
Running away

She didn't think she should hide her identity anymore.

How could she even think that no one would know her, when she is still in the same village.

Brandon walked in, standing close to Camen, she watch him fully.

He has a green eyes, and well structured nose, to match with his full lips.

"You need to leave, if Duncan finds out that this is where you are hiding, and we are the ones keeping you, then, he might kill us all".

He pleads.

My mother and sister are all I have, I would do anything and everything to protect them".

Duncan isn't looking for me, he doesn't love me, he doesn't want me, he was glad, when I told him I was leaving the house, he watched me leave".

She argued further, trying to dismiss every thought of fear in the handsome young lad, but that didn't work, for he presented her, with a more convincing evidence.

"You think he is happy you left, and yet, the city, is already looking for you?

Showing her the Bulletin.

She is shocked to find their wedding picture on the paper.

She glared at it for a long time, before looking up at Brandon.

She was speechless, she really does need help, she needs to get to Springfield.

Duncan is trying to stop her from getting him, so that her parents don't get the idea, of what he has been doing to her.

"I can't go back to him".

She says calmly, and gently pulls her dress up, to show him a scare on her laps.

He looked shocked, he bent down to touch it, but she covered her legs immediately with her dress.

"He did that to you?

He asked rhetorically, for he already knows the answer.

"I can help you get to Springfield faster, by train, but you cannot be here".

She understood him, and she nodded in agreement.

"But I have to tell your mum, I can't just leave, she was really nice to me".

She says, but she got a response from behind.

"I heard everything, and I understand if you have to leave, I have packed some food and a jar filled with water for you, it should sustain you for a while, before it is exhausted".

It was already dark, and Bridget seem to have fallen inti a deep sleep, because her snore could be heard in the door way.

"Don't worry about my sister, she will be fine".

He tells her, and he gently led her by the hand, with the back her mother packed for her, and they walked out of the house.

Brandon held her hand till he got to where there was herd of cattle, he found the person watching over them, they seem to know each other, he whispered something to him, and then he handed him some coin in a small sack bag.

The man took her to another side, where there were horses, he got on one, and Brandon helped her, to get on its back, while he watch them leave.

He feels bad allowing her go off by her self, by such an ungodly hour, but he couldn't risk the lives of his mother, sister and niece, he had to do the needful.

It was already dark, by morning, she should be close to the next village, in two days time, she should be in Springfield with her family, then Duncan won't be able to hurt her or taunt her again, whatever the reason maybe, why she is running away from him.

He kept watching the horse, till he couldn't see it's tail anymore, then he started heading back home.

When he got to the house, he is surprised to find his mother and sister kneeling down, while a man was pointing a gun at them.

"Where is she?

He were demanding aggressively from them.

"We don't know whom you are talking about".

Her sister replied, and though his mother knows, she wouldn't admit.

Brandon ran into hold his mother.

"What do you want?

He asked the one pointing the gun at them.

How can you point a gun at a harmless being, and if she tells you she doesn't understand or know what you are talking about, why don't you explain to her, and make her understand, instead of scaring her".

Brandon had never been the scared type, he didn't mind if there is a gun pointed at him, his primary aim, is to save his family, from any form of abuse.

"We got news that there is a stranger in your house.

Prince Duncan wants us to bring her back".

He finally explains.

Bridget wanted to ask if it is Camen, but her brother was quick to respond.

"We have no stranger in our house, and you can search if you want.

Though a lady passed by here earlier, begging for food.

She had a backpack, and she looked neatly dressed.

My mother gave her some fruit, and she went on her way".

There was a long silence, the one with the gun, ordered the others to search the house, they quickly entered the house, while the inhabitants were outside, and in no time, they were out, then the leader says.

"If we find out that you are hiding her, you will face his wrath, you know how his anger really is".

He says and walked away.

Bridget was gravely shaken, she hugged her mother, and then hugged her daughter, who gave never seen a gun before.

"I think we will have to leave for Springfield tomorrow, Stephon needs to know what happened here".

Brandon hates seeing his sister so shaken, he held her shoulder and assure her.

"They won't come back here, and she won't also come back here.

It's their family issue, they will solve it as family, while we will solve hours as a family too".

The three of them hugged each other, while Brandon gently led them inside the house, but non of them could sleep, not even the little child.

Brandon knows that they won't be coming back to their house, but he was kind of worried, about Camen.