
Stephen's Universe: Solitude

Drago4n · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

29. Stunned

[ The next day. ]

In the living room, everyone was sitting around a table that had a beautiful, green stone on it. It was Peridot.

--- We need to decide what we're going to do with it.

The conversation was started by the leader, Garnet.

--- And there is nothing to think about. We'll keep her in the bubble until the end of time. And if it breaks out, we'll split it !

--- Amethyst ! You can't do that. We can get some information from her.

--- Calm down. August, what do you think ?

--- Hmm

" If we release her, there is a possibility that she will tell me about my questions. He also said that the Earth, a time bomb, it seems important. But the risk is great. I think you can... "

--- We need to let her out. Without its amplifiers, it is safe.

--- Are you sure August ?

--- I want to find out something. She said something about Earth. That it's a bomb. She might know something important.

--- Good. We'll let her out.

Garnet quickly burst the bubble and the stone fell on the table. Peridot immediately began to take on her physical form.

--- You ! Cobblestones ! How dare you bubble me up !

--- Quietly.

--- I want and shout !

--- Good. Listen up, you little thing..

--- Amethyst. Let me talk to her.

--- Whatever you say, August. If anything, I'm here.

Augustus approached Peridot. She had already hidden behind the sofa and was holding the defense with a broom that she found there.

--- Peridot ! Deal !

--- What do you want !

--- I want information. Tell me why you want to leave Earth as soon as possible.

--- And you...

--- I guarantee you won't get any more bubbles. But you will be supervised.

--- Why would I believe you ?

--- All right, then. Sit further behind the sofa, in the dust, defending yourself with a broom.

He began to slowly move away from her location.

--- S...Stop !

She pulled her head out from behind the couch and stared at him intently.

--- I agree to the deal. But you'll be watching me.

--- No ! [ Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet exclaimed. ]

--- Good. Deal. Information forward.

Peridot came out from behind the sofa, stood on the table, and began to broadcast.

--- Listen to me, you blockheads. This planet is a time bomb. In the center of the planet, buried biological weapons. Its name is Cluster. These are hundreds of thousands of fragments that were artificially fused. It is currently in sleep mode. But very soon it will begin to awaken and then, it will tear this planet to pieces ! We're all going to die !

Everyone went into shock. Biological weapons. Merging shards. Destruction of the Earth. And all this was happening right under their noses ! If something is not done, the Earth will end !

--- We need to do something !

--- There's nothing we can do ! The process is already started, we will all die.

--- But there must be a way !

--- He's gone ! The only thing that comes to my mind is to get into the center of the planet, and destroy the Cluster ! But this idea is simple...

--- Perfect ! We need to start right now !

--- ...idiotic, I mean ! This is crazy ! To drill through the mantle and crust, you need technologies that are much higher than Earth's ! There is simply no such technology on this planet !

--- It's not your problem anymore. We need to start right now. August, you'll stay. Keep an eye on her and guard the house. You're in charge.

The Gems entered the Warp and left. Only Peridot and Augustus remained in the house. There was an awkward silence.

--- And what are you going to do ? Are you going to bubble me up again?

--- Not. I don't know how to do it, and I promised you that you would be free.

--- Then what do we do ?

--- I don't know.

August didn't know what to do with her. He had no idea what to do with it.

" Although, stop ! I have an idea here. "

--- I think I know how to spend our time.

--- Hmmm ?

--- You need to get to know people's things. We're probably stuck here for a long time, so you need to show us around.

--- It's good. I'll be able to explore your technology ! This will give me more insight into my enemy ! Brilliant !

--- You know I can hear you ?

--- Come on, hurry up ! I can't wait.

--- Good. Let's start with the bath.

He led her to the bathroom, where he began to explain everything in detail.

--- It's a toothbrush.

--- Is this a weapon ?

--- No. This is soap.

--- Is this a weapon ?

--- No. This is a towel

--- Is this a weapon ?

--- No. This...

It took about an hour to fully introduce the bath and the Peridot. It was much longer than Augustus had expected. So he decided to introduce Peridot to TV.

--- It's a TV.

--- What does it do ?

--- I'll show you.

He turned it on and got on a random channel.

--- What are these people doing there?! How did they even fit in there ?

--- There are no people there. It's just a playing record.

--- And what's so special about that ?

--- People like it. I think we'll watch TV before the gems arrive. There's nothing to do anyway.

And that's it. From morning till evening. Augusta and Peridot were watching television. August drew Peridot into the world of television series. It was already late at night when the gems were returned and found them.

--- Oh, my God ! Why ! Why did he leave her ?!

--- I don't know ?! They were a good couple, weren't they ? And he'd left her for someone else !

Augustus and Peridot were sitting on the sofa, hugging each other and crying. A romantic TV series was playing on the TV screen.

--- Ahem. We're back.

--- Aaaaaaa !

They caught them off guard, causing him to jump out of fear.

--- Don't scare us like that !

--- We found the construction site and the details. All we have to do is create a drawing.

--- It's good.

--- It's time for you to go home August.

--- What's the trouble with Peridot ?

--- We'll lock her in the bathroom.

--- It's so much better than being bubbly.

--- Good. I hope you won't stun her ?

--- No, now go. You'll be helping us tomorrow. And call Lapis. We'll need her help, too.

---I can't promise anything, but I'll try.

--- Till tomorrow.

--- Till tomorrow.

This day has come to an end. A big construction site is waiting for them tomorrow. And they'd better hurry, the Cluster is starting to wake up. He wants to get in shape. The shards scream about it.