
Chapter 72 Return to Area A Shelter

The few people who were alive back at the shelter in Area A smiled apologetically. After hearing what Su Ruoyun said, they waved their hands quickly: "No, no, of course it wasn't us. We were just passing by."

  "Passing by, passing by, hehe."

  " Then why don't you go and take care of the things for us?" Su Ruoyun said coldly.

  It would be too troublesome for the three of them to clear these obstacles. It would be better to leave these people alone and wait until they clear the road.

  Su Ruoyun used her superpower to knock the guns out of the hands of these people. Xia Yan was also there, with the power of thunder and lightning brewing in her hands. She threatened: "What are you doing standing there, why don't you go quickly?"

  Those people had no weapons in their hands. , I don't dare to make mistakes now, and I will clean the road honestly.

  In the past, they had always played dirty tricks, first using drugs to knock down the passers-by, but this time they underestimated the enemy after seeing the pink car, thinking they didn't need to be afraid of a few women at all, but they didn't expect these three women to be so fierce.

  If Su Ruoyun knew this, he would definitely let out a sigh. When did he use the appearance of the car to judge who was sitting in the car? How ridiculous.

  "Do you want it?" Su Ruoyun pointed to the gun on the ground.

  Xia Yan shook her head, Xia Mingyue didn't want it either. The former is used to using supernatural powers, while the latter can't shoot.

  Su Ruoyun put all the guns they dropped into the space, leaving three small ones outside.

  Each of the three of them held one. Although the other two did not want it, Su Ruoyun still gave them one for self-defense.

  Xia Yan took it calmly, but Xia Mingyue hesitated: "Sister Ruoyun, I don't know how to shoot."

  "Maybe you will in the future." Su Ruoyun took the gun and took aim casually. Aiming at this, then at that, the few people who were clearing the roadblock were frightened, for fear that Su Ruoyun's gun would go off.

  "..." Xia Mingyue took it. It was a small pistol. It was very delicate. It was a contraband before the apocalypse. In the apocalypse, even if everyone can touch it, it is not a controlled item.

  After looking at Xia Mingyue twice, she put the pistol into her pocket.

  The roadblocks were cleared quickly, and these scum were naturally useless. Su Ruoyun took out a gun and shot them straight away.

  "You..." Didn't you say you would let them go after clearing the roadblocks?

  The few remaining people fell into a pool of blood before they had time to react.

  "Let's go." After confirming that there were no survivors, Su Ruoyun and the others left quickly.

  As for corpses, there are corpses everywhere in the apocalypse. It doesn't matter if you don't clean them up. They might be eaten by mutant beasts or zombies at some point.


  Vehicles were speeding on the road. Xia Mingyue quietly looked at Su Ruoyun. Su Ruoyun was holding the steering wheel and could not tell her expression at all.

  Xia Mingyue's mood was a little messy. This was the first time she had seen someone kill someone. To be precise, it was the first time she had seen so many people being killed, although she was a little uncomfortable with it.

  But deep down in her heart, she felt that Su Ruoyun was very powerful. When would she be as powerful as Sister Ruoyun?

  Xia Mingyue sighed, held her chin, and looked out the window boredly.

  Su Ruoyun did not go directly to Area A, but collected some thick quilts, thick clothes and other items along the way.

  The car has been replaced by a large truck by Su Ruoyun.

  Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue carried thick quilts to the car, somewhat confused as to what Su Ruoyun was doing.

  There is no need for it now when the weather is over 40 degrees Celsius.

  Su Ruoyun knew that Xia Yan and the two had doubts, so he took the initiative to explain: "Don't think it's still hot now. It will be different in a few days. People will freeze to death by then."

  Su Ruoyun said and looked up. Sky. The sun was high in the sky, and the sky was much bluer than before.

  It doesn't look like it's the end of the world at all.

  Xia Yan was surprised: "So soon?"

  Now that the sun is shining brightly, no one would have thought that winter would come so soon.

  "Yes." Su Ruoyun and Xia Mingyue put some of the winter supplies into the space, and then moved the rest to the car.

  "So we can prepare early now, so that we won't be helpless when the time comes."

  "When I came out of Area A, I took on a task, which was to collect these winter things. If we collect more, we can exchange for contribution points."

  " Okay."

  Some large bases should have gotten the news, or predicted it. Su Ruoyun didn't know about other bases, but judging from the task issued by Area A to collect supplies for the winter, they should have been warned.

  Su Ruoyun paused to collect the things, and Xia Yan noticed it. She asked Su Ruoyun, "What's wrong?"

  Su Ruoyun glanced at the locator on her wrist and said calmly, "There are zombies coming, be careful."

  Xia Yan He and Xia Mingyue immediately became alert.

  After a long time, there was only a small red dot on the locator, and no other small red dots appeared again.

  Su Ruoyun looked at Xia Mingyue and said, "I'll give you some practice with that zombie."

  Xia Mingyue's little face was full of surprise: "Ah?"

  Her sister had been protecting her along the way, and she had never Killed zombies alone.

  Except for the occasional last hit.

  "Use the gun I gave you. There is only one zombie. Believe in yourself, you can deal with it."

  Xia Mingyue looked at Xia Yan for help. She had not learned how to shoot yet.

  Xia Yan pursed her lips and wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing. She could just let her try. She was watching and nothing would happen.

  "I'll teach you how to shoot." Xia Yan walked up to Xia Mingyue and told her how to use a gun. "Just like this, then aim."

  Xia Mingyue was a little nervous while holding the gun.

  On the street, a zombie with a few strands of cloth hanging on its body was wandering closer to Su Ruoyun.

  This is a second-level zombie and is not very dangerous.     Letting Xia Mingyue kill zombies was a bit Su Ruoyun's whim, but letting her kill zombies was not harming her, so Xia Yan didn't stop her.

  "Now, Xia Mingyue, shoot!" Su Ruoyun's cold voice rang in Xia Mingyue's ears.

  Xia Mingyue subconsciously pulled the trigger.

  The first shot missed, and the zombie's attention was attracted, and he suddenly turned his head to face Xia Mingyue.

  Xia Mingyue: "..."

  It's really disgusting.

  The zombies were running towards Su Ruoyun and the others. Xia Mingyue held a gun in her hand and fired several shots at the zombies, but none of them hit.

  Su Ruoyun: ...



  ... He took a breath, then squatted down and dug out the crystal core of the second-level zombie.

  Although she's not very good at killing zombies, she can steal crystal cores.

  Xia Mingyue washed the dug out crystal core and handed it to Su Ruoyun.

  Su Ruoyun didn't answer: "Take it."

  She didn't lack this crystal core. Xia Mingyue saw that Su Ruoyun really didn't want it, so she didn't refuse and put the crystal core into the space.


  After filling the truck, Su Ruoyun put the rest into the space with a wave of his hand.

  Of course, she didn't take them all, but she still left some for those who came later.

  After getting the supplies, Su Ruoyun drove to Area A.

  Compared with when she left before, the city walls in Area A were taller, and in a short period of time, some buildings were built on the ground in Area A.

  Now that the temperature has dropped, people can live on the ground, but the speed of construction in Area A still surprises Su Ruoyun.

  "There are so many people." Xia Mingyue looked outside through the window.

  Some small bases have no strength in the apocalypse and will not last long before they choose to defect to stronger bases.

  Area A is undoubtedly the most powerful shelter base in this area.

  Coupled with the fact that the temperature is just right now, many small bases have chosen to go to Area A.

  So now the entrance to Area A is overcrowded.

  Some were driving and some were on foot. Everyone had one goal, which was to enter the Area A shelter.

  Su Ruoyun and the others lined up in their car, and the queue moved very slowly.

  Xia Yan frowned and looked around: "There are too many people here."

  "It's a bit too many, but Area A is the best choice." Su Ruoyun sat still in the car: "Let's wait."

  Many people passed by Su Ruoyun's car. After seeing clearly that there were quilts and clothes in the car, these people lost interest.

  In such a big car, there wasn't even any food, it was just filled with useless things.

  When there are more people, it is easy for disputes to arise. Su Ruoyun drove the car and followed the convoy in front of him slowly. Before he had taken a few steps, he heard some commotion from the crowd outside the car.

  Su Ruoyun glanced at the rearview mirror and saw someone starting a fight on the left rear for some unknown reason.

  In the beginning, it was two people punching each other, but later on, for some reason, it turned into a group fight.

  There is also a vague trend of expansion.

  Su Ruoyun saw a young man in black sportswear standing behind those people. He was inconspicuous among the crowd of people pushing and shoving, but Su Ruoyun still saw him at a glance.

  As the number of people fighting increased, many people with superpowers also joined in. For a time, the various superpowers were dazzling.

  The door to the shelter in Area A opened, and a group of people wearing uniforms came out with weapons in their hands.

  The originally noisy crowd quickly made way for them.

  "It is forbidden to stir up trouble outside the shelter." The leader said coldly.

  "It's the law enforcement team."

  "The law enforcement team is here."

  When some people saw the law enforcement team, they immediately stopped and silenced.

  Only two people were still fighting fiercely.

  Fan Defeng's brows furrowed together. What happened to these two people? Didn't they hear what he just said?

  Seeing that the two men had no intention of stopping, Fan Defeng raised the gun in his hand and shot each of them. After two bangs, the two men fell to the ground motionless.

  Su Ruoyun looked at the weapon in Fan Defeng's hand. Is this a newly developed weapon? Those two people were third-level superpowers, and were they killed one by one?

  It would be too easy to die.

  Fan Defeng looked serious and pointed the gun in his hand at the two people on the ground: "If anyone makes trouble again, they will suffer the same fate as them."