
Stick with me

I am Michelle Halt, a normal high school teenager. I have good friends, supportive parents and normal life but that was until Zach decides to poke his head into my life. Zach Cameron...how do I even begin with him? He is an egoistic bad boy with a good heart. Zach and I hate-nah hate would be a too strong word. We dislike each other since our childhood and we or at least I haven't planned to change my feelings towards him. But what happens when life throws us together in an unexpected way? Will my feelings change for him or will we always be like this? Only time will tell.

Athulya_Sudevan · 若者
7 Chs


Next day, after the practicing everyone went home. Jen didn't come today because she got fever so it was just Eric and me. I walked to his car and waited for him to come.

"Waiting for someone?" I heard Zach say; I turned my head and saw him coming towards me. I nodded in reply. "I could drop you home if you want," "No thank you, I'd rather kill myself then step in your car." I said.

He smirked and said, "You looked cute in that cheerleaders uniform," I didn't want to but I blushed, "T-thanks," I stuttered, he smirked and took a step closer to me.

I looked around the parking-lot and noticed that it was just the two of us there. I was getting the nervous the way he stared at me. "I see, you didn't tell your friends about us." He said raising a brow, "What about us?" I asked, "That we're getting married you know?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't want them to know I'm unfortunately getting married to the biggest jerk of our school and they��d probably think that my parents are crazy."

He shrugged and said, "If you don't tell them, I will." I quickly stood up straight and said, "No you wouldn't," His eyes went down to my lips before coming back to my eyes, "Try me," "Whatever jerk," I said and pushed him.

"See you later," he gave me a two finger salute before going to his own car. "Asshole," I muttered to myself and waited for Eric, where did that idiot go now?

After lots of waiting, nah just kidding, after a minute my phone buzzed a text from Eric saying that he has some work to take care of before leaving so I should probably ask someone to drop me home.

I was so angry that I swear I could've thrown my phone on the ground and crushed it. I put phone in my back pocket and groaned.

Just ask Zach to drop you home, my sub-conscious told me.

No way, I'm gonna ask for his help. I thought back. Come on, don't be stubborn, my subconscious mind told me. I looked around and spotted Zach getting in his car. I quickly jogged to him.

"Zach," I said hesitantly, he stopped and turned around. "What?" he asked. "Can you drop me home?" I asked. A smirk made its way on his lips. He put his hand on his chin as if thinking and said, "Well someone said they'd kill themselves rather than stepping into my car." I took a deep breath and put on a tight smile.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top," I said giving him my puppy face, he pinched my cheek and said, "Just when I thought you couldn't get any cuter you said, please. Get in,"

I sighed in relief and got in the passenger. I put my bag on the floor beside my legs and went to play the radio but Zach slapped my hand away. "What?" I asked angrily. He shrugged and said, "My car, my radio, I play the songs."

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "Whatever," I mumbled and he started driving. Suddenly the song 'I don't care' by Justin B and Ed Sheeran played on the radio.

I squealed loudly making Zach stop the car, "What?" he asked worriedly, "It's the song," I said excitedly, he rolled his eyes and said, "You scared me there for a minute," But I ignored him and started singing.

"Don't think I fit in this party. Everyone's got so much to say, yeah. I always feel like I'm nobody. Who wants to fit in any way? Cause I don't care when I'm with my baby, yeah. All the bad things disappear and you're making me feel like maybe I'm somebody…"

I looked at Zach and saw him grinning at me, "What?" I asked raising a brow, "You sing terribly," I slapped his arm and said, "Drive," he shook his head at me and drove home in silence.

He parked the car in his driveway and I quickly got out. I closed the car and said, "Thanks," "Mention not, future wife," he said, I could imagine the smirk forming on his face. I gave him the finger and walked to my house. I could hear him chuckle behind me which only seemed to anger me more.

In the evening, mom, dad and I were sitting at the backyard sipping on your tea and talking, well they were talking about my so-called wedding and I was rolling my eyes at everything and giving them the 'I-really-hate-you-for-this.' look.

"Oh hey Jason," I heard Joe, Zach's dad say, "Hey Joe," Dad said and stood up from the chair. He shook Joe's hand but if it weren't for the fence they would've hugged. I noticed Zach and Amanda also sitting at their backyard. Zach gave me his famous smirk and I rolled my eyes.

Wow, how many times did I roll my eyes time? Well, forgot the count.

"Did you tell Michelle about it?" I heard Joe ask dad, to which he awkward scratched his neck.

"Tell me what?" I asked raising a brow suspiciously at mom and dad. I looked at Zach and even he looked confused. Mom shifted her chair closer to mine and grabbed my hand. "Michelle, we're moving in with the Camerons to their ancestral house tomorrow."

"No way!" Zach and I said at the same time getting up from our chairs. "Zach, not you too son" Dad said, Zach raised his hand towards me and said, "She will kill me within the first two days!" I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "Shut up wet socks,"

He rolled his eyes at my insult. What? I can't just call him a dickface in front of our parents.

"Kids, calm down." Amanda said, "It's only for a few months," "A few months?!" I said in horror, "You have to be kidding me!" "We're not joking Michelle," Dad said, a frown taking place on his face. I groaned and stormed into my house.

I slammed the door shut to my room and plopped down on my bed, staring at the plain lavender ceiling where the white fan spun in medium speed.

I really hate my parents right now. I know they meant to save me from that accident but did Amanda really have to put that condition? Either, marry my son or die, like really? You're going to do that to a sweet cute kid? I just wish I could change my fate and re-write it but that's not how it works.

I wiped a few tears that escaped my eyes and got up. "Homework time, Michelle," I said to myself and grabbed my bag. I need something to distract me. I took out my books and started doing my homework.

After finishing with me Calc home I started writing my English essay, our English teacher, Mrs. Jones was really kind and told us we were free to write an essay on any topic but it should be creative. I chose to write my essay on Racism that's going on. After a little research and lots of effort my essay was ready. I started reading the essay to myself to check if there were any mistakes.

"Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.

Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.

While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used-"

I was interrupted by my phone buzzing; I looked at it and saw a text from Zach. I unlocked my phone and checked it.


Hey, what're you doing?


Homework, studying.


Don't you always study? You're so boring?


Well, I need to study and get a job unlike someone I know. You short just one thing,


What could I possible short, Michelle? I'm perfect,


You short a brain.


I have that Michelle-duh.


You're clearly not using it.


Wow, you always have to hurt my feelings don't you?


Oh I didn't know you even had feelings.

I looked out of my window to his room when I heard him chuckle. He shook his head and looked out of the window at me, smirking. I quickly duck my head back so he wouldn't see me, but he already did and his next text proved it.


Thinking of how hot I am?


Sorry, but you're not that lucky Zach.


You're always hurting me, Michelle.


That's my way of having fun, Cameron. Anyway, I don't have to waste my time, talking to you.

I kept my phone away and picked up my binder. I put my essay in it and put it in my bag. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up from another text from Zach which said:

Good night Michelle.

I sent a 'good night' back to him and go to take a shower. The warm water pours over me, soothing my skin and relaxing me. I take ten minutes in the shower and step out. One towel wrapped around my body and one wrapped around my hair.

After changing into the Pj's I fall down on the bed and deep slumbers takes over me.