

As the elevator doors closed, Nian Xi was quite disapppointed that she was not able to talk with Mr. Beautiful.

'That's unfortunate, I think he might have recognized me.' She thought to herself.

As she descend down, Nian Xi kept thinking about that guy. Did he called her Ji'er or something? Maybe she had just misheard it.

"Eyes on the prize, Nian Xi! Stick to the plan, first you gotta go to the nurses' station". She told herself as she rise her fist in the air with determination.

Finally she reached her destination. Nian Xi exited the elevator and looked around for the nurses' station. As she stood there, she faintly heard sa voice yelling but she did not paid it any attention to it after all this is an hospital there is someone bound to yell. Nian Xi is focused in her task in finding the nurses' station. 'Even the reception area could do', she thought to herself. When suddenly, someone tugged at her shoulder and wrapped her in a tight embrace.

Nian Xi cannot see the face of the person who is hugging her. But she feels that it might be Mr. Beautiful, the guy she saw at the elevator. He was muttering something repeatedly that she can't understand. He kept on hugging and kissing her and he does not seem to stop anytime soon. The more she struggles to get out of the hug, the more he tightens his grip on her. It seems like the person is afraid she will vanish, if he let go of her.

"Hey! Stop! I can't breathe!" Nian Xi said then started to hit him with her dainty fist, his embrace is too tight and suffocating.

"Mister! Stop! You're hurting me!" she exclaimed.

That was when the person hugging her stopped. "Ji'er, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Where does it hurt? Tell me!" He hurridly said.

'It was him! Mr. Beautiful guy from ealier! But why did he call me Ji'er?'. Nian Xi thought. 'He looks so beautiful, even when crying. So unfair.' He exudes warmth and love towards her, it's scary. Especially from someone she have no idea who is.

"I'm Ok, nothing hurts" she said outloud. "My name's not Ji'er. It's not even remotely close to it. I think you're mistaking me for another person!" She told him as she push him away. He just stood there puzzled.

"I don't know who you are, mister." Nian Xi continued. "Please let go of me!"

"You don't know me?" The guy carefully asked.

Looking at her intently he said, "Ji'er don't joke around, it's not funny." Then he shouted for the doctor to come.