
Steel Soul Online

David is a lawyer with a passion for videogames, even if his job doesn't let him play to his heart's content he is happy with playing every Saturday or Sunday in his VR capsule and, like everyone else, waits impatiently for the release of Steel Soul Online, the first VR Mecha game that combined magic and technology and the largest ever made for said system, But his life changed completely one fateful night while riding his Motorbike. Now in the world of SSO, he'll try to improve and overcome his peers, make new friends and conquer the world!... but he has to do it in the most unconventional way possible in a world where death is lurking at every step! Note: this is not an isekai ;)

Jaxer30 · ゲーム
7 Chs

Into the breach

When David opened his eyes he was in a strange 'tunnel' made of different colors, there was a lot of things traveling beside him at different speeds, some of them were like bullets while others were easily left behind by him, but there was only one thing that remained at his speed just a couple of meters in front of him: The shadow man, his sword was still piercing his chest and he was visibly struggling to summon his dark flames.

[You have entered a space rift!]

[While you travel inside the space channel you cannot use mana nor spiritual force!]

[Beware of flying objects!]

[2:58 left to exit space channel]

-I need to kill him before we arrive!- he quickly calmed down and formulated a plan while his enemy was still in confusion.

A car passed beside him and he used it as a springboard to reach for the sword, but his hand got grabbed at the last second before he was sent flying against a building, he broke a window and grabbed the frame to not lose his 'footing'.

"Well well well, this little vermin got too high-up, let me end your life!" he grabbed the sword in his chest and tried to ignite it instinctively but nothing came out, he snorted and tried to reach him by jumping from a pasing wall.

David dodged to his left with a roll as the sword pierced the frail wall, he tried to dodge a few more times but got a few more wounds on his already broken body, he saw his HP get down to 1 and knew that one more scratch and he would be a goner, but before the impact the man dodged instead of attacking, David was confused but soon the answer came.

He was hit by a skeleton traveling at roughly 80 km/hr, his upper half was brutally separated from his bottom half just before the whole body turned into ash, his soul was pressed against the bones and he forcefully possessed the body.

[You have used Possesion under the pressure of a space channel]

[Possesion will end when the pressure from space channel loosens]

A pale blue flame erupted from the chest of the skeleton and 2 little embers lighted up in his eye sockets, he showed his middle finger towards the shocked man, who gritted his teeth and catapulted himself towards David.

They started to brawl in the middle of the channel, throwing punches at each other and cracking their vessels in the process, some of the debris from the building started to accelerate and pierced them in various places, including some of David's ribs.

The fight made them accelerate as well and they started to catch up to some smaller objects, one of them was David's S&W; David headbutted him and used his body as a springboard to reach the gun, he shot once against him, but the projectile instead traveled in a straight line along the channel piercing anything in its path.

"Seems like your little toy doesn't work" the man chuckled and readied the sword again, David didn't throw away the gun and instead used it as a 'club'.




The tickling counter was at a corner of David's interface but he wasn't paying attention to it, he used the handle of the gun to break the jaw of the man but his sword broke a few of his ribs, both of them were filled with cracks and some of their "pieces" were far ahead in the channel, the brawl entered a critical state were it could be decided by a precise strike.

The rhythm was broken by the appearance of the man's scythe, he smirked and tried to push away David, but by doing so he noticed the weapon flying towards him and grabbed it with his free hand before his enemy could, he tried to decapitate him but the man threw away the sword to grab the scythe with both hands and smirked at him.

"You will die when we left this place, you know?" a blinding light appeared not far from them signaling the end of the tunnel.


"I'm sure of that, you will eat my soul if I don't kill you"


"Foolish answer" he started to laugh as they neared the exit and his black flames started to engulf him and the scythe.


"Foolish man" he aimed the gun at the man's head and pulled the trigger, piercing his head and turning his body in ash.

[You have exited the space rift!]

[Welcome to The Abyss!]

The Rift closed when both of them passed and crashed a couple of meters apart from each other, thankfully, nothing exploded due to the long time that those things were left in the open without protection from the cold.<br data-mce-bogus="1">

David ignored the notifications and possessed the skeleton the right way and grabbed his sword from the ground when he felt a suction force coming in front of him, he started to run towards it and discovered a very weak pitch-black soul trying to devour him, he stabbed it with the sword without question and the blade devoured it.

"PHEW...I don't know how I've lived this long, thank you God" he laughed and dropped to the floor, the rift a couple of meters in front of him vanished shortly after like it never existed and everything went silent, just then, he looked at the notifications.

[You are currently in Niflheim's second layer: The Abyss, a place for the pathless souls to rot for eternity]

[You have been tainted by the abyss and received a permanent debuff: Curse of The Abyss]

[You can no longer leave The Abyss]

[Congratulations! you have killed Meiyerditch, from the path of Death!]

[Spiritual force 54 (+10)]

[You have gained 100 XP!]

[Congratulations! you have killed a foe above your realm!]

[You have gained 100 Bonus XP!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Spiritual force: 64 (+10)]

[Mana: 30 (+10)

[You Have leveled up!]

[Spiritual force: 74 (+10)

[Mana: 40 (+10)]

[At this point, you may choose a path, some of your paths are influenced by your actions and affinities, choose wisely.]

"...wow...that's a lot to take in" He sat down and examined properly the information, sent a message to Kevin saying that he was fine and looked at his sword, there was a little black ember orbiting it that formed a face in agony sometimes. "Who's the little vermin now?" he chuckled a few times and then looked at his surroundings properly.

He was in a cave made of red stones, purple crystals gave off a faint light and there was a miasma permeating the air, he ignored the gas and stood up to stretch a little, "let's choose a path before exploring, i don't want to be anyone's dinner soon"

-I want to select a path-

[Paths available]

[Golemancy branch (Magic)]:

- Elemental magic path (v)

+ basic path that specializes in the four main elements.

- Metal bending path

+ Specialization in metal magic and its properties.

- Ice magic path

+ Specialization in ice and water magic.

- Magical engineering path

+ The study of magic through science and rational experimentation.

- Dice magician path

+ The study of magic centered around probability and luck.

[Mechanical path (technology)]:

- Mecha pilot

+ Basic path that specialized in piloting mechanical robots efficiently.

- Mechanic

+ The study of mechanics at a deeper level, letting the user build and customize machines.

- Ship captain

+ Special training to become the captain of a ship.

- Djinn path

+ Combination of magic and technology to create robots with magic circuits.

- Ice titan path

+ Specialization in ice magic and mechanics to create machines with ice affinity.

[Unespecialized branch]:

- Soul devourer path

+ The path to becoming stronger by consuming souls.

- Necromancer path.

+ Control over the death and its forces.

- Conqueror's path

+ The birth of an iron legion capable of conquering cities and destroying countries.

"Huh...that last one sounds very curious, it's the most interesting in the list," He thought about it a little and chose it, it would be fun to conquer some cities or something similar to that, but at the moment he tapped it an alert appeared in front of him.


[Conqueror's path is the more dangerous path available in Niflheim!]

"It makes it even better!" He laughed and tapped it again.



"What the-" Purple flames engulfed him and started to devour his soul, he could feel his soul being emptied until just a weak silver ember remained in the center of his soul.

[The Abyss has consumed your unuseful parts]

[Your path has been corrupted by The Abyss]

[Your new Path is]: Heart of the abyss.

[The difficulty of the path has been adjusted]

[Heart of the Abyss is now the most dangerous path available in Steel Soul Online]

[Changes made to your body available in the "Path" section]

The flame receded and revealed his bones again, they were repaired and were white as the snow, in his head, 2 little horns grew and his sword turned into ash before being absorbed by his flame, which had the form of a purple heart.


On the surface of Niflheim 33 beings raised their heads with different expressions: shock, greed, curiosity, wonder, but deep enough them was a unanimous feeling: Fear, they traveled the Conqueror's path and that let them know when another one rise with the same path, they had an agreement to kill and devour every soul that tried to be another conqueror on sight because they can shake their cities, or even take it away from them, but one special existence was on top of the danger scale for these lords.

"An abyssal lord has been born..." muttered a Fallen angel in a white palace, he unfolded his 4 pairs of wings and walked towards the balcony.

"The abyss huh, I missed kicking the ass of those beasts" A hunter who wore animal pelts laughed loud enough to be heard kilometers away from his city.

"The one that could shake the world has been born...I need to make preparations" A shadow inside a castle in the air disappeared from his throne and appeared in front of an army of titans from various shapes "Activate emergency level zero, Wake up Quezatlcoatl", when he finished his words a deep and guttural roar came from the city as it transformed into a giant winged snake.

"The abyss? I don't care..." A deep voice resounded as a giant turtle walked the endless wasteland carrying a city on its back.

Across the world, the other lords started to make preparations and prepare for the inevitable war against the demons from the Abyss, but the peasants didn't realize it, they continued their unlife suffering the influx of annoying players in the cities.


In a room full of people in white coats a little notification appeared in the main monitor, it was tiny in the sea of other things being showed like battles of spaceships, ancient dragon flying in the sky or players exploring the world, but that little notification halted everyone in the room.

"It came quicker than we expected"

"What happened? Why the Abyss lord has been born?! It was supposed to come into existence in 6 months!"

"A player? What is a player doing in the Abyss?"

"I don't know! it shouldn't be possible!" answered someone typing in his computer, "Apparently he fell in a space crack and ended there!"

"Space crack? oh...shit, the teleportations in Niflheim..."

"It still doesn't explain it! the council should not let anyone become an Abyss lord!"

"Check the server rooms! we may have a malfunction somewhere!"

Everyone was confused and yelling for answers, some of them were analyzing the situation and the leader of them was calling their superiors, but one thing was for sure: they got a lot of work ahead and a lot of rewriting to do.

Second chapter today, I want to upload 2 more chapters tomorrow as an apology for my hiatus.

I hope you like the new storyline and the new adventures in the Abyss!

Have a great day!

Jaxer30creators' thoughts