
Chapter 1

The cargo cruiser slowly came to the port and locked on. The locks were the only thing that was up to date in the entire delapidated port ,indeed as the ship had been expected. To meet it waited 5 men and 2 assault vehicles. The captain a gian man of about 35 wearing a Greek fisherman's cap was holding a transceiver ,the throttles were moved precisely to berth the massive craft onto the dock.The Ship docked and single man stepped off it. Hands gripped weapons tighter, fingers an ounce away from letting loose a barrage. Despite this display of force, the man calmly stepped off the ship and walked towards the group .A single man detached himself from the group and stepped forward.

"I am colonel Ram Harishchandra."

"And I am captain Divyansh."

"You have the craft."

It was a statement, not a question. The deal had been a while in the making. Through several cutouts and clandestine meetings

DWS(Darwin Weaponisation Services) going by an alias had agreed to sell 24 Interceptors,24 X-07 Wyverns and 4 modified A380's to the Pakistani Air Force in exchange for a pound of Steridium. Ram did not ask where Divyansh had gotten his hands on so much military hardware, and Divyansh did not want to know where Ram had gotten his hands on so much Steridium. They went to a table set out under a lamp when Ram said"I think now is the time to show some good faith captain. I would like to see the craft."

For the first time uneasiness crept into the captain's face. "That was not part of the deal."

"As I said captain it is a show of good faith.".

He raised a hand and 5 more vehicles came into the light, he dropped his hands and they disappeared. "I could kill you right now, overpower all your guards and take the jets by force".

The captain's face showed fear but inside he was dying of laughter. 'Let him try', he thought.

The captain yelled,"showcase."and on the craft a hatch opened and an Interceptor ,a Wyvern and a A380 flew out. The captain had glasses on which showed him the status of all craft and allowed him to control them without setting foot in the cockpit. The craft hovered and came to a rest 4 meters from the floor

"That is the extent of my good faith."

The colonel took out a bag from his pocket and placed it on the table , Divyansh reached over and opened it, scanning is contents with his glasses and nodded.

"Transaction complete code 226493."

The ships bay doors opened and all the craft lined up in front of them.

The pilots Ram brought with him stepped into the cockpits and put the crafts through their paces.

While this was going on the captain weighed the bag and found that the bag weighed 0.75 pounds , which depending on the quality of the metal could translate into billions of credits.