


after a long flight, I finally arrived from Australia

after checking in and everything, I walked out and looked out for my brother

my eyes met the pair of eyes I was waiting to see for the past 7 months

/"ALISSA!!/" My brother yelled

/"Noah!!/" I yelled leaving my bag and running to him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck

/"I MISSED YOU/" Noah said wrapping his arms around me tighter

/"i missed you lots more, I'm so glad to see you!ugh! I literally missed you a lot!/" I Said as he put me down

/"How was your flight?/" He asked

/"a long one/" I said

/"you must be tired, now let me take you home/" Noah said grabbing my bags before placing a kiss on my forehead

I got into the passenger seat as Noah put my bags in the trunk before he got into the driver seat

We drove in silence as I looked out of the window staring ,

/"I didn't even think I'd miss this place so much/" I said

/"You don't know how much I'm happy that you're here, and you don't know how much Stass,sahar are going to be and even molly, and Laurs/" Noah said as his face lit up while saying her name

/"Molly,,I miss that ass lots. you love her so much don't you?/" I asked

/"I love her more than anything, Okay maybe you're a point higher but she's my everything, I can't live without her, she makes me happy and I really love being with her. She's so sweet, beautiful, kind and amazing/" Noah said

/"you love her a lot,/" I Said /"I still remember 3years ago, I miss her lots lots/" I Said

/"her and Laura were like the defenders of you from jack when you used to fight/" Noah said

/"did he change?/" I asked

/"same old jack/" Noah said /"after you left, they came back and he's been different around everyone, Molly says that he is going through stuff ,you know I hated him for like all 2 years after he left us without a goodbye but you know I spend a lot of time around them so me and him still have that connection/" Noah said

/"I can't even stand being in a house with him, so please if Katherine and David want to see me, make sure jack is out of the house, I can't see him/" I Said

/"We'll see about that/" Noah said

after a 15 minute drive, we arrived infront of a large house which I used to live couple of years ago

/"Anthony! Hey!/" I said hugging our 47 year old driver, who spend more than 15 years with us

/"Alissa! oh you're grown into a beautiful lady, we missed having you around/" Anthony said

/"Hey Ben,/" I said

/"Hello ms.smith/" Ben said

/"Oh god not that Again! You know how much I hate that name and hey nothing changed so we're still on Alissa or even liss/" I Said as Ben took my bags

/"Welcome back to home/" Noah said as he opened the house door

As soon I stepped in, the closed lights opened and a 'SURPRISE' was yelled

/"Noah/" I said looking at him as he smiled

/"LISS!/" Stass and Sahar ran to me engulfing me into a big hug

/" hey/" I Said as I smiled to my two long distance bestfriend that i talked to everyday



/"I missed you girls so much more/" I said as we pulled away

/"hey!/" Molly and Laura approached me

/"Hey!/" I Said hugging both of them

/"you look different!/" Molly said

/"A good different, I mean. You look incredibly beautiful and I missed you SO MUCH/"Molly said

/"It's nice finally to see you! Last time I saw you was like 4 years ago? I missed you/" Laura said

/"I missed both of you too, and thanks molls, I can see why my brother love you that much/" I Said as she blushed

/"darlin/" Katherine said hugging me

/"Oh my dear, you look so much like your mother, and you've grown into a quite pretty girl/" Katherine said

/"Thankyou/" I Said

/"It's nice seeing you again dear/" David Said

/"Thankyou, it's nice to see you too, i truly missed you/" I Said

/"Awh, we missed you more darling! I can't wait to gush with you about the hot boys there/" Katherine said

/"wrong place Katherine/" I said looking at David

/"yup wrong place/" David said as I giggled

/"what? It's not like I'll be interested in them, I just wanna know her love life/" Katherine said

/"HOLAA/" Sammy said hugging me

/"Hey buddy!/" I said laughing

/" hey Johnson/" I said hugging him

/"Hey liss, you look completely different/" he said

/"A hottie you mean/" sam said as Stass death glared him as I laughed

/"What? I'm just complimenting my friend!/" Sam said as everyone laughed

/"Come here sissy lets enjoy the party rather than talking to these douches/" Noah said as I laughed before going with them

The music played and everyone started to dance and sing along

/" I'm gonna grab some water/" I Yelled to sahar and Stass

I entered the kitchen, I opened the usual drawer were cups were found but it wasn't there

/"Why the heck do they change the places?/" I whispered

/"Oh god, where is Suzan? Bethany? Oh right! They are sleeping, where the heck are the cups?/" I Said

/"Right there/" I heard a voice from behind me speak