
Chapter 23 : Meeting Nagisa-chan...

Kojou : So the reason none of the familiars could feel up to now was that you were stuck in the unstable space or ruins...

Avrora : That's right, there i recreated my body but now i'm not immortal just a simple vampire...

Noa : Therefore everything she once had started to belong to you her successor...

Kojou : Too much information, i need to digest them...

Avrora : Sure but let's leave from here perhaps the patrol will return later...

Kojou : Oh, right...

Having agreed on going to Kojou's house after much debate about it they finally left from there and within 30-40 minutes they reached it... Kojou turned his head and looked at Noa as he gave them a deadly glare...

Noa : You, know you can't really kill with a look....

Kojou : No that was a warning for you, try anything to my little sister and i'll kill you...

Noa : Oh?? You?? Kill me??

Noa : You need to drink human blood in order to have a chance at killing me punk.....

Avrora : Kojou drop it... Even i in my prime would have doubts if i can kill him or not...

Kojou : Ugh....

Just as they entered inside and open the lights, a sound of glass breaking was heard and when they looked they saw Nagisa with a half shocked - half sleeping face looking at them from the kitchen...

Kojou : Damn... she was awake...

Avrora had her hand on her face as she was sighing, while Noa was the one who was most excited he was seeing Nagisa live... She has reddish eyes and long black hair. Her hair who is usually up in a high ponytail, tied with a blue ribbon was now down untied in her back.

She wore childish yellow pyjamas with different kinds of animals, Now could even see a bit her pinky underwear as her pants weren't fixed properly since it wasn't long she got up for some water...

Avrora noticed this and made a V sign with her finger before shoving it in his eyes as she wanted to protect her innocence...

Noa : Aaaaaaaggghhhhhh, what the hell are you doing..... My eyes..... my eyes.....

Avrora : That's what you get for defiling an angel with your eyes...

Noa : It's not a sin to look a such a cute little angel!!!!!!

Avrora : But it is a sin to do something with your other mind.....

Noa : Bitch...

Avrora : I love you too...

Nagisa manage to awake when he heard the screams of Noa from her half sleeping state and was shocked when she saw the familiar face in front of her...

Nagisa : You.... you.... you.........

Nagisa started tearing up when she saw Avrora, she didn't know she was alive... and not only that her eyes started changing as well...

Nagisa : You are alive...

Avrora : Mmmnnn, it's been a while Nagisa-chan... and Avrora the other me...

A voice came from Nagisa as one of her eyes had changed colours into one red one for some reason white...

Avrora Present : I have no words to say......

Avrora Future : Well you were sleeping inside Nagisa as she tapped her powers and sealed you inside...

Nagisa : This....????? Two Avrora's????

Avrora started walking closer to Nagisa and within a few steps she was face to face with her, she raised her hand and touched her white coloured eye creating a connection with the other Avrora...

Nagisa didn't move as she was certain she wouldn't hurt them and after 30 or so seconds Avrora retracted her hand back waiting for the other Avrora to process everything that the other had told her...

Avrora Present : I see, it was unfortunate that i couldn't fuse at that time with you i didn't count being assimilated in Nagisa...

Avrora Future : It's fine.... what i want your help now is to unseal her altered memories...

Daily Chapters...

Bleach, Naruto, Dan Machi, Fairy Tail, One Piece, DxD, STB, ToDaG - 1 Per Day

I Owe 0

Thank you all for your support and comment as i'm still getting well... Good News i got a job... Bad news either i will write specifically days or entering occasionally hiatus...


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