
Stolen Omega

Suteppu_Kotenok · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Katsuki's POV:

"You know what, fine, Deku! You want to run off on your own smelling like that, then fucking go!" I yell angrily. We were at the mall and Izuku thought it was a wonderful idea to wander away from me while he was in preheat. Fucking idiot didn't care how dangerous it was. Didn't care, I was worried, too caught up in the idea of him being safe because of One For All. Izuku puffs his cheeks out.

"I will! I don't need you looming over me! I may be an Omega, but I'm not defenseless!" he yells back, making me growl.

"Never said you were," I bite out behind ground teeth.

"Then stop treating me like that!"

"Fine. I'll be in the damned car! I'll see you in an hour!" With that, I stormed off. Izuku doesn't return after the hour passes. He knew we were on a time limit and he was never late. I slide out of the car and move into the mall. I ask an attendant to make an announcement while calling his phone. Voicemail. Thirty minutes, and three announcements later, still no sign of my omega. I growl and call Aizawa, something was wrong. This wasn't like Izuku, even if we were fighting he wouldn't act like this. He was nearly eighteen for fucks sake. I was starting to get worried when another hour passed and people started to conduct a search. Heroes and police calling out his name. Eventually, they pull me to the security room and ask me to point him out on the tapes. I do. After our fight he went towards a store near the backdoors and someone grabbed him from there, pulling him out without anyone noticing. My Omega was stolen. Someone took him right out from under me. I watch as he struggles in his captor's grasp and disappears from the camera's view outside the building. I growl.

"So he's gone?" I question, looking up to Aizawa with lost, anger filled eyes. "Just like that?"

"We will find him, Bakugou, just like we found you," I curl my hands into fists.

"Then what the fuck are we still doing in here?"

"We're leaving," Aizawa thanks the security guard and ushers me to my car. "Go back to the dorms,"

"No. That's my fucking mate you're looking for. I need to be looking too!"

"Bakugou, you're not going to be helpful on the hunt for him,"

"I won't be fucking useful in the dorms either!"

"You will be to Mrs. Midoriya. She needs a familiar face," my heart sinks.

"You called Auntie?"

"Of course I did, her son is missing. Go back to the dorms and comfort her. I promise we will keep you updated."

Hour four of Izuku's disappearance found me holding Auntie Inko close as she cried and prayed for the safe return of her son. She wasn't even angry at me, which I think she should've been. If I had been more firm about staying he would still be here. I spent hour five and six choking back my own grief for the lost Omega. I had to keep hope that he would be okay. Hour seven found Inko returning home to my parents where she would stay until Izuku returned, I dropped her off and deflected my parents offer to stay. Hour eight found me staring into space in shitty hair's room. I lay on his miniature couch he had purchased during second year while he and Dunce Face watched from his bed. I could smell Kaminari's worry, damn Omegas and their heightened pheromones.

"Bakubro, talk to us," Kirishima prompts as we near hour nine.

"What the fuck do you want me to say?" I snap, instantly regretting it at the way he pulls his Omega closer to protect him. My eyes water, I wanted so desperately to do that with my Omega. Why wasn't he there to protect?

"I failed him, Kiri. He's out there, having God knows what done to him because I was a shitty Alpha who left him alone," the two kneel next to the couch.

"You didn't fail him, Kah-chan. He's going to be okay," Kami whispers, making my heart clench at the childhood nickname Izuku had given me. I squeeze my eyes shut to keep the tears inside. Unfortunately, this just pushes them out. I don't fucking cry, especially not in front of others.

"Bro, it's okay. Let it out," Kirishima says softly. He places a hand on my shoulder and I quickly shrug him off as I sit up. I brush the tears away and stand.

"I'm going to bed," I growled. I slip into Izuku's room and sit down on his bed. I stay here until hour eleven, just taking in his scent and letting my emotions run rampant. Thirty minutes past hour eleven had me driving like a madman to the nearest hospital. Some civilians had found him dumped in an alley. He was alive. I park and jump from the car, not caring about whatever Aizawa had to say. He and Inko had been contacted first. My parents sat in the waiting room and Inko was sitting at his bed still crying. I place a gentle hand on her shoulder and chew my lip to keep the tears in. He looked terrible, bruises on his face, cut lip, and he smelt like sex. Inko leaves the next morning at my mothers urging. I take her seat and hold Izuku's hand tight in my own. He'd been drugged, that was the current theory as to why he wasn't waking up. While he'd been in the hospital, they'd caught the bastard's who dared take him. They found skin samples under Izuku's nails. I press a kiss to the Omega's hand, such a smart boy to fight back however he could. He'd also been given a contraceptive in the form of liquid as the nurses could smell sex, just like I could. They knew he wouldn't want whatever they planted inside him. Twenty four hours later, Izuku slowly opened his eyes. They flutter and he looks around slowly. He gasps when he realizes someone was holding his hand and he jerks out of my grasp. He sits up and looks at me, the monitor spiking and letting out shrill beeps.

"Izu?" I whisper nervously, sliding a bit away so as not to be in his space.

"K-Kah-chan?" he whispers shakily, voice raspy. I nod and grab the water the nurses had set out.

"It's okay, Izu. Just water, I promise," with shaking hands he takes it and takes a small sip, eyes never leaving me. The door opens and a nurse steps in.

"Oh, you're awake," she says softly and instantly Izuku looks in her direction, my heart breaks; he couldn't see. "It's okay. I know you don't know me, but I'm a nurse here in the hospital. Did your friend give you the water?" he nods slowly and looks back in my direction.

"I'm going to reset these monitors and then I'll be out of your hair, okay? I'll come back when you've calmed down to look over you," he nods again without looking. She does as she says and leaves.

"Izuku… can you see me?" he shakes his head.

"It's blurry, Kah-chan," I can hear the tears in his voice. "Are you going to leave me because I wasn't strong enough to fight them off? Because I didn't listen? Because I'm used?"

"What? Never, Izuku. You are my fucking Omega. You're my mate, forever."

"She said friend," he whispers. I growl.

"Are you not listening? You are fucking mine and I'll be damned if anything changes that!" I yell, making him flinch.