
Planned death

Duncan doesn't even know why he is looking for her, when he is supposed to be happy, that she is gone.

He was in bed, with one of his mistress and instead of him to focus on her, he was talking to himself, expressing his anger, as to why, it is posing too difficult, to bring her out.

"Where the hell, could she be? He asked, looking at Imelda.

"How would I know?

She asked him, getting up, a d getting dressed.

"I wasn't really asking you, it's rhetorical silly".

He got up too, and went to stand by the window.

He saw the last guards he sent to Springfield coming back, he was really expectant, but what shocked him even more, was that her father was coming with them, he turned to his mistress, and trued to non verbally ask her to leave, but she wasn't getting it.

"I said get out, my father in-law is cominv!

He yelled, and didn't wait, he pushed her out.

She looked really angry, and she threw her hands in the air, as if trying to slap him.

She was still standing at the door, trying to dress properly, when Duncan opened the door again, and threw her panties to her.

She would have loved to insult him, a d show how angry she is, but he had shut the door already.

Mr Cole walked in, and went straight to his room.

"Where is my daughter?

He asked, and Duncan started to stutter.

Though they had struck a deal with him, and have payed for his silence, he still dears the man, even though he is no king, he is still one of the richest men in Springfield.

Rumors have it that he is even richer than the king of Springfield, and that most times, the king, always come to him for money.

Other people says, he got his money, from travelling far and wide, and working with most foreign countries.

"I don't know where she is, I don't know where she went to.

I thought she was joking, when she told me she would leave me and go back to Springfield, I really thought it was a joke, but now, I see that she meant every word,I am so sad.

He made a pitiful face, but Cole wasn't buying, for he went further to threaten him.

If anything happen to my daughter, I will come with every weapon I have to fight you.

I have heard how you maltreat her, and beat her up at every slight chance you get, but right now, that would stop, for I will come at you, and you will wish, you be er cross my path".

Duncan hates being threatened, but he was somehow scared, so he went after him.

"Mr Cole, please try and listen to me, I have even sent my men in search of her, I really don't know why she decided to leave".

He lied, then he added, looking for a way to persuade him.

"My parents are in the lower chamber, they are also discussing on how we will see d our troop to go in search of her, trust me, I am really doing my best, and I hope, that I will get a positive result soon".

That was another lie, as his parents just left town, but he just said it, so that he would think, that he is really looking for Camen.

Cole disappointed him, he didn't leave, he wanted to speak with his parents, so he says.

"That would be better, I should totally speak with mature minds, they know what our agreement was, I think they understand better".

Duncan exchanged glances with his guard, who was standing close to him, he doesn't know what to do or how to stop him, so he just allowed him go to the lower chamber, but the maidens that used to take care of his aged parents started gossipping loudly, without any form of consciousness.

"I am glad she left, else, he would have killed her, I don't know why prince Duncan hates her so much ".

One of the maiden said.

"And she is such a beauty, I wish I was that beautiful, I wouldn't even come down to being with someone as mean as Duncan, I will go for a prince like prince Edward of Callicus or prince Elvis of Durango".

The other said added.

"You are very correct, but In all, I am really glad, she fled for her life".

Duncan wanted to say something to alert them, since they were just a block away from them, but Cole stopped him with his hands raised, he wanted to hear everything.

She should be with her family now, and she must be so happy to be home".

She added, but the other one tapped her shoulder and asked.

"Haven't you heard, that Duncan have sent people after her, I guess he wants to continue from where he stopped, he wants to keep hurting her.

The last time I bathed her, you should have seen the bruises on her body".

Cole could not take it any more, he didn't know when he said loudly " Bruises?

The maidens all turned to face the angry face of Duncan and Cole, they both look angry, but surely angry for different reasons.

Cole is definitely angry at Duncan because of what he heard, while Duncan is angry at them, for what they have said.

They joined their hands together pleadingly, but Cole turned swiftly and punched Duncan on the face.

I will destroy you, I promise".

He threatened him.

Duncan knew he couldn't allow Cole leave his palace just like that, since his parents aren't around, and no one accompanied him to the place, then he would just have to act fast and smart.

His guards dismissed the girls, while he tried to stop Cole from leaving, when Cole gave him another punch on the nose.

This time, he was bleeding too much, he angrily returned the punch, which sent Cole to the floor, he couldn't believe that Duncan would hit him back, but Duncan didn't stop there, he kept punching him, that he even brought out a knife, and stabbed him in his chest.

There was no one around, just his guard, so he dragged him, to the back of the lower chamber, where he was wrapped with clothes, awaiting night fall, so they could dispose him, on the road it would be as though, he was killed by some bandit, and though he is dead, Duncan was still scared, that somehow, something, might go wrong, or people might come after him, he wiped his sweat, and tried to act normal, but when he got outside, he saw some guards, who weren't his guards.

"Where is Mr Cole?

One of the guard asked.

He surely looks like the head guard.

Duncan couldn't answer him, and there is no way, they could fight all the guards outside, who came with Cole.