
Still Love You

Too many obstacles and rejections Complicated seems to be a word that keeps lurking Even the phrase 'alright' seems to be a bomb at one time We love each other, and circumstances try to separate Far enough apart, too foreign to know "The heart seems to have known for a long time, but the brain and vision don't remember who it is at all." Ilona Aurelia. "Seeing and making sure he's okay makes me feel calm, even though he doesn't remember all about me anymore." Delvin Araska.

Ririe_Anindya · 都市
11 Chs


Two adult couples are currently facing each other with the same sad gaze, the sound of the ripples in front of them seems to break the silence for a while before they start to speak. A gust of wind swept through their bodies, adding to the serenity of the place.

"Is it too difficult for us to unite, Vin?" asked Ilona blankly, staring at the ripples of water in front of her at this time.

Talking about the story that is currently at the end of the abyss of separation, makes Ilona try her best not to shed tears. however, still will not be able to, as the heart feels a deep tightness because of remembering the decision of the lover that he did not expect before.

Delvin shook his head, with a hand reached to cup Ilona's cheek. "I love you, and you know it I tried very hard to maintain our relationship ...." He took a deep breath before then saying one sentence that made the clear tears slide freely from Ilona's eyes. "However, fate only brings together, no longer to unite."

The leaves fall, like feeling the deepest sadness of a woman who looks at her idol, as clear drops fall down her cheeks.

Ilona now can no longer hold back the tears she had been holding back. "Vin! Tell me this, prank! Say, Vin says it!" shouted Ilona in frustration. Why with love? Why did it have to end in tears?

Delvin hugged the girl's body which was shaken violently by the tears. "Sorry! I can't go on with this, I can't even decide at all. everything has been laid out and I... can't avoid their fate and decisions at all."

Ilona looked up and tried to catch the shady gaze of the man who had filled part of her life story. "Vinny pillar has been you all along, but if you disappear ... will be crushed!"

"Can I survive alone? Can I see you belong to someone else? Can I see you laugh and it's no longer with me?" asked Ilona repeatedly. tears kept falling non-stop and my eyes waiting for an answer.

Ilona felt that something was broken in the deepest part. All of this was too fast to go through, and again he couldn't take it all so easily. he has set himself to always fall for the same person, but what is this? Why did everything happen?

Delvin shook his head again, a single tear now escaping from his eyelids. "You should take a break now don't think too much about it, and I hope you can accept all this sincerely."

Ilona looked at Delvin with tears that couldn't stop flowing. "You think I can rest, huh?" Snapped Delvin in a nasal voice. all the hopes that he always built have been destroyed, why should there be a word of hope if in the end it must be made a mess?

Delvin was silent and speechless. Too confused to think about, and too hard to live with. about this relationship will always find complicated words in every journey that will be painted later.

The wind faithfully blows, as if trying to give peace to two souls who are both feeling the destruction. Ilona lost a pillar, and Delvin lost a person who always supported them in every difficulty of life.

Ilona and Delvin are the same two people. They are both currently feeling tremendous pain, maybe if there is one prayer that will be immediately answered, believe me! they will say the same sentence, 'don't let it separate in this way.'

Ilona roughly wiped the tears that were imperceptibly falling without being able to hold back at all. "Okay, I'm trying to be sincere as long as the guarantee is that you are happy, and that smile ... I hope it will always expand perfectly," said Ilona with full of determination in her heart.

Ilona is aware not to push all expectations according to what she always wants, sometimes some things get erased because we don't need them.

Delvin shook his head, hand reached out to take Ilona's fingers. "I don't promise to grow these lips, and I may never know the word smile again."

Ilona doesn't believe Delvin's words at this time, why can he talk like that, isn't this separation what he wants? Then, why did he have to take such an action he didn't like so much?

"Don't be silly, Vin! These lips...." Ilona's hand began to touch Delvin's lips and gently caressed them with his thumb. "It won't be appropriate if it doesn't put a smile on it you never change, it's enough just the relationship between the two of us now ... will never be the same," said Ilona. One tear escaped again.

Delvin took Ilona's fingers which were still caressing her red lips. "Everything will change, and it doesn't just apply to our relationship but...everything!" Delvin said in a deep voice.

Ilona pulled the finger that was currently being gently kissed by Delvin, looking away in another direction. he will never be able to see Delvin return to his previous attitude, the sadness is now running twice as much.

"You don't have to do all that, Vin." Ilona wasn't strong even though she just stared at Delvin. The heart is quite fragile and somehow he will continue to live without the presence of his lover.

Sincerity is a forced word. We just need a sentence of habituation, to feel normal with unexpected circumstances like this. Ilona herself felt distraught to strengthen her heart, wanting to scream at fate if she was not capable enough to go through all of this.

Ilona didn't know that at this moment Delvin was feeling much more painful devastation. Losing a person who can completely change him, and someone who always supports him when times are tough. He is far from willing to see the woman he loves so much fall into the hands of another man.

Delvin tried to harden his heart, and now he spoke again. "I have to do it again, Ilona. We are both now equally devastated, and I apologize to you," Delvin whispered with his head bowed.

Ilona dropped her tears again, biting her lower lip so she wouldn't hear the sound of sobs and herding it to subside. No matter how he cries or screams to refuse this separation, he will never be able to. accepting and sincere is the only way that is most appropriate for both of them.

Ilona looked at Delvin's face which was already red, and that was a sign that he was holding back tears. "Me, you, and us now.... have become two strangers again, it turns out."