
Stellar Stepper

"Well, its all over now..." Having said these words, Xu Te felt himself fading away... As Xu Te died however he heard a voice, sounding divine as if it was the voice of God. "Child in this life you were hard done by, despite your virtuous nature, however you will be rewarded in your next life. You will be reborn in an alternate universe, similar to your current one in base structure, yet with more advanced beings, who have already stepped on the path of cultivation." Following these words Xu Te felt his soul seemingly moving at an incredible speed, seemingly crossing through myriad dimensions, before colliding with and entering the body of a young man, a young man named Seb Daynight who like Xu Te had recently died... Taking over this young man's body Xu Te did not realise that this was the start of a grand journey, a journey that would take him into the stars and beyond! ********************************************************** (Set in the universe of Star Odyssey, a really good novel on Wuxiaworld, which if you like this I recommend checking out)

Souths · 東方
2 Chs


Xu Te had lived a good life, or so he thought.

An Eighteen year old boy, he was not completely fulfilled but he was pretty happy, and he had never done anything wrong, never killed anyone, never hurt anyone, that badly anyway.


He laughed as he thought of this. It all seemed so stupid, considering this, that he was hit by a truck.

Of all the people who deserved to be crushed to death by a truck, Xu Te didn't think he was very high on the list, yet that was what had happened.

It was even stranger he thought, that he could still feel himself and was conscious, despite having felt himself fade away, having turned into a simple meat sludge, a mockery of a human form.

Ironic really.

Thinking this far, Xu Te slowly felt himself fading away.

"I guess its over now then, for real. I suppose the fact I can still think after my death means there might really be an afterlife, or maybe a reincarnation cycle. Well in my next life I hope I also am able to leave a carefree existence. Maybe dying before I had to give up my contented lifestyle and start working isn't so bad."

Thinking this far, despite it being somewhat pessimistic, Xu Te decided to just relax and see where fate took him, surprisingly calm considering he was facing the possibility of coming face to face with a creator of some sort after his death.

Alas, Xu Te felt himself truly begin to fade away, and he thought to himself,

"Well its all over now..."

Awaiting the fading sensation to fully overpower his senses, Xu Te felt himself relax, yet at the last second an overpowering voice, which was louder than the horn of the truck that hit him, yet soft and calming simultaneously, rang out inside Xu Te's head.

"Child in this life you were hard done by, despite your virtuous nature, however you will be rewarded in your next life. You will be reborn in an alternate universe, similar to your current one in base structure, yet with more advanced beings, who have already stepped on the path of cultivation."

Xu Te was absolutely shocked for a second, before he was struck by the subtleties of the statement he just heard.

"Cultivation, as in cultivation like in Wuxia or Xianxia novels?!"

He had merely thought this to himself, but Xu Te was even more stunned when he received a response.

"Yes child, that is exactly the type of cultivation that is practiced by these advanced beings. In theory people on Earth from your dimension can also cultivate, however you haven't found the path of cultivation yet. But in this alternate universe you are being reincarnated in, myriad beings cultivate, and are able to change their own fates and rebel against the heavens."

Hearing this Xu Te felt an incredible passion alight within him, like a pile of wood had just been lit by a spark.

"Cultivate to the highest heights of this universe, and then some more, and maybe we'll meet again child. Till then, farewell!"

Without even seeing this mysterious divine being who had apparently plucked him from the cycle of life and death and forcibly altered his path of reincarnation, Xu Te felt himself tearing through the fabric of space and time, flying through myriad dimensions, before forcibly entering the body of a young man.

A tearing crushing pain shot through Xu Te's mind, and then he felt everything go black.

The last thing Xu Te felt before he blacked out was an influx of memories, these memories revealing to him that the body he had taken over was that of a man named Seb Daynight, an unbelievably talented child who was banished from the Daynight clan, and had just recently died at the age of 18, the same age Xu Te had been...


3 days later


With a deep inhalation Xu Te sat up, all his muscles aching as if they were on fire.

At the same time Xu Te's head hurt even more than his body did, still pounding albeit less than it had hurt a few days ago.

"This, this is the universe of Star Odyssey, Lu Yin's universe!"

Xu Te was profoundly shocked, this was the world of one of those Xianxia novels he had talked about when asking the divine being what exactly cultivation was, and he had never expected this to be the place he had been reincarnated to.

Looking around him Xu Te saw the bodies of five cruisers, who had been killed by none other than him!

Or to be precise Seb Daynight.

Seb Daynight was only a Limiteer, however he possessed absolutely unparalleled battle prowess. Although he had died from his injuries afterwards he had defeated and killed these five cruisers, who had been the hegemons of the planet that Xu Te was currently on.

Seb Daynight had been the son of a Void Thunderbeast with a variant bloodline, becoming a Void Thunderdragon, and a mother from the Daynight Clan. He had not known either of his parents, however Seb Daynight had inherited their distinctive traits, as well as an unparalleled cultivation talent and battle ability.

Moreover, aside from possessing the natural talents and traits of these two unique entities, such as the special lightning of the Void Thunderbeast, but a mutated, stronger variant, which Seb Daynight called Void Thunderdragon Lightning, something unique to his variant beast father's bloodline, Seb Daynight also possessed an incredible and unique innate gift.

"Jesus Christ, this body is, is, unbelievable!"

Even Xu Te himself was shocked, despite this being his body now, with him having become Seb Daynight and Seb Daynight being him effectively.

"I've seen many overpowered characters across the various novels I've read, including Lu Yin from this universe, but my new body is fucking insane."

Seb Daynight's innate gift was something he called Many Men.

His innate gift allowed him to absorb the star energy in a radius around him, and then use this energy to create identical copies of himself.

At the Limiteer realm he could create 100 copies of himself, at the Cruiser Realm it would likely be a 1,000, and then 10,000 at the Hunter Realm!

This alone was incredible, but even more incredible was the special ability of his innate gift, where Seb Daynight could overlay these 100 copies onto himself, only for a short period of time before overwhelming his body, but for this short period his power would skyrocket by a huge amount.

This was what had allowed Seb Daynight to kill those five cruisers without allowing any to escape, however the attacks he sustained, as well as the strain he put on his body caused him to unfortunately die, which is why Xu Te was able to reincarnate into his body.

"Six line battle force, and a physical body which is able to withstand the usage of a 35 stack, 50 shockwave attack at the Limiteer Realm, as well as all his innate talents and gifts due to his bloodlines of the Void Thunderdragon and the Daynight Clan. Motherfucker that divine being truly picked an exquisite choice for reincarnation."

Xu Te was practically jumping up and down, unable to restrain his happiness for the entire hour it took to sift through his new memories.

"Seb Daynight, you may be gone, but I promise that I, Xu Te, will live on in your body and take us to the highest heights, and beyond, as that divine being put it. Your death will not be in vain!"

Xu Te felt a craving to uncover the origins of that divine being, who had given him another chance at life, and reincarnated him into this unbelievable body.

With his successful reincarnation, Xu Te set out to find a spaceship, and begin his journey into the vast universe he found himself reborn in, and perhaps even beyond!