
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · ファンタジー
21 Chs

I got you

As we walk into art class Mr.Jones tells us to sit down and that the person sitting on the left had to write their name one a piece of paper and put it in the bowl on his desk. Andrew writes his name and puts it in the bowl with everyone else's. Next Mr.Jones said the person on the right come grab a name that will be group for the eight days. And that we will each get four days to draw each other and we get to decide who draws first and how we want to pose. Mr.Jones shakes the bowl around to mix the names and had us each grab a paper. Now please Lisa you start who is your partner. She opens her paper and reads Luca ok grab your stuff and go sit with him. Next let's keep going as everyone is saying their names I see that both Andrew and the red head are left at least I'll one of the two I wanted to draw. It's my turn I open the paper and a smile on lips as I read out Andrew's name the girl next me looks so sad and goes next to the red head who's name is Kenzie.

I look and Andrew and say I got you don't worry. So who gets to got first. Andrew says let's do rock, paper, scissors to determine who get to draw first and I lose so he is going to draw me first. I ask how he wants me and he just gives me a weird smile that has my face heating up. He asked if we could draw anywhere and the teacher said yes so we went to the big tree in the back.

Mr.Jones was so cool for letting us do this we grab the blanket from my locker and he had me leaning against the tree looking into the forest. When I was in the pose he liked he sat down in front of me and began to draw. He was so serious and focused that I made the comment I feel like Rose from the movie Titanic just with my clothes on and he laughed so hard. Then he said I was missing the heart of the ocean so I picked up a pretty red rock and put it on my chest while saying now I'm wearing the heart of the desert. That made both of us laugh I checked the time we had 5 minutes till the bell rang so we packed up and headed back to class. Andrew wouldn't let me see what he got done but he showed Mr.Jones when we got back to class and he said it was coming along great. We get back as the bell rings so we grab our stuff and head out.