

Unlike the 'Dirt Dog' the monster with the pepper looking thing was humanoid and it was called 'Earthen Kobold' it threw punches with it's oversized hands Ulric parried it's blows and sent a few back, in less than a minutes the Kobold collapses, bending down he pulled it free,

Acquired: 'Pulsing Core'

It was true the thing gave out a slight pulse, the outside seemed like a shell so Ulric pried it apart and inside was what looked like a small cauliflower, well he didn't have the extras to make cheese, what could he do with this?

After considering his options he could only do one thing, he grated the core and dried it, then put a little oil in a pan and began cooking it, he added some salt and pepper,

Notification: Recipe 'Pulsing Rice' Discovered.

Not bad, typical rice dish, passable.

Notification: Str + 1

Ulric decided to head back to the road, he was getting a little far from it and didn't have a map of this area and didn't want to get lost and have to port to a city again, there should be two more monsters here but he would search once he got back to the road and could navigate better as he was a little unsure of WHACK!

He was sent sprawling by the unexpected attack, turning quickly he spotted what had hit him, it was a tree or more accurately a Treant, and jumping out of it's branches was a creature that looked vaguely woman like but was made up of twisted branches and vines, it had no face just a pair of glowing eyes and it shot at him, slashing it's claw like hands blocking the slashes Ulric grabbed and caught it's arms twisting he managed to restrain it while looking frantically towards the Treant to try and dodge it's attack, but the attack was already coming in fact several had and they all... missed, Ulric realized with pleasant surprised that the Trent was rooted to the floor and was out of range, smiling he turned his attention to the monster in his grip it's nameplate said 'Mana Maddened Dryad' he began to squeeze it in his grip to the sound of cracking and snapping the dryad fought back hard and was slowly able to begin to open Ulric's arms so Ulric simply stopped squeezing and did the opposite, SNAP SNAP he pulled it's arms off, he then spotted a small gap in it's chest and plunged his fingers in and with rapid cracking and snapping sounds tore the Dryad in half.

The ingredient Ulric received was the Dryad Heart, and after walking behind it and beating on it for a short time he also got 'Treant Seeds' which were basically nuts, the heart was brown and odd shaped, but the surface was smooth and it smelled sweet he recognized it, it was defiantly a pepper, nice and simple he roasted the both and gained the 'Sweet heart Roast' and 'Toasted Seed' recipes.

After hunting for a while and gathering ingredients he continued on towards Blighted Lamplight, he simply wanted to get a teleport crystal from there for now, and then head back and add to the cafe's menu, it was after about an hour he noticed a Stag that looked different from the ones he had hunted, maybe it was just a reskin? he decided to hunt it just to make sure.