

Had I known about the negative reviews regarding people losing their funds to investment platforms, I would have refrained from engaging with one. Unfortunately, I realized the workings of the crypto market too late. I have always been skeptical about what I put my money into but I guess these guys were too good because they had documents to back each claim and that made them look legitimate at first.

After my recent research about crypto, I think it's much better to buy and hold in your wallet instead of investing with any platform that might claim to be either trading your assets or mining them for profits because as it currently stands I don't think there's still any real trading platform out there, I'm speaking from personal experiences with 2 separate platforms that claimed to be legitimate but at the end all turned out to be fake, I have totally given up in any online investment, Losing your hard-earned money to a virtual investment can really drive one nut if not carefully handled, I can now say I've seen it all and I know all the petty tricks they use to lure people into believing them and investing a huge sum, thanks to Digital Web Recovery I got involved with after I learned about the company being a fraudulent company. Altogether I lost a total of about 580,000 Euros to a fake investment platform, the good part of it all was that they didn't get away with all of it, My research on how to get my funds back turned out to be helpful after getting in touch with Digital Web Recovery, I did everything possible making sure that the recovery team had every resource needed to retrieve my money back to my wallet.

If you ever come across this before. I can vouch for digital web recovery to be able to assist you with any crypto-related issues. Digital web recovery can be reached via either email address; digitalwebrecovery(@)mail-me.com

WhatsApp; ‪+14033060588 or visit https://digitalwebrecovery.com