
Chapter 3

When MOTHER called up. The bar of happiness went from a hundred to a zero real quick. "Where are you now?"

"At 2500000 feet"

"Get down here now, we need to talk."


"Recent developments along the earth Kratos interspace"

That shook off any last vestiges of sleep

"Be there in a sec."

He leaped out of his bed and changed into a jumpsuit. Seconds later he was in a drop pod wearing a wingsuit.

"Riccardo, chart a course for MOTHER base, and get me there fast."

"Affermitive , course charted and copied."

"Right, send me off now."

"Launching in 3..2..1, have a pleasant journey."

The floor opened and closed in 1 second but it was enough for him to fall through. He immediately entered a nosedive following the path laid out by the AI using an AR visor,when he reached 40000 feet a pair of mechanical wings unfolded with a pair of thrusters

powering him the rest of the 100 kilometres to the base. The entire journey took him about half an hour, in the end, he arrived at a mountain within the Alps. Through a tiny tunnel(barely 2 m²) he flew 20 km into it and landed on a blastpad stepping out of his suit he was met by a woman.

"Diana, it's been a while. Is it just me or do you look better every time I see you."

"Deadlaus, as charming as ever I see."

"So what's the issue ?"

"You should come with me."

They stepped into a room with a huge screen on a wall. When he stepped out 5 minutes later, he definately didn't look happy. Within seconds he had strapped on his wingsuit and had blasted off into outer space.

"Bramhagrah coming up in 20 seconds."

He continued accelerating, as if his life depended on it.

"Approaching Bramhagrah in 5 4 3 2 1."

And then he saw it, a huge structure like an aircraft carrier just at the edge of Earth's gravitational field, in a place where it could see all and yet not be seen, hear all and not be heard and observe all without being interrupted. Normally he would have taken a moment to appreciate it's beauty, but right now he was too focused.

"Landing sequence initiated"

"Thank you Riccardo, do me a favour and wake up Cerberus, and prep an Agayon for space travel and long range warfare"

"Very well, destination?"


"Oh dear."


"Good morning Cerberus. How's my favourite war dog?"

"Alive well and kicking as of now what's up?"

"Kratos is harassing an earth to Tackeon transport"

"Sons. Of. Bitches"

"How about sending them to their mothers?"

"You're on. Agayon prepared, payload

50 Interceptors space armament

300 cruise missiles

100 nimbus missiles

DWS insignias removed"

"Good, let's go get em."

Sorry guys/girls might have to take a break as my exams are coming up. Thank you very much for reading this far and see you soon.

Divyansh_Sharma_8483creators' thoughts