

  After Uncle Conrad had left, I got in my car and drove away from the restaurant. I'm so tired that all I want to do is sleep. In half an hour, I was outside the mansion. I took a deep breath before opening the gate. Right now, I'm furious with Mr. Yun; his inebriation should not be an excuse for him to disrespect?me. I opened the gate with the remote control.

  I also drove in the car. I'm going to take a bath to get rid of the remnants of Mr. Yun's kiss on my neck and chest. I want to kick him and punch him again. Nobody has the authority to offend or disrespect me. I hope he never returns to see me again. I got out of the car. And entered the mansion. I discovered they were all in the living room. Their entire focus was on me.

  "Are you all right, Miss? It's like five men chased you with your looks and the sweat on your face," Devora asked.

  I walked up to them and sat down.

  "Can I please have some water first? I'm very thirsty."