
day 2: mutated dungeon Run Part 2

as everyone else starts to look around the first layer to look for resources gear and other things I begin raising Corpses. as I started to think to myself I received a notification from the system.

" you have use the create Undead spell to create 500+ Undead you have gained the undead Mastery [level 1] Talent"

as I read this my mouth couldn't help but turn into a smirk I read the description of this Talent.

" Undead mastery[level 1]: you're grown a novice level of understanding of the undead because of this you're Undead do 5% more damage, resist 5% more damage, and necromancy spells cost 10% less MP and you the talent possessor do 20% more damage against Undead. [level 1] for the next rank of Undead mastery you must have raised 750+ Undead."

as I read this I knew this was a damn good talent though I was curious how many levels there were then a notification popped up in my face.

" talents like Undead Mastery will always possess five levels."

I smiled and I couldn't help but think thank you system. I heard a beep in my head like it was saying you're welcome if the system is sentient I was definitely going to convince the others to treat it better. if they treated badly that is. I decided to send a message into the group chat.

" I just got a new Talent called Undead mastery"

as I watch the party chat I noticed it soon blew up with the Mages. which were mainly Sora bong and Amy.

sora:" are you kidding me I'm barely even halfway to level one of fire mastery."

bong:" yeah same here but I suppose you are using a necromancy spelling you're constantly raising Corpses so I guess there is a reason why you're already at level one for the undead mastery."

Amy:" I'm already at Holy Mastery level 1 so I'm glad I'm not the only one who's getting better but then again I got to this cuz these idiots couldn't stop getting hurt."

Tusk and Bong couldn't help but yell in the chat.


I couldn't help but laugh as I send the all of my Undead to invade the second layer. as I start to fly I wanted to take a peek at what the second boss will be after a few minutes of flying straight up I saw him a hobgoblin General. he was about level 15. when I started to think about it I decided I would go ahead and go look and see what the king looks like as I started to fly higher and more towards the roof I started to think maybe I should grab a bow since I have air superiority. but beside that I spotted the Goblin King it was a hobgoblin King. which made me interested in what kind of stats and what kind of useful thing it would be I decided to try and ask the system something.

" when I am naming someone if I name an undead let's say General of the undead Legion would they gain special abilities or talents."

as I asked this the system quickly replied almost seemingly excited from the way it replied.

" yes it will probably gain the ability to take its own subordinates example being assigning fenrir to be it's personal mount. which will take fin rear from your naming Army counter and be placed as a unique summon for that pacific subordinate. it will also gain the ability to raise the Dead."

hearing this I couldn't help but have an evil smile on my face I decided to ask one more question to see if I can get any more information out of it.

" does naming work on any creature say I tame a wild animal or Monster and I can name it."

the system seem to hesitate like it was trying to find a way out of the question but eventually did answer.

" yes but a taming ability will be required"

hearing this I knew what I had planned for the future if I can get my hands on a taming ability. but I decided to talk in the group chat to let my party know.

" all right the second boss is a hobgoblin General and the king is a hobgoblin as well any information on what should we expect."

as I sent this message into the party chat Riku was the first to reply.

" yes hobgoblin General and King have a troop buff the more hobgoblins and stuff that are around it the stronger it will become an a quarter of that strength will be added to their troops. but if for example You Can Fly Above the battlefield and raise the dead corpse as more troops you could overwhelm them pretty easily."

with that information I got close to the battlefield and watched as the two bug bear Sergeants that I raised as zombies were plowing through the Lesser hobgoblins and Bug bears like a knife through tofu. and I continuously spammed great Undead turning the hobgoblins into skeletons and Bug Bears into zombies. eventually the Hobgoblin General spotted me summons a bow and tried shooting me luckily enough I was fast enough to dodge but I thought if it dropped the bow I would be a very happy man.

after a few minutes of constantly doing this about a quarter of the Hobgoblin generals forces was left and there was a massive Undead tide coming after his booty I got notification most likely about my Undead Mastery leveling up.

" congratulations Undead Mastery leveled up to level two"

I looked at Undead Mastery to see what changed.

"Undead mastery[level 2]: you're grown a Apprentice level of understanding of the undead because of this you're Undead do 10% more damage, resist 10% more damage, and necromancy spells cost 20% less MP and you the talent possessor do 30% more damage against Undead. [level 2] for the next rank of Undead mastery you must have raised 1250+ Undead"

I wasn't surprised exactly that things went up only by at least 5% to 10%. but the requirements for level just went up by 500.

but that reduction cost is pretty nice and the additional damage is always welcome. with that I saw a slightly noticeable change in the battlefield and how easy the enemy was being butchered. I almost felt bad for the monsters but then I remember that they're trying to kill us so I quickly forgot about my pity I noticed Amy put something into the chat.

" so Artorias I got a question did you choose your name because of the character Artorias from Dark Souls you know the boss."

I couldn't help but laugh as I replied.

" yes I'm a big fan of the Legend of Artorias I don't plan to recreate it but I am a very big fan of that story. tho perhaps I will create a similar Legend here in this world."

as I sent this in the group chat I started to think about a few things until I got a another notification.

" congratulations for soloing the second layer raid boss hobgoblin General you have received a reward."

receiving this notification I look dumbfounded then again my party was in range of receiving experience from that boss of the first layer so I guess it didn't count that as soloing even though my Undead were the only ones doing damage. I looked at the rewards which were only two of them a chess piece and a Talent.

I couldn't help but find myself dead silent at seeing the two prizes I immediately look at the talent to see what it was. and it was called Superior Commander.

" Superior Commander[ level 1]: all constructs or minions will gain a 20+ [int] allowing your troops to follow more complex orders."

with this this seemed to make my Army even stronger I didn't even need to look at the chess piece because it was a rare item this trait did a hell of a lot more than that rare item ever could so I chose my reward of the trait. with that the Box closed as I simply look towards my party and begin typing in the group chat.

" apparently I just got counted on soloing the second layer boss and I got a reward to choose from I chose a talent that gave all my minions constructs regardless they be zombies or Golems +20 [int]"

as I put this in the chat it immediately blew up with everyone probably just yelling what the hell. I decided to ignore them because it wasn't going to be anything different besides the one message I saw from Kyrie.

" I can see why Amy wants your children."

I couldn't help but actually blush a little bit. I ignored it because it didn't matter right now as a series of all the undead I couldn't help but wonder could I take over the world with this army. As I thought about that I quickly pushed that side because all these were level five to the level 10 undead With the occasional level 15 aka the bosses. The rest of the worlds above level 250 This continent is 250. I would probably be more than a trillion undead to even take over one of the countries of this world on this continent Sure I'd get a bunch of behind-level corpses afterwards but still doesn't really work out very well. Once again I started pushing those thoughts out of my head as I started to send towards the second layer raising all the new dead corpsees as zombies and turning the Hobb Goblin general into a skeleton. which obviously turned into two Skeletons I quickly then gave him orders to surround the third layers entrance As all the undead move I saw my party quickly approaching I looked at the loot and I decided to send in the group chat as I start to fly away.

" take the loot If it's not good for your build keep it so you can sell it we're going to need a lot of money for the guild and after all."

as I flew away I noticed the King hobgoblin seemed pretty smart it seemed to look up directly at me and can tell I was the leader of the small army at its Gates. it shouted with all of its voice being able to reach me and my party.

" face me Inglorious combat King to King!!!!!"

I noticed I just got a notification.

" congratulations you have been given a unique Quest: Battle of Kings."

"Battle of Kings: a leader of a small army was a suitable number of commanders the king of the goblin Fortress has challenged you to one-on-one combat. Rewards one Goblin companion spell tone, one legendary armor piece best suited to your current build and three attribute cores of any type Lastly a spell upgrade token."

I quickly linked this Quest into the group chat so they could read it as I start to think to myself as I read their reactions.

Riku:" by the twin gods what the hell are these Rewards. seriously one piece of legendary equipment. and three attribute cores of any type I don't even know what the companion spell will do but those first two rewards I mentioned or insane not to mention the legendary equip will be best suited to your build you're currently going for a damage tank type build. from what I'm gathering but actually in truth I don't even know what build you're going for."

Amy:" I'm sorry Artorias but I am going to have your kids there is no if ands or buts you are literally a good luck charm unlike any other if I'm lucky during the ACT I will gain a good chunk of your luck because you do know how rare a unique Quest is it's a once in a lifetime opportunity it only happens for one player in the entire world it can never be repeated if you fail. and for the record Riku a companion book will create a MPC out of the race specified in the companion books and it will be best suited for the party comp we currently have a lot of melee Fighters who are basically Warriors and a good chunk of Mages we will eat or get a rogue or a support caster since we only have one support Caster aka me and one Rogue AKA Kyrie."

Kyrie:" by the Gods is there a good luck stat because what the hell."

Sora :" honestly I'm curious on what items the system will choose to be best suited for his build because it when it comes to these types of best suited equipment for a quest reward it's often what you have planned for your bill and what you currently need for your build rather than want for it."

bung:" legendary items give buff to certain damage attacks increase in health and Mana increases in stats. and rare occasions increasing or decreasing relations with certain factions or races. and for the spell upgrade token it's very obvious."

tusk:" Artorias are you sure you're not God in Mortal form because the last person who had a unique Quest was 500 years ago and it was an elf. but it was only greatest award was literally a epic item."

I couldn't help but laugh at my friend's words but I do have a feeling Amy is going to try and jump my bone when we get back to the tavern. and honestly I was a virgin in my last World so might as well lose that v card now and all I can hope for is I don't get her pregnant. I decided I would shout towards the Hobgoblin King as I began flying towards him slowly.

" I accept your challenge let's have all of our troops leave the battlefield after all collateral damage is something I want to avoid in this duel."

this seemed to earn the goblin Kings respect as all the undead seem to stay outside of the main throne room and many of the Goblins start to leave it as well. as soon as I land on the ground I got into a fighting stance and so did the Goblin King as I looked at its level it was level 20. and all I can think is what the hell have I gotten myself.

note I am not keeping track of Undead because after every dungeon run all but the ones that are named will basically despawn or be dismissed.

The_Abyssal_seercreators' thoughts