

"In the ancient Chinese city of Xianjing, men and women possess the extraordinary ability to control the elements of life. When an evil army with supernatural powers, led by the malevolent sorceress Morgana, threatens their harmony, the people of Xianjing unite to defend their home in a fierce battle of elemental mastery. Through courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of unity, they prevail, reminding the world that love and the elements of life can conquer even the darkest of foes."

Charles_Crowntouch · アクション
6 Chs


For many years there was much tranquility in Xianjing.The people had increased much of of their potency and ability in controlling the elements along with their children.The world is never a resting place against enemies as news came from people who had visited surrounding cities that there are some group of demonic Ninjas moving about and living blood shed wherever they go.

This blood thirsty ones were said to perpetrate their atrocities in the evening or night. As far as the sun goes down. Message went round the that people both adults and children should be vigilant and always be around their elders for safety.

Who are these Ninjas.They are a group trained in dark arts and arts of war.They are also Assassins sent of special missions to eliminate targets or course genocide or carnage.They are specialist in overnight massacre.This was a great cause for concern as the night was usual human resting time.

A formidable opposition indeed for them.

There dark arts in control of fire though limited( unlike the people of Xianjing who could control elements) make dead a crew to be dreaded.

A council meeting was held to draw out a plan to secure the city.

Books of history where consulting to discover their strength, weakness,mode of operation.

Guards were placed in strategic places and were changed from time to time till the morning hours when the Sun is out.

As the nights passed, the people of Xianjing remained vigilant, and the city's council continued to gather information about the Blood Ninjas. Gradually, they began to piece together the enemy's patterns and strategies.

One fateful night, a group of Blood Ninjas launched a surprise attack on a section of the city. However, the guards, now well-coordinated and prepared, managed to hold them off long enough for reinforcements to arrive. This time, the Ninjas faced a well-prepared defense, and they couldn't carry out their usual overnight massacre.

The council's research into the Ninjas' dark arts also bore fruit. They discovered a way to counter the limited control over fire possessed by the Ninjas. With this newfound knowledge, the people of Xianjing started training in techniques to resist the Ninjas' attacks.

Months passed, and the city remained on high alert. The Ninjas attempted several more attacks, but each time, they were met with fierce resistance. The citizens of Xianjing had grown stronger in their control over the elements, and they no longer feared the dark arts of the Blood Ninjas.

Finally, a decisive battle took place under the light of the full moon. The people of Xianjing, with their newfound abilities and knowledge, confronted the Blood Ninjas head-on. It was a fierce battle, but the Ninjas, who relied on stealth and darkness, found themselves at a disadvantage under the moon's radiant glow.

In the end, the people of Xianjing prevailed. They defeated the Blood Ninjas and drove them out of their city for good. The once-feared assassins and specialists in overnight massacres were no match for the determination and unity of the Xianjing people.

With their city secure once more, the people of Xianjing continued to cultivate their abilities and shared their knowledge of controlling the elements. They stood ready to defend their home against any future threats, knowing that their unity and resilience would keep them safe.