

  She is currently planning a visit to Aunt Carol's house. She hasn't been able to see them?in a few weeks. Before leaving her room, she took a shower and dressed. Uncle Conrad was watching television in the living room when she arrived.

  "Hello, Uncle," She?says.

  "I thought you were in the hospital."

  "I went there earlier, but I came home because I needed to sleep," Elodie explained.

  Uncle Conrad said, "Is that so, you're probably tired because you woke up at five o'clock."

  "Yeah, Uncle, how's your stay here in the mansion? Aren't you bored?"

  "No, I prepare in here very quietly; no woman disturbs me; in France, I always hide because women are chasing me," Uncle Conrad said, his face solemn.


  "Do I appear to be joking? I'm disgusted by their presence; I wasn't born attractive, but I'll leave it to them," he explained.

  Elodie rolled her eyes.

  She murmured, "Conceited and humble."