the power of another of their friend, Joshua or Intra, who could completely control his body.

Even studying his power, it wasn't enough. They needed a close look at his brain, so Charles made a plan. He blackmailed Joshua into betraying the team and attacking Phil, who was forced to fight back. Joshua took his arm, and Phil killed Joshua in turn, but as he was dying Phil saw Joshua look at his brother, which made him realize what had happened. Before he could do anything, Charles' co-conspirator used his power to form a black hole, sucking Phil in and trapping him on this planet.

"This planet is my atonement for what I was forced to do. I killed my best friend because of my brother's manipulations, and I've held onto that. It's haunted my life, don't let thoughts of the past haunt yours." Phil said.

Looking at him after he told his story, I could see more and more signs of wear. He looked aged and tired, and like he was lacking energy.

"You're dying," I said in realization.

"Ha, I've been dying for a long time. Was nice to see someone before I went through." Phil said, leaning back.

"You never planned to make it off this planet."

"No, I didn't. Thought I'd use the time to whip your ass into shape though. Make good use of that form you got from me, see if someone can redeem my power." Phil said, laying down on the ground.

My eyes watered as I realized Phil was finally ready to die.

"I never did tell you my hero name, now did I. My power made a field around me, so a friend of mine gave me a name he came up with, Globe." Phil said as he closed his eyes and exhaled one last time as he stopped breathing.

I cried for some time, not really sure what to do with myself. The realization that I would never be going home, combined with the death of someone who had mentored me for the last few weeks and helped me hit all at once.

Eventually, I did stop though, and I reached down to the Omnitrix, selecting the alien I wanted. In a flash of light, I had taken on Phil's form.

"You wanted someone to redeem your power huh. I'll make sure to use this form when it counts, bring some redemption to the name Globe, even if I don't think it needs it." I said as I used Globe's power to turn Phil's body into mist that dispersed into the air.

Changing back to my human form, I started up the ship and lifted off the ground. Sitting in the pilot's seat, I set a course for Earth.

If anyone wants to know who Phil is, look up Philip Adair from Super Powereds. I wanted Ben to have a powerful form before Alien X, and I thought his power would fit his Powerhouse Playlist, props if you know what I'm referencing. There won't be any other characters from other universes in this universe besides him, so don't worry about that. All credit for Phil goes to Drew Hayes, go check out his story.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts