

  Mitch nodded, and the man walked away. So we began to eat.

  "Didn't you call her?and tell her?we're here?"?

  "No, because it's a surprise,?but I'm sure her?Uncle will call her."

  The man entered the living room again. It also shook her?head.

  "I'm sorry, but I didn't call her?because I ran out of load; however, if you're not in a hurry, just wait until tonight."

  "Is she going to be late?"?

  "I'm not sure either, because I was just here yesterday."

  Mitch gave a nod.

  The man took the dishes after we finished eating. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, but what we had been expecting had yet to arrive. But I was distracted by the noise coming from inside. I count nine women.

  "Oh, we have a visitor," the black woman with shoulder-length hair explained.

  Mitch took a look at them as well.

  "Good afternoon, we're waiting for Elodie," Mitch explained.

  "Hmmm, I think she's working overtime; aren't you in a hurry?" ?the curly-haired woman asks Mitch.