
A Good Distraction

Chapter 43

Impatience fluttered through Zarracen like a sparking birds wings flapped. Loud, quick and thunderous. There was no word from Princess Isabella about what she planned to do going forward with the people selling Exl. It wasn't concerning to Zarracen she just figured that they would have made their move already with the information found. 

Annitta was able to disclose the ingredients for the new versions of Exl. It was as if they were waiting on permission to strike or more information. She knew it was likely to be the latter than the former. However, because of this she could do nothing more than train day in and day out.

So, when Kayiback came around interrupting her sword training she was more than happy to see him. The man was standing in front of her wearing his knight's uniform showing that his vacation was over with. Zarracen greeted him upon seeing him and placed her training blade on the rack before turning fully to him.