
Stort Story: The Lagomorph

Mitch has been under a lot of stress lately, so much so, that he has been...seeing things. It happened rarely at first, and then it happened more and more. It's gotten to the point that he and his family have decided to move to his old family house in the country at the suggestion of his therapist. Hopefully now with the move... Thinks will get better. He will get the much needed relaxation, and he can improve his marriage, and relationship with his step-kids.

Little_Limerence · ホラー
5 Chs

5. The End

Junior got the call the next day. His father had finally gone mad. He killed the whole family, including himself. The detective asked him to come and identify the bodies. When he had, he was told that he was lucky that he hadn't been there. His father had been on steroids, he had a bought of strength that Junior would have been no match for.

It had been a week since the funeral. He sat in the lawyers office signing papers that made him the sole heir to his family's belongings. He started to sign. J-u-n-i –

"I'm sorry son," the lawyer stopped him, covering Junior's hand with his own. "You'll have to sign these with your legal name."

"I see," said Junior. He wrote it slowly. Painfully. The only thing aside from life that his mother had given him, his father's name. M-i-t-c-h C-a-f-f-e-r-t-y


Junior had been studying late again. It was all he ever did now. What else did he have to live for? It was raining outside. He looked up from his studies for a moment to appreciate the rain. Then something caught his eye across the street. Stupid Fraternities, he thought. There was some college kid standing in a blue Easter bunny suit in the rain. As he looked away and went back to his studies, a pink rabbit came up to the blue one. If he had been within hearing he would have heard. "See, we left 'Mitch' all alone."


The End

Well, That's it Folks Super Short Story. Please leave a review if you liked it.

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