
Stormwind Mage God

This is a tale of a young guy who travels to the world of Azeroth. He's all about love and justice (and not turning into a ghoul), not afraid to give up everything (he can run back to his corpse to respawn), and on a mission to find what's been lost: morals/morality and humanity (integrity). He never stops trying to regain his integrity, even when he falls off the wagon. ------------- Hello everyone I am back with a new Project!!!!! Yes this was previously partially translated on here -https://www.webnovel.com/book/stormwind-mage-god_25830019606309105 I started over from scratch and did not use any of the previous translator's work. To reiterate- this is a CN translation and not an original story. If you're not into Chinese fanfics this is probably not for you. I am not a professional, this is just a hobby for me, and I am just a 1 man team. I do the best that I can with what I have. The more motivated I am the more active I will be in editing up to chapter 80ish to the current standard. If you like what I do feel free to buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GPTandChill - or sign up for my patreon @ patreon.com/GPT_And_Chill

Read_and_Chill · その他
702 Chs

Reforged Chapter 5: Taking Credit

Upon entering, Duke was a bit dumbfounded.

Just like in World of Warcraft, there were several separate recruitment points for different classes.

However, unlike the 3D game, this was a real world.

The Warrior recruitment point had the most people. Looking at the Warrior class examiners and the applicants, each one of them had arms thicker than Duke's legs; he knew he didn't stand a chance.

Was this a gathering of muscle-bound fiends?

"Rage! To become a Warrior, first you must feel the rage! Not the rage you feel when someone stabs you in the rear, but the rage that turns into energy, the tangible rage!" the examiner shouted with a booming voice.

Duke wondered: Rage? I have a ***** heart, does that count as rage?

The Hunter exam wasn't something Duke, a college student, could manage either. Hitting an apple 30 yards away with a bow and arrow? In this day and age, aside from the archery team members at sports schools, which college student had ever handled a bow and arrow?

Being a Rogue wasn't feasible either, as the test was all about agility. It was like walking on water, relying on three unevenly spaced stones that barely protruded from the surface to "fly" across a river that was over a dozen meters wide.

The ridiculous part was that several people actually succeeded. If Duke hadn't been transported to this world, these people could have participated in water park-themed TV shows and won big prizes!

But unbelievably, this was just the beginner trial for new Rogues!?

At this moment, countless thoughts raced through Duke's mind.

Even though he knew much about the future course of Azeroth's world, it was of little use. If he held a lowly position, no one would listen to him. He needed to attain a higher rank, but unfortunately, blending into this fantastical world that somewhat resembled medieval Europe was far from easy!

Suddenly, there was an uproar, and Duke could hear the people cheering: "A salute to Sir Blancdale, who has eliminated a menace to society by slaying the ferocious boar 'Prince.'"

The crowd went wild.

The young people from other lands were a bit confused, but all the locals eagerly gathered around, offering the most solemn blessings to the noble youth surrounded by the crowd.

There were too many people for Duke to see what the noble looked like, but that didn't stop him from seeing the boar hide raised high on a wooden frame by four servants.

It was as if struck by a thunderbolt, Duke's head went dizzy.

Wasn't this boar the one that had killed him not too long ago, only to be taken down by the magnificent triple-arrow shot from Alleria?

"Esteemed Sir Blancdale, how did you manage to slay this vicious giant boar?" a person from the crowd asked loudly.

Immediately, Duke heard a sharp male voice: "Hahaha! I am a once-in-a-century magical genius! Mere boars are nothing to me, one Fireball spell and they're done for."

Someone chimed in right away: "That's right! Sir Blancdale is a magical prodigy! He's already passed the magical trials and become a member of the Stormwind Royal Academy of Magic!"

"Praise Sir Blancdale," the crowd shouted in unison.

What a shameless display! Duke had never seen such audacity!

Claiming credit so blatantly, Duke was livid: The one who took down the boar was none other than Ranger General Alleria. What does this have to do with this so-called noble?

Normally, a man should be flexible like the appendage in his pants. But Duke just couldn't swallow his pride.

Unable to suppress his anger, he blurted out, "Sir Blancdale's Fireball spells are truly impressive! Two Fireball spells shot like arrows into the 'Prince's' eyes, and one hit the 'Prince's' throat, all fatal wounds! And look, not even a trace of burn marks on the 'Prince's' hide. Sir Blancdale is so amazing!"

The moment Duke's words were spoken, the room fell silent.

Everyone's neck seemed to turn into a rusted machine as they struggled to look at the nearly perfect boar hide.

Most of the crowd was ignorant, blindly worshiping those who wielded mysterious power. But if they thought about it, they would know why a Fireball spell wouldn't burn the boar's hide.

In fact, such a clumsy attempt to claim credit wasn't unnoticed. But it was common for noble offspring to steal credit, and any sensible person would choose silence, as deceiving ignorant commoners wasn't considered a crime.

But Duke, the naive youth, had revealed the truth, and there was no going back.

"You... you... what are you saying? Are you, a lowly commoner, accusing me, Sir Blancdale, descendant of Thoradin Lothar the Great, of lying and taking credit for something I didn't do?" The crowd parted like a tidal wave, revealing the protagonist of Duke's accusation--an angular-faced, thin-lipped, blond young man. He glared at Duke with furious eyes.

Thoradin the Great was the founding emperor of the Arathor Empire. To claim his bloodline was merely a common practice of nobles to elevate themselves. The only person truly recognized by the nobility as having Thoradin's blood was Anduin Lothar.

Duke had actually considered leaving the moment he spoke out, knowing he had been childish. But having said it, he felt a weight lifted from his chest.

That's what it meant to be young and hot-blooded.

Duke laughed, fearlessly meeting the gaze of this noble youth called Landor Blancdale: "No, I just wanted to witness how the great, once-in-a-century magical genius Sir Blancdale could shrink a Fireball spell into the size of an arrow without losing power, and instantly kill such a large boar."

Of course, Landor couldn't do it. If he could, he would be at least a high-level mage. His angular face turned the color of a pig's liver as he shouted, "Commoner! You're not even a professional! You don't have the right to question me!"

At that moment, the deputy captain Verri, who had helped Duke earlier, appeared nearby, whispering, "I'm sorry, Duke. Commoners have no right to question any actions of nobles, as commoners belong to the lords themselves. I don't know where you're from or why your parents never taught you the common laws of human kingdoms.

But I must remind you, rashly offending a noble is not a sensible act."

Duke shuddered, whispering back, "Are you telling me to submit to that scoundrel?"

Deputy Captain Verri's eyes dimmed, "Young man, honesty is a precious virtue. I don't want to discourage you, but the fact is--once you leave Northshire Abbey, I can't guarantee your safety. Moreover, Landor holds both noble and mage apprentice statuses, even the average noble wouldn't choose to go against him."

That is all for now but I hope you all enjoy this project as much as you did my last one. I will be trying to get the logistics of monetization done on my end by the end of the week as well as work out a weekly release schedule while I build up a stockpile of chapters.

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