

<p>The largest pharmaceutical facility in the Savanah region, once the ownership of Hanger Holdings. It is now under the control of terrorists who wishes to bring the region under their control. The facility holds an underground extension. With the limited time we have, we only have to make way for the rest of the teams to enter. We are only a battering ram, someone who breaks in and let the others join the fray.<br/><br/>"Technical team, you have contacted the base for updates on the mission have you?" Our squad leader asked.<br/><br/>"Yes sir, we are working on it. Signal's been choppy we are at ninety-five percent to full transmission!" I said in reply.<br/><br/>"Hurry it up, we do not have much time!" He ordered.<br/><br/>"We will have to wait sir. If we move, the signal may loose we only have at least a quarter signal strength." I explained to him.<br/><br/>"I guess we cannot do a thing about it. We will clear the area ahead of you. Follow our trail once we are done!" The squad leader said and headed out with seven grunts. <br/><br/>They are all heavily armed with sub-machine guns, heavy armor and CQC equipment. As the doors of the facility opened they entered cautiously. When the coast is clear they started to move forward.<br/><br/>The transmission of data finally finished when the transmitter signaled one hundred percent and beeped. <br/><br/>"That's the signal, let's follow the grunts. Some of you remain to help the marksmen as lookouts. The rest follow me!" I ordered the men as I go to follow the grunts with our Squad leader.<br/><br/>Dismembered corpses and blood stains covers the walls. The grunts seemed to have a hell of a fight in clearing these halls. They are indeed quite good at CQC, something that I myself bad at. These seasoned veterans are good with their stuff. I wonder if when will I become someone of their caliber.<br/><br/>"Hold! I said when I saw a shadow ahead of me." I aimed my weapon in front of me and told my men into CQC formation.<br/><br/>I held my right arm in the air with a clenched fist. Moments later I signaled my men to observe my movements as I slowly proceeded with my knife in my right hand. A subordinate of mine then points his submachine gun to my position. Just in case if something happens to me he will support me with supporting fire. <br/><br/>When I had the chance I decided to strike at what I believed to be an enemy at his throat. I tried as swiftly as I can but was parried by a grunt who happened to be watching his back.<br/><br/>"What the heck Damon!?" A grunt shouted at me gasping for his breath.<br/><br/>"I apologize... It won't happen again." I said taking away my weapon.<br/><br/>"I could have shot ya!" The grunt said.<br/><br/>"What happened here?" I asked and took a peek.<br/><br/>I covered my mouth as I tried to barf out of disgust. It is a dismembered corpse probably eaten by something. <br/><br/>"It could be something worse..." The grunt said.<br/><br/>"Technical team, where are they? Ah, there you are!" The squad leader said and grabbed me by my shoulder.<br/><br/>He drags me to the control room where they are reviewing footage from the CCTV and recent audio recordings. It seems like carnage indeed happened, reanimated corpses feasts on the then-living personnel of the facility. The efforts of the survivors payed off in locking the infected down to the lower parts of the facility.<br/><br/>"This is bad, there's no intelligence or anything worth to be found." The squad leader said disappointed in what he saw.<br/><br/>"We could go down to the lower floors and investigate sir!" A grunt said but was met with a shook of the head from the squad leader.<br/><br/>"It's too dangerous and risky. We need to send the decontamination team and clear the facility." The squad leader said.<br/><br/>Facing to my direction, the squad leader saw something peculiar. There was a locker room behind me which reek of stench.<br/><br/>"Someone must have hid there." The squad leader said.<br/><br/>A grunt break the door as the squad leader commanded. They saw two dead bodies who seem to have died in different causes. The other one died of his injuries and the other probably out of hunger or suffocation. There was a recording found on the pocket of one of the corpses.<br/><br/>The squad leader then plays the recording, it started ten days from the start of the incident. We all sat down the seven of us, four grunts, the squad leader and two of from the technical team.<br/><br/>"The terrorists have locked us up after gathering all the data about the new strain of virus we have discovered. The problem with the contaminated and the infected have been dealt with but the problem lies in what to do next. I have locked myself here with my friend who seems to have infected. I will not allow myself to infect other people by locking myself here in the control room..."<br/><br/>Skipping three days of recording...<br/><br/>"It is strange, I should have been infected but the virus is slow towards its progress. I feel weird that's all, lightheaded and strange. I don't feel hungry, my stomach is all bloated and secretes weird fluid that has a weird smell."<br/><br/>Skipping on the last day of the recording...<br/><br/>Only mutters can be heard the audio becomes inaudible. The person's face cannot be recognized and the recorder is having a hard time with its display. Moments later a gunshot was heard. The recording ended after that.<br/><br/>The squad leader covers the corpses with stained white cloth. We bowed down as we payed respects for the dead. Moments later the squad leader raises up his head and started to bark orders to us. <br/><br/>"Very well people, since no one here had survived. I will contact headquarters to request for a decontamination unit. They will arrive here two days from now. We will set camp five hundred meters from the facility and lock it down from the outside..."<br/><br/>We began to move after the squad leader said his final orders. In an orderly fashion we went out. With the final grunt finally went out we were put to quarantine and decontaminated. It took me two hours before I was allowed to go outside. There were four of us that took longer and have to stay in the quarantine after showing symptoms. One showed signs of side-effects in form of allergies towards the precursor. While one got an injury from a sharp object while the two others probably infected. <br/><br/>I sighed as I went out grabbed some warm drink from the cafeteria as most of us are taking their breaks. We will wait for the decontamination unit and our relief before we can go back to camp. For the mean time I shall take my time here.</p>