
Demon Knight (291 words)

Roaming through a forest full of vibrant colors is a girl, from her small stature she couldn't be older than twelve.

Her platinum blonde hair had darkened from all the ash and smoke it had gone through, similar to her clothes.

The common brown skirt and white blouse had black stains from smoke and fire.

As a whole, she looks like she just escaped a burning house or village.

Breathing heavily and collapsing on the trunk of a tree the girl curls up and starts to cry.

Aside from some burns on her skin and bloodied feet she wasn't hurt or wounded, the same couldn't be said about her parents, or in fact anyone form her village.

They have been raided, everyone who resisted got killed, those that didn't got raped tortured or something else equally terrible.

Houses got torched and cattle slaughtered, it was hell on earth for anyone present, a small hell compared to the great wide world, but a hell none the leas.

The escape drained the girl dry of any energy she still could have muster and so sleep finally claimed her.

A little later after the girl was fast asleep, something made its way through the nearby bushes and approaches the little girl.

Two reverse legs with hooves instead of feet step out of the bushes, carrying a human male upper body.

The brown fur which covers the legs also extends to the crotch and hips of the creature.

Resting on top of the human torso is a horned goat head with two yellow glowing goat eyes.

Resting in its left hand is a staff seemingly made from a spine with a giant eyeball on top.

Demon, that is the most accurate description for this creature.