
Stories for the Soul

Soul_Stories · 若者
2 Chs

A message to a Grewt Soul

Do you have or know that one pair of friends that exchange looks, and you know they are having a conversation about something. I do and I bet you do too, if you don't know one, you're probably the friend that dose that.

I've known my best friend (if you can call her that) for 8 years as of October 1st, 2020. Her name is Celine and we have been through everything together, and when I say everything, I mean it. We meet on in 2012 when we were both 9 (well she was is was 19 days sort of my 9th birthday), we were in the finally year or primary (elementary school), she always sat at the back of the bus and she always had this book which she was DEFINILTY not meant to have at our age.

We went to the same middle school where we became closer and even dated for a week (it was more of me giving her gifts everyday((prayer to finding out I was gay))), we had the occasional fits but by the end of lunch we would be trading food and sitting under our tree with our friends. We even use to go to our other friends' garage and do all sorts of things from watching movies to doing gymnastics rehearsals to doing stupid challenges. Whatever we did together was a blast.

Then we went to Secondry (high school) we weren't so close for the first few months (which was my dumb ass fault) but we quickly recovered, we even still joke about it. When we were at secondry I came out to her and eventually to everyone in out friend group (which just made us even closer). Around this time, we started to share almost everything with each other. When we graduated, we were afraid that we weren't going to be that close anymore but instead we hung out so much that summer we went to parties, concerts, prom and beach days (all while I had a fulltime job).

When the time came, we applied for the same course at college and ended up in the same class. When that happened, we were so exited we just forgot we had secrets and just started to tell everything to each other (people even asked if we were together).

Now were both go to our second year of college (hopeful in the same class) and I have no clue what I would do without my main hoe around, we laugh and make jokes, we spill gossip and sometimes even make it, but the best part we know we can count on each other even if were in a fight because even though we are in a fight no one messes with my other half (love ya hoe)