
end of day 2: the mayor & Guild creation

as I was flying thoughts about who the mayor was started to filter in my head.

" I wonder is the mayor corrupt or not. well I suppose that it doesn't matter if they're corrupt or not if they are I'll kill them if they're not then all the better I won't have to get my hands dirty."

as I was thinking I soon arrived at the mayor's mansion as I begin to float down to the ground when the guard shouted up to me.

" hey what's your business here!?"

as soon as my feet touch the ground I looked at the guard who spoke and I decided to speak as well.

" oh I'm here to buy some property so I could establish a guild here I was told to talk to the mayor."

the guards eyes widened for a second but he soon nodded his head as he gestured for me to follow as I did he began to lead me towards the mayor's office. after a few minutes he soon stopped at a door.

the guard gestured for me to go in as I entered I saw a woman who could put most women to shame and I'm talking about 75% of women with her looks. I pull down my hood to show my face. the woman turned around and saw my face and she gained a slight blush.

it was at this moment I noticed I Got a notification.

" all of your party members has send you all of their cash."

I'm supposing it's quite expensive to buy a guild house. I quickly made my way to the chair in front of her desk and sat down soon she got out of her day state and began to speak.

" how may I help you?"

I gave her a gentle smile as I began to speak well also noticing there's still that faint blush.

" I was told to speak with you about buying a building that will be suitable for a guild house. so I am curious to see what I could trade to help lower the price if I can't afford it with standard coin."

as I said this I brought out all the spare gear I got from the goblin dungeon and dire wolve's claw my old spear. and I also began to pull out all of my coin and place it on the table. the woman looked surprised and began to speak.

" are you sure you wish to buy a guild house here in this town. you have more than enough to buy 2 building. but why would you want to start your Guild here. after all we only have three Dungeons and the highest level is level 5."

I smiled as I began to speak.

" simple this place is where Adventures begin it's perfect after all we are new Guild we're going to need members and this place gets a steady flow of new people. and they're around our own level meaning it wouldn't take very long to level them up to make sure they are at the same level as us. and if I were to admit I like the idea of possibly turning this town into a city after all with a guild this town will have a steady flow of resources you may not normally be able to attain. and besides I quite enjoy the people of this town everyone treats each other like family. and if I'm being quite honest I would prefer a place like that to where I start my guild."

as I said this seems to make the mayor get a little bit of emotional. she quickly went around a desk and hugged me constantly talking.

" thank you thank you thank you you have no idea how hard it to obtain resources to keep this town from going bankrupt and decaying away."

hearing this I couldn't help but chuckle as I return the hug. we stayed like that for a few minutes as she quickly got out of my Embrace with a pretty red face. she quickly cough to help herself calm down she went back to her side of the desk and started to pull out small crystals when placed on the table gave a hollow projection of locations of the town.

as I started to look at them she began to speak.

" since you have enough to buy two buildings I brought out only the best buildings. since I can tell you're new to the whole how guilds work I will explain it to you. I Guild Can Only Hold members equal to the amount of space they have say you have a house that has ten rooms then you can only have 10 Guildmates but if you had a house with a hundred rooms then you could have a hundred guildmates. and you could always have a house built or renovated to increase the number of Guildmates you can have."

I nodded my head as I looked at a two-story house that when I was looking at the description it said it was a Old Tavern with a total of 30 rooms. I pointed to the Old Tavern as I began to speak.

" if I can I would like to buy that building and I would like to buy a warehouse."

hearing this to seem to make her eyes start watering because you didn't buy a warehouse where you weren't going to sit down permanent roots. because at this early stage a warehouse maintenance cost are not something easily affordable. she noted her head as she pulled out the papers and she's handed them to me.

" all right then just sign these and you will have ownership of them."

I nodded my head as I started to write my name on to the paper as it disappeared and turned into Sparkles that went into both me and the mayor. when I looked at the mirror I noticed she grabbed the pieces of gear but left the money. I simply raise an eyebrow which she did notice.

" well you see rare items are actually quite valuable in fact only the guards are only equipped with uncommon gear. not to mention the Spear's ability is insane the captain of the Guard uses a spear as in the tradition of this town so this is perfect for him. and you'll be a permanent fixture in our town meaning we get a 20% of all riches every 1 months of your guild so you'll be paying the prices until let's say 2 months. which should cover the expenses now with the ownership of these buildings you had to the adventurers Guild and you can register your guild and create your guild Crest and all that."

she said with such a smile that it could melt even the most cold-hearted of men and move armies to fight for her. I couldn't help but sigh but give her a quick head Pat picking up all of the money and leave the room would seem to make her flustered. as I left the mayor's Mansion I start to fly away as I sent a message into the group chat.

" all right guys meet at the adventure Guild we have buildings. and me and him at all the prerequisites to create our Guild and also can someone tell me why the mayor was about to cry when I said I wanted to establish a guild here?"

Amy was the only one to respond as the only response coming from everyone else was okay.

" well you see this town suffers high taxes meaning that a lot of the people here are either dirt poor or just about dirt poor but if a guild is established here then the king will lessen up on the taxes. meaning the town ultimately gets more rich. not to mention that they can take as much money as they want from us within the contract days."

as I read this I quickly replied

" 20% of all of our money for 2 months and that is everything we have agreed on we only have to pay 2 months."

as I said this Amy immediately replied.

" did she see your face?"

I couldn't help but look confused as I put my hood back up as I replied.


I swore I heard a scream from the other side of the village as Kyrie answered my confusion.

" the mayor is a sucker for a pretty face and you got the looks to make most single girls in this Village wants you. but anyway we'll be at The Adventurous Guild in about 5 minutes while I drag Amy over."

I just shook my head at this as I began flying away to the adventures Guild as soon as I land I noticed the group was waiting there for me as I walked up to them we all went inside and began heading towards the Guild desk. I pulled down my hood as I looked at the desk worker who was a woman I felt like I should probably put my hood back up as soon as I saw that but I decided against it.

" hello Miss I would like to register it a guild I already meet all the requirements I just wish to make it official."

sharing this the woman looked up at me and blush heavily nodding her head she brought a item from under the desk onto the table it was a black stone with a handprint specifically there were 10 handprint slots. after she got herself under control she began to speak.

" you need a minimum of six people and you need to place your hands one on each handprint. since we are small town we only have this size. otherwise you could have more than 20 people join your guild at once."

as we heard this all of us Place one hand into the slots as it closes on our hands Kyrie looked a little bit shocked but Riku is able to calm her down soon it glue as it requested the guildmaster to place its hand on the center Jewel everyone immediately looked at me. I couldn't help but sigh as I place my hand on the center Jewel it started to Glow as a virtual screen appeared in front of me as I received a notification.

" congratulations you are creating a guild create your guildcrest and purpose then choose the guild name."

with this I can help but Smile I quickly made the guild Crest look like a knight with wings the right wing was skeletal but the left wing was ethereal. the color schemes for this was white being on the skeletal Wings black on the Ethereal wings the knight itself coated in silver and the background was golden. I quickly use the old messages of the group chat to fill in the purpose since I didn't want to retype it. good old copy and paste then I then look to my friends with a questioning book as I begin to speak.

" hey what do you guys think of this name for the guild the Fallen order?"

all of them seem shocked at the name but Tusk had a big smile.

" I like it"

soon everyone nodded their heads as I nodded mine and put in the name the Fallen order. as soon as that was done the notification screen went away and soon the Guild emblem appeared on my right breast plate and soon the emblem also appeared on everyone else the attendance smiled and began to speak.

" congratulations you are now the Fallen order Guild hope you do a lot of good."

and with that the stone tablet released our hands as I put my hood back on I noticed the girls around were disappointed. I Shrugged it off as we all began to leave the guildhall but soon went back in to talk to the attendance.

" hey question can I hire Builders through the guild to renovate our guildhall it's a bit run down."

she seems shocked to hear that but not at her head as she began to type on some kind of strength device which seem to be their form of magical text because soon a stocky dwarf approached me.

" I lad I heard you need someone to do some building for you."

I nodded my head as I began to justify him to follow soon I led my group and the dwarf to the Old Tavern and the dwarf started.

" oh so you're the one I heard about buying this old place good I thought I would have to be torn down so a new one could be built you want me to fix it up right add on a few things."

I look towards the dwarf and nodded my head.

" I don't plan for it just to be a guildhall I also plan for it to be a Tavern a way to make some money as soon as I can find some people to work there. "

as the dwarf heard this he couldn't help but smile as he began to laugh and talk.

" good to hear this is one of the oldest buildings in the town it was here during the founding so I'm sure a lot of us older folk will love to see it being back in use after all we have a lot of good memories here."

I nodded my head hearing this as sore began to approach me.

" hey boss I may not look like it but I used to help design buildings back home so I can handle this so the rest of you can continue Gathering money and resources."

I nodded my head at Sora as I gave him all the money that everyone gave to me. I started to speak calmly.

" all right Sora I'm counting on you."

this thing to makes Sora have a bright smile on his face and he certainly looked happy because the next moment he began to start talking with the dwarf as I walked away. as soon as I reach the others I started to stretch as I looked at them.

" so how does it feel to be part of a guild for me it feels like I'm going to have a lot of headaches since I'm the one having to deal with paperwork and probably some other things."

this seems to make everyone else started laughing because they knew certain things just came with paperwork and you're going to have to deal with it and they didn't have to so they were going to laugh at my suffering. but I couldn't help but chuckle since I did decide to go for this instead of probably joining some other guild.

I start to look at the guild menu and I noticed I could create special divisions in the guild so I decided to create a support division information gathering division and finally the front line division. I promoted Amy to be the head of the support division. I promoted Kyrie to be the head of the information gathering division. I finally I promoted Riku to be head of the front line division. and Tusk got promoted to be my overall Vice Guild Master as I look at the four of them their faces seem to brighten up. I couldn't help but smile because they looked very excited Riku is the first to speak.

" thank you Artorias we won't let you down."

Amy and Kyrie nodded their heads in agreement Tusk spoke up next.

"man you weren't kidding"

I had a smile on my face and then started to think for a little bit and then I spoke.

" all right everyone get some rest after all tomorrow is going to have a lot of dungeon grind. we're going to need a lot of materials and of course Brian experience Tusk is the dungeon going to be mutated for very long."

everyone nodded well Tusk began to speak.

" yeah typically a dungeon when it's mutated will stay that way for about a week so we got some time before it returns back to normal."

I nodded my head I decide to mentally ask the system a question as I began to walk away.

" can I summon any Undead that I've already raised or do I require a ability for that?."

the system replied pretty quickly.

" yes you can summon them and you do required ability it is called death caller a passive ability."

I nodded my head as I remember that our group paid for rooms for the rest of the month so we don't have to worry about having to rent another room then I receive a message from Sora.

" Artorias me and the dwarf are done talking we have come up with a great design and I figured we want to have some lifestyle players too so I had put in some blacksmithing equipment tearing equipment letter working equipment you know the works."

I replied to Sora as I decide I have another question for system.

" good job Sora tomorrow will be doing dungeon runs together money and resources so even if we don't have enough right now will able to pay off our debt within a week maybe less."

I then turned my attention elsewhere to ask system my question.

" system is there a leveling system for a guild?"

system replied near instantly.

" yes there is the guild will level up when players gather experience from clearing dungeons 5% of the XP gained will be transferred to the guild when a guild levels up they will and gain far more influence in the town or city The Guild is in. it will also increase the growth of that town or city it will also allow you to have more branches away from your main base."

I nodded my head silently.