
STB System In Strike The Blood

Noa Elkeon is a pretty much normal guy at least on the outside world... When he reaches home from work or different types of activities he changes personalities and become a Vampire progenitor... Or at least he would wish to become one but unfortunately, this is real life and not his favourite Anime... But what happened when an earthquake happens and demolished countless apartments??? The answer is simple he died.....

Seion · アニメ·コミックス
242 Chs

Chapter 114 : Dust In The Wind!!!

After making the whole world go in turmoil, the ones at the scene had only one thought.....

How did such a monster pass unnoticed from them??

Every Inmate having the runes in their bodies started vanishing like ashes into nothingness and even the ashes got erased at the end of it leaving no trace behind...

The 4 people that were from the group of 7 that came out started vanishing as well as they screamed in agony and despair...

However just as one of them was about to start vanishing and had only his arm being blown away in the wind...

Suddenly a young man appeared with blonde hair and blue eyes. Wearing a white blazer over a white vest on top of a lavender-coloured long sleeve, with a dark blue tie and brown shoes.

He cut off the hand with the rune on the Inmate Meiga Itogami not caring about pissing off Noa however just as they were about to retreat he got crashed on the hard ground...

??? : Guaa...

Avrora : You sure have some guts getting in the way of my Husband huh... Dimitrie Vatler...

Before he could answer her as he tried to look who attacked him loud sounds of crumbling away were heard shocking everyone as the rest of the prison became dust in the air...

Vatler : That's impossible!!!

Avrora : I wonder exactly how much did he use to do all this....

Avrora : Making the prison vanish along with the rumbles must have taken a toll on him...

Vatler heard Avrora and finally recognised the voice as he slowly turned around and saw her shocking him down to his core...

Not paying attention to him, Avrora was looking at Noa who was slowly coming down as he was pale and panting as hell...

He had lost all colour on his face and his eyes were still active...

He watched as the prison completely gone and from the sea, a core raised up and as soon as it did a message came to Noa from his system...

S.T.B Ting!!! : Quest Updated 5.!!!!!

Natsuki Minamiya Has Locked Her Heart To The Other Desires And Is Only Kind To Those She Treats As Family...

1. Help Her Escape The Prison!! Done!!

2. Kill All Prisoners Except Female Targets!!!

3. Destroy The Prison!!! Done!!

4. Destroy The Core Of The Prison!!

Rewards : Max Stats - 10.000 Points!!!

Noa : Oh?? Quests could be updated?? That's new...

Above the Core, the adult version of Natsuki was sitting around 50 meters high from it as she looked at Noa with fear, awe, expectations and many more but what was the most you could see was astonishment...

Noa : Hold on a bit Natsuki-chan i'll free you now...

Gathering his remain magic as he had expended it all even the one that was sealed as it served as a battery when his unsealed magic got used up his sealed up one refilled the other until he was completely spent...

His eyes flickered with more runes and rushed to entangle the core and also the one Valter tried to save...

Smiling bitterly that he was dead set on killing Meiga accepted his fate as he could move...

Surprisingly enough he never felt the magic touching him and when he opened his eyes he saw a clone in front of him and Aya having a pale face from using her powers...

What surprised Noa was that when the clone got erased instead of the Original he completed his mission and along with the destruction and erasion of the core he completed it...

Noa and everyone else looked at Aya with looks that kept sending her the question of why you helped him??

Not willing to answer them Aya sat down as she had to use a large amount of power to instantly create one had was simply an empty shell...

At that point however the space around them froze as they looked at loli Natsuki and adult Natsuki looking at everyone before their eyes fell on Noa...

Weekly... One Piece - Naruto

I owe... Fairy X3

DxD (9/20)

July : Naruto (0/8)

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