

STOP! pls STOP! Plot summary: The mc Akaruku Kagayuku who has a crush on a popular girl named Kuraku Kagayaita, and then theres a new transfer student a girl who is shy Shako Basho who sits next to Kagayuku and the class ships them both because of how close they became but Kagayuku still loved Kuraku, and Shako generated romantic feeling for Kagayuku, and Kagayuku knew that he had generated romantic feelings for both of them and has a hard time peeking which one he will choose on wanting to be with

Kardelllalic · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Ch.1 I love that Person

Akaruku Kagayuku: My name is Akaruku Kagayuku student in CiS, I'm 15 and currently living the most normal life, there's this one girl Kuraku Kagayaita she's a model and popular in school, you can say.... I have feelings for her *sighs* but I don't even talk to her who was in the same class as me and she's the top student, yet here I am sitting at one of the lowest grades *sighs*

Teacher: Okay class we'll be starting now, turn your page to page 35 and answer the diagnostic test 0-40

Akaruku Kagayuku: (1-40?!?! HUHH? A DIAGNOSTIC TEST IS 1-40?? ISN'T IT ALWAYS 1-10 AHH WHAT THE F-) oh. My pen fell down better pick it up

Teacher: Ok first before you guys answer we have a transfer student, Miss you can enter the class now

(Doors open and shuts)

Shako Basho: M-my n-name is... Err.... S-shako B-basho.... N-nice to meet Y-You guys....

(Chatters: isn't she a cutie, yeah,eh why does she stutter so much? Blah blah blah yata yata yata)

Akaruku Kagayuku: A transferry? Hmm (looks around) KU!- OH GOD, she'll be sitting right next to me OH NOOO!! God this is the only seat available

Teacher: ok Basho-chan go sit next to that guy

Akaruku Kagayuku: (T-THAT GUY?!?! THATS HARSH TEACH)

(Shako Basho sits next to Akaruku Kagayuku and Akaruku stares at Shako)

Shako Basho: (blushes) w-what i-is it?

Akaruku Kagayuku: nothing, just observing

Shako Basho: (blushes extremely) O-OBSERVING W-WHAT?!?!

Akaruku Kagayuku: you what else?

Shako Basho: EH.... EHHH!!!

end of chapter.