
A Hydra Made of Pride (2)

The only thing Yu Yan could do for now was wait. In other words, she couldn't do anything. Perhaps she shouldn't care about a small incident such as this as it will no doubt fade quickly, but she was a curious person.

"Yu Yan!" an excited voice called out. Yu Yan turned around to see who called her and saw Lian Lei rushing towards her, notebook and pen in hand. There was a rare few who didn't know this short haired girl with her thick framed glasses and her small face which was well proportioned with her petite stature. She was extremely notorious for never being able to shut her mouth and her honesty.

"Can I help you?" Yu Yan asked politely.

"Yes, yes! Is it true that Guo He dumped you?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

'Guo He? Who?' Yu Yan wanted to ask. Before she was able to say anything, Lian Lei started to talk as she walked towards her class which was in the same direction as Yu Yan's classroom.

"It's been the talk of the whole school! They say that Guo He told you to wait by the school gates and never appeared. That must've been humiliating if it really did happen. But Guo He is an idiot, the smart ones know that it isn't true since we never saw you at the school gates. But gossip is gossip you know, most people don't care if it's true or not since they just want to talk badly about you. It's probably because you're so boring, nothing interesting going on about you."

'Why are you talking to me like this?' Yu Yan wanted to ask. It could be said that besides a confession or a confrontation, no one had ever talked to her in such a bubbly personality such as Lian Lei's. As if reading her mind, Lian Lei continued talking.

"Honestly, you're the most approachable amongst all the popular people. I mean, you all are so pretty! But usually their so hard to talk to! It's already hard enough to talk to people of such beauty, I look so ugly next to all of you," she started to laugh at herself.

'It doesn't look like you have a big problem talking to me.'

"Why do all popular people have to be so cold, what's with that? Probably because of all the rumors around them. People really are mean. Do you think that their all actually fluff balls on the inside? You know, it's really exciting to talk to you like this. You probably think I have a hidden motive and I actually do! How are you so smart? I feel like you know everything."

'I don't know if I'm smart or if you're just stupid.'

"Oh look! My class! I'll talk to you later then," with that, Lian Lei left and Yu Yan headed straight to her class. Sitting gracefully down on her chair even when she really wanted to flop down and groan. Now she remembered why she had no friends. Interacting with people made her feel drained.

Sitting on her desk, she watched as a few people past her, deliberately sending her mocking smiles. Interestingly enough, the majority of her classmates just rolled their eyes in contempt at those who believed the gossip.

They weren't stupid, perhaps Guo He was planning to dump Yu Yan but it was quite obvious the Yu Yan saw through the plan since she didn't show up in the first place. He was probably just trying to gain fame through such a despicable act. With this thought in mind, Yu Yan's image rose to another level in the eyes of many; all believing that she was intelligent along as beautiful, none of them knowing that Yu Yan was just too lazy to go to the gate in the first place.

During lunch, Lian Lei came up to Yu Yan and started to dump words upon words onto her. "Guo He is being praised you know. They are saying that he is different from the other guys that fall for just a pretty face. He's enjoying it too, but most of the people licking his boots are from a poorer family. They're probably smart enough to know their limits. Though he isn't that powerful, he would be good enough."

"Why now of all times?" Yu Yan had to ask. She couldn't help it, of all the years they've been in the same school, why did she approach now?

"Oh....Well you know 'HiddenDepth', the one that posts rumors that are actually facts? That's me, and since the rumors from yesterday, I realized that there's no rumors about you. People like you, you guys have the most secrets right?"

"You are a very honest person," Yu Yan told her, her smile seemingly reaching her eyes.

hehehe....I've been lazy 'o_o

My_Daycreators' thoughts